‘Smart Opioid’ Relieves Pain with Lower Risk of Overdose

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

An experimental form of hydrocodone relieves moderate-to-severe acute pain without the risks of traditional opioids, according to the results of an early-stage Phase 1 clinical trial.

Elysium Therapeutics say its proprietary “SMART” formulation of hydrocodone – called Oral Overdose Protected (O2P) hydrocodone – releases therapeutic levels of the pain medication when exposed to trypsin, a digestive enzyme in the small intestine. Conversely, the drug can also inhibit production of trypsin – and slow the release of hydrocodone -- if a "supratherapeutic" (more than recommended) dose is ingested.

In theory, that will reduce the risk of abuse, diversion and overdose.

"Because non-opioid options are ineffective and existing opioids have no protection against their inherent risks, moderate-to-severe acute pain is not adequately managed in greater than 80% of patients in the US,” Greg Sturmer, CEO of Elysium Therapeutics said in a press release.

“As shown in our human study, our SMART opioids, led by O2P hydrocodone, mitigate the major risks associated with existing prescription opioids without sacrificing their superior analgesic efficacy, especially when compared to currently marketed non-opioid alternatives and those in development."

The proof-of-concept study included 93 healthy participants who were not in pain, but had previously used and tolerated prescription opioids. Their blood plasma levels were measured after taking O2P hydrocodone and compared to plasma levels after taking traditional hydrocodone. Participants were also given naltrexone as a safety measure to block the sedative effect of the drugs.

Investigators say the plasma concentrations of hydrocodone were significantly lower after taking the O2P formulation, but were high enough to be “potentially lethal” from traditional hydrocodone. No adverse events were reported from O2P hydrocodone, even when taken at supratherapeutic doses.

"The results from the O2P-001 study indicate that Elysium's O2P technology could yield safer opioids that address the key issues inherent in current opioids that have fueled the opioid crisis, while providing patients with highly effective pain relief," said Leela Vrishabhendra, MD, principal investigator of the study.

Many U.S. hospitals have started using non-opioid pain medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and gabapentinoids to treat post-operative acute pain. Studies have found that some patients are not happy with the results and want more pain control. O2P hydrocodone would give them an alternative.

Phase I clinical studies are preliminary in nature and usually just measure the safety and tolerability of a drug, not its effectiveness. Elysium hopes its findings will lead to a “breakthrough therapy” designation from the FDA, which will speed up the development of its O2P technology and lead to larger clinical trials that would better assess pain relief.   

"Given the robust Phase 1 human proof-of-concept data, we plan to meet with the FDA to discuss next steps, finalize our dose form for remaining clinical studies, and seek partners and investors who share our passion to disrupt the pain and opioid use disorder markets with safer medicines that reduce trauma and save lives," said CEO Greg Sturmer.

UK Crisis Grows Over Pregabalin Misuse

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Nearly 3,400 people in the UK have died from overdoses involving pregabalin in the last five years, according to an investigation by The Sunday Times.

One of them was a young man named Alex Cottam, who spiraled into drug abuse, addiction and a fatal overdose after he started taking pregabalin for anxiety and depression.   

“It’s hard to imagine somebody’s whole life revolved around a pill, but it did,” said Cottam’s mother, Michelle. “It completely changed him, like it was an obsession.”

The Sunday Times’ story about Cottam and other pregabalin users sparked a frenzy in British tabloids about the growing misuse of the drug.

“Our Pregabalin nightmare” was the headline in the Daily Mail, which shared the story of a woman with arthritis who said she “felt like I was losing my mind” after taking the drug for six months. Another woman told the tabloid she began seeing “dead people” within 30 minutes of her first dose.  

In a first-person account published in The Telegraph, Miranda Levy wrote about the severe withdrawal she experienced when she stopped taking pregabalin for depression.

First came the pins and needles, closely followed by the sweating,” said Levy. “Add to this the progression of unremitting nausea, retching, diarrhea, jitteriness, dizziness so bad you can’t stand up and the feeling you’re about to die.”

Pregabalin – commonly known as the brand name Lyrica -- was never intended to treat anxiety, depression or arthritis. It was originally developed as an anticonvulsant that was first approved by the FDA in 2004 as a treatment for epilepsy. Since then it has been prescribed for dozens of painful conditions such as fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy, and is sometimes hailed as a “wonder drug” that is safer than opioids.

Pregabalin has helped some pain patients, but for many it’s also had severe side effects such as fatigue, insomnia and cognitive decline. Margaret Heath started taking pregabalin two years ago for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and says it ruined her life.

"I've been on every type of morphine you can be put on... this is by far and away the worse drug to be on. It's worse than fentanyl. There is absolutely no comparison with the viciousness of the withdrawal of pregabalin," Heath told LBC News. "There would be days where I would not be able to do anything except lie there... it was debilitating."

Nearly nine million prescriptions for pregabalin were written in the US in 2021, the last year for which data is available. A similar number were written in England and Wales the following year, despite growing concerns in the UK that pregabalin is being misused to boost the euphoric effects of other drugs.

Pregabalin has become so popular with illicit drug users that it frequently appears in overdose toxicology reports. The number of fatal overdoses in the UK involving pregabalin has risen by nearly 11,000% since 2011, followed by a 3,275% increase in gabapentin-related drug deaths.    

UK Drugs With Biggest % Increase in Deaths (2011-2022)


Pregabalin and gabapentin (Neurontin) belong in a class of nerve medication known as gabapentinoids. Their mechanism of action – how they affect the brain and central nervous system – is still unclear two decades after their medical use was approved.

The UK drug statistics are mirrored in a recent analysis of drug tests in the US, which found gabapentin in over 13% of urine samples that tested positive for fentanyl. That’s about twice the number of drug tests in which prescription opioids were found.

Just because a drug is “involved” in an overdose or appears in a drug test doesn’t necessarily mean that drug caused the overdose or is a red flag for addiction. But experts say its long past time for doctors to be more careful about prescribing pregabalin, and to warn patients about potential side effects and the risk of withdrawal.

“How can there be rising deaths from pregabalin and a huge explosion of prescriptions, with all these troubles, and yet doctors are using this drug to treat anxiety?” asks Dr. Mark Horowitz, a clinical research fellow at the UK’s National Health Service.

“Doctors are selling cars without brakes,” Horowitz told The Sunday Times. “It boggles the mind when a drug is showing all these dangers to then use it on a wider variety of people.”

Prescription Opioids Play Only Minor Role in Overdose Crisis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The role of prescription opioids in the nation’s overdose crisis continues to shrink.

In a new study from the drug testing firm Millennium Health, researchers say multiple substances were found last year in nearly 93% of urine samples in which fentanyl was detected. That is not altogether surprising, as “polysubstance” use increased as fentanyl came to dominate the illicit drug supply, appearing in more and more street drugs such as heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

What is surprising is the minimal role that prescription opioids now play. In 2013, opioid pain medication was the most common substance found in fentanyl-positive drug tests in the United States, appearing in over 70% of urine samples.  A decade later, prescription opioids were detected in less than one in ten samples — ranking far behind methamphetamine, cannabis, cocaine and heroin.

In fact, you are about twice as likely to find two other medications -- benzodiazepines (15.8%) and gabapentin (13.3%) -- than you are prescription opioids (7.6%) in urine samples testing positive for fentanyl.

Substances Detected in Fentanyl-Positive Drug Tests (2023)


Millennium based its findings on over 4.1 million urine drug tests (UDTs) collected from 2013 to 2023 and analyzed through mass spectrometry. Because many of those samples came from people being treated for a substance use disorder, they offer a clear insight into drug trends that are driving the overdose crisis.

Now in its “fourth wave,” Millennium says a tidal shift has occurred in the so-called opioid epidemic, with illicit drug users far more likely to use non-opioid substances like stimulants than prescription opioids.

“National, regional, and state-level UDT data all suggest that people who use fentanyl are now, intentionally or unintentionally, much more likely to also use methamphetamine and cocaine,” the report found. “The results of our analyses also reveal shifting patterns of opioid use among those who use fentanyl. More specifically, they showed progressive declines in prescription opioid use from 2015 to 2023.”

The declining role of prescription opioids can be traced back to the 2016 CDC opioid guideline and a multiyear campaign by the DEA to slash opioid production quotas, which has reduced the supply of oxycodone and hydrocodone by about two-thirds. There is little evidence either of those federal efforts reduced the number of overdoses. The CDC estimates there were over 111,000 drug deaths in the 12-month period ending in September 2023 — nearly double the number of fatal overdoses in 2016.

The growing use of stimulants such as methamphetamine makes it difficult for public health campaigns to address the problem. Unlike opioids, there are no FDA-approved medications for stimulant use disorder, leaving behavioral therapies and abstinence as the only “evidence-based” treatments for people with a stimulant problem.

“Stimulants are a serious national challenge emphasizing the need for continued progress on the national plan to address methamphetamine supply, use, and consequences,” Millennium said.

Rx Opioid Misuse Rare in Children with Sickle Cell Disease

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Children with sickle cell disease show no signs of misusing or becoming addicted to opioids after being treated for an acute pain crisis, according to a new study.

Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that causes red blood cells to form in a crescent or sickle shape, which creates painful blockages in blood vessels – known as a vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC) -- that can lead to seizures, strokes and organ failure. About 100,000 Americans live with sickle cell disease, primarily people of African or Hispanic descent.

In a retrospective cohort study involving 725 children with sickle cell disease (SCD), researchers at Georgia State University found “no concerning patterns of long-term or increasing use of opioids” within 3 years of their first opioid prescription.

A VOC is a life-threatening condition that is the most common reason for an SCD patient to visit a hospital or emergency room. Guidelines for emergency VOC treatment call for opioids and other analgesics to be administered with one hour. However, due to the stigma associated with opioids and fears of addiction, many SCD patients face long delays before receiving treatment, as well as discrimination and suspicion that they are seeking opioids to get high.

The study findings, published in JAMA Pediatrics, found little evidence to justify those fears. In the 725 children who were studied – all under the age of nine – only one pattern of low opioid use was found.  Most of the children used opioids sparingly, with only one in four (25.4%) having an opioid prescription for codeine or hydrocodone filled for them within five days of being discharged from a hospital after a VOC.

Researchers say more studies are needed to determine whether the limited use of opioids shows the effectiveness of nonopioid pain management or highlights “an unintended and potentially harmful treatment access problem” caused by opioid phobia.

"Because of the opioid epidemic, it's important to make sure that people understand that when giving prescriptions for children with sickle cell disease, you aren't creating folks who are going to misuse opioids," lead author Angela Snyder, PhD, of the Georgia Health Policy Center at Georgia State University, told MedPage Today.

In 2020, a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine called for major changes in the way sickle cell disease is treated in the United States, including an end to the discrimination and stigma that many sickle cell patients face.

DEA Urged to End ‘Red Flag’ Policy for Pharmacies

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A coalition of telehealth companies is urging the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to stop telling pharmacies to be careful about filling prescriptions for opioids and other controlled substances that originate from out-of-state.

The DEA’s “red flag” policy has had a chilling effect on doctors and patients nationwide, including those that use telehealth services. Many pain patients have found that pharmacies won’t fill opioid prescriptions written by doctors that are not near them geographically.  

In an open letter to the DEA, the American Telemedicine Association and a handful of telehealth providers said “clearer green lights” were needed from the DEA on how to safely dispense controlled substances, not more red flags.

“The DEA should provide explicit guidance to the pharmacy community that geography of a prescriber in relation to the patient or the pharmacy should not be a ‘red flag’ when a prescription is a result of a telehealth visit,” the letter states. “The distance of a telehealth prescriber from the patient alone should not give a pharmacist a signal that the prescription may be illegitimate.”

The DEA relaxed telehealth rules three years ago at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, to allow for opioids, stimulants, sedatives and other controlled substances to be prescribed remotely via telehealth. Those temporary rules have been extended until the end of 2024, to give the DEA more time to develop permanent ones to govern telehealth.

Many pharmacies haven’t gotten the message. In a recent PNN survey, over 90% of pain patients with an opioid prescription said they had trouble getting a pharmacy to dispense their medication. Drug shortages are the primary cause, but so is the fear of some pharmacists that they could get in trouble or even lose their jobs if they filled a prescription deemed suspicious because it comes from out-of-state.

“In conversations with the pharmacy community and in our experience as prescribers, we have determined many pharmacies and pharmacists are currently considering geography as a ‘red flag.’ While red flags are not defined in statute or regulations or other official guidance, in the wake of the overprescribing and overdispensing contributing to the opioid epidemic, pharmacists have been directed to do so as a part of their corresponding responsibility, or due diligence to ensure that prescriptions are legitimate,” the letter from the telehealth coalition states.

‘An Unusual Distance’

Federal laws and regulations may not clearly define what a red flag is, but the onus is clearly put on pharmacies to catch them:

“[A] pharmacist or pharmacy may not dispense a prescription in the face of a red flag (i.e., a circumstance that does or should raise a reasonable suspicion as to the validity of a prescription) unless he or it takes steps to resolve the red flag and ensure that the prescription is valid.”

Under a 2022 opioid litigation settlement, drug distributors and big chain pharmacies agreed to tightly limit the supply of opioids and be on the lookout for suspicious orders. That includes patients with prescriptions for “highly diverted controlled substances” written by doctors from a zip code 50 miles or more from a pharmacy. Pharmacies with a high volume of those prescriptions risk having their drug supplies further restricted or cutoff.

DEA investigators and federal prosecutors have long targeted doctors and pharmacies that have out of state patients. In 2021, for example, DEA suspended the license of a Florida pharmacy that “repeatedly ignored obvious red flags of abuse or diversion,” including a high number of patients who traveled “an unusual distance” to obtain their prescriptions.

Contrary to popular belief, opioid diversion is rare. The DEA estimates that less than one percent of oxycodone (0.3%) and hydrocodone (0.42%) medications are lost, stolen or diverted.

Another example of a provider being red-flagged came in 2022, when DEA suspended the controlled substance license of Dr. David Bockoff, a California physician who treated many chronically ill patients from out of state who couldn’t find local providers.

Within days of Bockoff’s suspension, one of his patients and his wife died by suicide at their home in Georgia. A few weeks later, another patient died at her home in Arizona, apparently from complications caused by opioid withdrawal. Neither of those patients were using telehealth to see Dr. Bockoff, but their deaths highlight how red flags and heavy-handed oversight of medical providers can have serious consequences.    

“DEA must use this opportunity to make clear what their expectations are for pharmacists in filling telehealth prescriptions of controlled substances,” the letter from the telehealth coalition warns. “If DEA simply adds recordkeeping, reporting, or data requirements to the overwhelming workload pharmacies and pharmacists already face, access issues will only be exacerbated.”

Medical Marijuana Saved Me After Forced Opioid Tapering

By Christine Kucera

I can tell you outright that medical marijuana saved my life!  

I am an intractable pain patient who was harmed in 2019 when the chief medical officer at my well-known health institution decided to implement mandatory system-wide opioid policies for all doctors and patients, based on the CDC’s opioid guideline.

I am not opioid naive, don't have adverse reactions to opioids (other than some don't work on me), and I wasn't misusing or even at risk of overdose. But that didn't matter to the CMO. He forced my pain management provider to taper all his patients on opioids or risking losing his position.

I was subsequently tapered to 90 MME (morphine milligram equivalent), which was a third of the well-managed opioid regimen I was on for over 30 years.  Messed up, right?  

Medical marijuana/cannabis was the alternative of last resort for me. Unlike opioids, I'm extremely sensitive to marijuana, and need to be able to think and talk. As the taper continued, my ability to cope with unmanageable, agonizing pain went bye-bye. I couldn't sit, stand, lay down or sleep without the pain being unbearable. I was literally being tortured to death.  

I became severely ill, my health destabilized, and I was hospitalized numerous times. I became depressed and suicidal, reaching out to everyone for help as hopelessness set in. Thoughts about transitioning to death were my constant companion. 

I had a choice: fight with what's available or give in to despair. I refused to give up hope and decided to try medical marijuana. After discussing it with my provider, I applied for a Massachusetts medical marijuana license. Once approved, I immediately went to a dispensary and the experimentation began. 

Everyone will have different experiences with cannabis. Just like opioids, it depends how your body metabolizes it. I had more than a few negative experiences, but refused to give up. It took me 2 years of experimentation to figure out the right dose, strain (sativa, indica, hybrid) and preparation (flower, edibles, tinctures, topical).  

After a lot of trial-and-error, I found my goldilocks zone. It was micro dosing a 1:1 tincture (equal parts THC and CBD) and applying a 1:1 cream. That regime saved my life!  

Key to Success: Start Slowly 

Some important things I learned along the way:  

For naive patients using cannabis for the first time, I recommend starting with a couple drops of tincture (0.25ml to 0.5 ml under the tongue) every 6-8 hours. It can take upwards of 2 hours to feel the full effects. Do not consume additional tincture too soon or you will potentially experience a compounding effect, producing unwanted side effects.

Increasing the dose, amount and frequency should only be attempted once your body adjusts. Everyone has different titration periods, which can take days or weeks. Experimenting is the only way to figure out what will work for you personally.

I suggest going slowly, incrementally increasing the dose by 0.25ml (0.5ml, 0.75ml, 1ml and so forth) over days to weeks until you reach optimal effect. I personally use <0.25ml during the day and <0.5ml at night. During my experimentation period with the 1:1 tincture, I would try increasing every 3 days.

There are many types of tinctures. I do not recommend jumping straight to a full strain tincture, using indica or sativa, without building a tolerance first

The same goes for edibles. Cut them in half or even a third to start with. Remember it can take up to 2 hours for edibles to work, so don't take more or you may experience unwanted side effects. I could successfully microdose edibles 2-4 times daily, depending on need.  

Topicals are amazing and work! I prefer the ointment over creams and gels, but the costs can add up. You can make your own inexpensive topical by mixing a tincture with a favorite ointment or cream.  

For first time users, I don’t recommend smoking marijuana flower or buds until you've first built-up tolerance with a 1:1 tincture or edibles. Smoking has a much faster mode of action and it can be difficult to manage the unwanted side effects.  

If you're willing to experiment, I recommend smoking at night at home when you have no responsibilities. I found that was best. Start slowly with one very small hit, it doesn't take much. Wait approximately 15-20 minutes before deciding to inhale a second or third hit. The side effects can be bad if you smoke too much, especially if you haven't built up tolerance.  

Always research the side effects and talk with staff at the dispensary. They can help with selecting flower or edibles that have pain, sleep, and mood helping properties. 

If you live in a state where medical marijuana is legal, get a license or card to protect yourself from discrimination, pain management contracts, and urine drug tests. I informed my providers and gave them a copy of my license to put in my medical health records.  

Before you use marijuana, be sure to talk with your prescribing provider, as you don't want to unintentionally breach your pain contract. If you smoke at home, landlords may also be an obstacle. 

The war on drugs propaganda is only meant to illicit fear. Educate yourself about the benefits of marijuana. It's not a gateway drug. Utilized responsibly, with the right strain, dose and preparation, marijuana can help reduce pain, inflammation and anxiety. It is absolutely worth trying.   

Lastly, don't give up! 

Christine Kucera lives with psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthropy, spondylitis, polyarthritis, sacroiliitis, degenerative joint disease, dermatomyositis, mixed connective tissue disease, spinal radiculopathy, hypoparathyroidism, rare endocrine tumors, psoriasis, endometriosis stage IV, pelvic adhesive disease, and other painful conditions.

Prior to becoming disabled, Christine was a healthcare research systems developer and analyst for federally funded CMS, AHRQ, and NIH grants and programs.

Drug Distributor Surrenders DEA License Over Opioid Sales

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The nation’s largest independent pharmaceutical distributor has agreed to pay a $19 million fine and surrender one of its DEA licenses to settle long-standing charges that it ignored suspicious orders of opioid pain medication.

Louisiana-based Morris & Dickson delivers drugs to health systems, hospitals and independent pharmacies in 27 states. In 2018, the DEA suspended the company’s licenses to distribute opioids and other controlled substances, but delayed making a final decision on revoking them until last year. Morris & Dickson vowed to fight the revocation, saying it was “unwarranted and unjustified” and would essentially put the company out of business.   

After nearly a year of talks with the DEA, the two sides reached a settlement. In addition to the $19 million fine, Morris & Dickson “admitted to all wrongdoing” and agreed to surrender one of its two DEA Certificates of Registration. The company also promised to continue a heightened compliance system to flag suspicious orders of controlled substances.

“Drug distributors like Morris & Dickson have a responsibility to protect the safety and health of customers and maintain effective controls against diversion of highly addictive controlled substances,” DEA spokesperson Katherine Pfaff said in a press release. “At the height of the opioid crisis, Morris & Dickson failed to uphold that responsibility, and turned a blind eye as thousands of unusually large orders for hydrocodone and oxycodone went out the door. Today, Morris & Dickson takes an important first step by admitting wrongdoing and paying for its misconduct.”

In a brief statement on its website, Morris & Dickson acknowledged no wrongdoing and gave no indication of how its business operations would be impacted by the loss of one of its DEA licenses.

“Today’s announcement recognizes our extensive and voluntary efforts to improve and enhance our compliance system over the past five years. In fact, following our efforts, our state-of-the-art compliance program has been repeatedly acknowledged as impressive and above reproach by outside parties,” the company said. “We are very proud that throughout discussions with the DEA, we have continued to provide the highest levels of service.”

The DEA delayed revoking Morris & Dickson’s registration until the Associated Press reported last year that the company was still shipping opioids, despite a judge’s recommendation that its licenses be revoked for “cavalier disregard” of suspicious orders.

Complicating the case is that a top DEA official who retired from the agency in 2017 went to work as a consultant for Morris & Dickson and led efforts to improve its compliance system. Louis Milione “unretired” in 2021 and went back to work at the federal agency as the top deputy to DEA Administrator Anne Milgram. Milione resigned soon after the AP story was published, citing “person reasons.” He is now consulting again for the pharmaceutical industry.   

In fiscal year 2023, DEA said it took 143 administrative actions against doctors, pharmacies, drug makers and drug distributors for violations of the Controlled Substances Act, which regulates the prescribing, dispensing and distribution of opioids and other potentially addictive drugs.

In 2022, the nation’s three largest drug distributors – McKesson, AmerisourceBergen and Cardinal Health — agreed to strict limits on the amount of opioids and other controlled substances they sell as part of a $21 billion opioid litigation settlement.

Collectively, these various actions have led to tight supplies of opioid pain medication. In a recent survey of nearly 3,000 pain patients by PNN, over 90% of those with an opioid prescription said they experienced delays or problems at a pharmacy getting their medication. Nearly 20% of patients were unable get their prescriptions filled.

NSAIDs Preferred for Acute Dental Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) taken alone or in combination with acetaminophen are recommended as first-line treatments for managing short-term acute dental pain in adults and adolescents aged 12 and older, according to a new guideline developed by the American Dental Association (ADA).

Opioid analgesics should only be used when NSAIDs and acetaminophen are insufficient to reduce pain or when NSAIDs are contradicted, according to the ADA guideline, which also warns dentists to avoid “just-in-case” opioid prescribing.    

“Providing prescribing guidelines for acute dental pain management is an important step towards improving patient treatment and outcomes,” Marta Sokolowska, PhD, deputy center director for substance use and behavioral health at the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said in a press release. “We hope this clinical practice guideline will reduce the risk of opioid addiction, overdose and diversion.”

Opioids were once routinely prescribed to dental patients after a surgical tooth extraction or even a simple toothache. In 1998, dentists wrote 15.5% of all prescriptions for immediate release opioids in the United States. Many of those prescriptions are now considered high risk because the daily dose was over 50 MME (morphine milligram equivalents) or the amount prescribed exceeded a 3-day supply.

After reviewing 82 clinical trials involving tooth extractions, the ADA’s guideline panel found that NSAIDs were more effective than opioids in reducing post-operative pain.

“When managing acute dental pain, there are several reasons to consider alternatives to opioids. First, evidence suggests that opioids may not be the best approach to managing what is often inflammation-related acute dental pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) would target the source of the pain, whereas opioids would not,” the guideline cautions.

Only in “rare instances” when pain control is inadequate with NSAIDs does the guideline recommend low doses of oxycodone or hydrocodone, in combination with acetaminophen. Opioids can also be used when NSAIDs are contradicted due to health issues, such as a patient having cardiovascular problems or a bleeding ulcer.

“When opioids are prescribed, clinicians should obtain informed consent from the patient (or the parent or guardian in the case of minors) with detailed information about potential opioid undesirable effects. This is particularly critical in adolescents and young adults who are at increased risk of subsequent misuse and substance use disorder even after a single prescription,” the guideline says.

This is the second of two ADA guidelines on acute dental pain management. A previous set of recommendations for pediatric patients under the age of 12 was published in 2023. It also recommends NSAIDs and acetaminophen as preferred analgesics. Opioids such as codeine and tramadol are not recommended for children under any circumstances.

The risk of long-term opioid use after a tooth extraction is relatively rare. A 2018 study of over 70,000 teens and young adults who had their wisdom teeth removed found that only 1.3% were still being prescribed opioids months after their initial prescription by a dentist.

Canada Seeks Feedback on Proposed Opioid and Cannabis Guidelines

By Pat Anson, PNN ditor

Health officials and pain management experts in Canada are seeking public feedback on proposed changes to Canada’s 2017 opioid prescribing guideline. They’re doing it through an online survey, with responses accepted not only from Canadians, but from providers, patients, caregivers and policymakers in the United States and other countries.

“We are very happy to receive feedback from both Canadians and Americans,” says Jason Busse, DC, a clinical epidemiologist and professor of anesthesia at McMaster University. “We are still in the process of drafting the guidelines, as the feedback we receive will affect these documents.”

Busse is leading a panel at McMaster’s Michael G. DeGroote National Pain Centre that has developed 11 draft recommendations for a revised opioid guideline. Survey respondents are being asked whether they agree or disagree with the recommendations, which focus on whether opioids should be a first line treatment for people with chronic non-cancer pain.

Consistent with the current guideline, the panel believes there are several non-opioid treatments that are just as effective as opioids and have less risk of adverse events. It also strongly recommends that opioids not be given to people with a history of opioid overdose, substance abuse, or mental health problems. For pain sufferers without such a history, the panel recommends “discussing a trial” of opioids if nonopioid treatments haven’t lessened their pain.

If opioids are prescribed, the panel suggests avoiding daily doses higher than 80 morphine milligram equivalents (MME), and strongly recommends against doses higher than 150 MME.  The estimated risk of a fatal overdose at 80 MME is relatively low at 0.23% (2.3 overdoses for every 1,000 people) and at 150mg MME is 0.5% (5 in 1,000).

The 80/150 MME recommendations are a substantial change from Canada’s current guideline, which suggest that initial doses of opioids be less than 50 MME and that they not exceed 90 MME.

For people in pain who are stable on long-term opioid therapy, the panel recommends that clinicians “initiate a discussion” of tapering to a lower dose, potentially including discontinuation. If the patient refuses, the panel recommends that another “discussion” be repeated every 6 to 12 months. Forced or involuntary tapering is not recommended.

“The Guideline Panel has formulated their recommendations based on current evidence and the values and preferences of people living with chronic pain. We are seeking public feedback on the current wording of the recommendations and associated remarks. We will review all feedback received in order to further optimize the wording and clarity of the recommendations and remarks,” Busse said in an email to PNN.

To take the opioid survey, click here.

Medical Cannabis Survey

A second survey is also being conducted by the National Pain Centre to help formulate a Canadian guideline for treating chronic pain with medical cannabis. As with the first survey, this one is open to everyone, regardless of where they live.

There are currently four draft recommendations for cannabis. The panel recommends a “trial of cannabis” for chronic pain only if a patient has tried other therapies that haven’t worked. The panel says there is evidence of small improvements in pain, physical function and sleep when cannabis was used.

Smoking cannabis is not recommended. The panel suggests that patients start with low doses of cannabis taken orally in oils and soft gels or inhaled through a vaporizer. Doses can be increased, depending how a patient responds.

Another recommendation is that cannabis be used by patients as a substitute for opioids or to help taper them to lower doses. The panel says “there is little to no difference” in effectiveness between cannabis and opioids, but that cannabis has far less risk of adverse events.

To take the cannabis survey, click here.  

Both surveys will take about 20 minutes to complete and will remain open until 12pm ET, February 29, 2024.

Experimental Non-Opioid Drug Effective in Treating Acute Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

An experimental non-opioid analgesic was effective in treating post-operative pain in two Phase 3 clinical trials, setting the stage for a New Drug Application to the FDA by Vertex Pharmaceuticals later this year.

The drug – called VX-548 – was given orally to patients with moderate-to-severe pain in the first 48 hours after an abdominoplasty or bunionectomy, two minimally invasive surgeries. VX-548 was more effective in reducing pain than the placebo, but it was not more effective than a combination of the opioid hydrocodone and acetaminophen, more commonly known as Vicodin.

In a third Phase 3 study, VX-548 was effective for up to 14 days across a broad range of surgical and non-surgical acute pain conditions. Over 80% of patients in that study rated VX-548 as good, very good, or excellent in treating pain.

“We are very pleased with the results from the VX-548 pivotal program, which demonstrate a compelling and consistent combination of efficacy and safety across multiple acute pain conditions and settings. The VX-548 benefit-risk profile ideally positions it to potentially fill the gap between medicines with good tolerability but limited efficacy and opioid medicines with therapeutic efficacy but known risks, including addictive potential,” Reshma Kewalramani, MD, CEO and President of Vertex, said in a press release.

“With FDA Breakthrough and Fast Track Designations in hand, we are working with urgency to file the New Drug Application for VX-548 and bring this non-opioid medicine to the millions of patients who suffer from acute pain each year in the U.S.”

VX-548 was generally safe and well tolerated in all three Phase 3 studies. Most of the adverse events reported by patients were mild to moderate, such as nausea and constipation.

Unlike opioids, VX-548 blocks pain in the peripheral nervous system, rather than the brain. That means it won’t have euphoric effects or be addictive. If approved for use by the FDA, experts say it would give patients and providers a much-needed alternative to opioids.

“As a physician treating patients suffering from pain for many years, I know firsthand the critical need for new, efficacious and safe treatment options,” said Jessica Oswald, MD, a Vertex consultant and Associate Physician in Emergency Medicine and Pain Medicine at University of California San Diego.

“The Phase 3 safety and efficacy across the three studies are impressive and demonstrate VX-548’s potential to change the paradigm of pain management. I look forward to the potential of having a new class of acute pain medicine — the first in more than two decades — to use as an alternative to opioids to help the millions of people impacted by acute pain.”

The risk of a surgery patient misusing opioids or becoming addicted is actually quite low – less than one percent. One recent study even found that restricting the use of opioids during surgery leads to more post-operative pain.

Vertex hopes to have VX-548 approved for a wide variety of pain conditions, not just post-operative pain.  Last month, the company released positive results for the drug in reducing pain from diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Vertex also recently won approval from the FDA for its CRISPR gene cell therapy for sickle cell disease, which potentially offers a cure for the painful blood disorder.

Rx Opioid Sales Rose at Publix as Other Pharmacies Cut Back

By Ian Hodgson and Christopher O’Donnell, Tampa Bay Times  

An executive at Teva Pharmaceuticals flagged Publix Super Markets in October 2015 after detecting what he called in an email “serious red flags” with the grocery chain’s orders of powerful opioids.

The share of high-strength oxycodone orders was well above normal for a chain of grocery store pharmacies, and the total number of pills sent to Publix stores was “significantly above their peers,” Teva’s head of federal compliance wrote in the email to his supervisors, according to court records in a federal lawsuit pending in Ohio against Publix and other companies.

“This is high-strength oxycodone ultimately going to Florida, a well-established hot spot for oxycodone abuse in the U.S.,” wrote the compliance officer, Joseph Tomkiewicz, in the email explaining why he halted Teva-manufactured prescription opioids to Florida’s Publix pharmacies.

The volume of prescription opioids dispensed in Florida fell 56% from 2011 to 2019 as the pharmaceutical industry was hit by lawsuits for its role in the national opioid crisis, according to a Tampa Bay Times analysis of Drug Enforcement Administration data recently released by a federal court. But while national pharmacy chains like CVS and Walgreens were dispensing fewer of the highly addictive drugs, Publix’s sales were soaring.

The Lakeland-based grocer’s sales of oxycodone climbed from 26 million pills per year in 2011 to 43.5 million in 2019, the data shows. The increase in sales, which far outpaced the chain’s addition of stores in Florida, saw its market share rise to 14%, enough to overtake CVS to become Florida's second-largest dispenser of all opioid medications, behind only Walgreens, which dispensed 28% of opioids in the state in 2019. The analysis excludes drugs like methadone prescribed for addiction treatment. Opioid sales at Publix dipped slightly in 2018 and 2019, the last two years of available data.

Even as its market share grew, however, Publix was not among the 15 national manufacturers, distributors, and pharmacies that Florida sued in 2018. That lawsuit claimed other pharmacies had flooded America with painkillers such as OxyContin, fueling debilitating addictions that strained communities’ first responders and medical providers.

The state’s lawsuit was a boon for Florida. While admitting to no wrongdoing, the companies agreed to settlement payments to the state, including $177 million from Teva, $440 million from CVS, and $620 million from Walgreens. The state didn’t sue Walmart but in 2022 negotiated a $215 million settlement from the retail giant, which also denied any wrongdoing.

However, there is no mention of Publix’s role on a state webpage touting the 10 opioid settlements reached during Ashley Moody’s tenure as attorney general.

That’s despite Publix being the third-biggest dispenser of opioids in the state, selling nearly twice the amount of the drugs as Walmart from 2006 to 2012, according to earlier DEA data made public in July 2019, more than two years before Florida prosecutors reached settlements with other pharmacy chains.

Moody, a Republican, took over as the state’s top legal official in January 2019. Her office declined to specifically address why Florida has not included Publix in any of its legal actions over opioids.

“We are proud of the more than $3 billion recovered through the historic opioid litigation, and since the filing of the amended complaint, the Department of Legal Affairs has and will continue to take action when merited by the evidence — as we did in the more recent actions with Walmart and McKinsey,” said Moody’s communications director, Kylie Mason, in an email.

The grocery chain made $10.6 million in political donations in Florida from 2016 to 2022 when the state was preparing and pursuing its litigation, state election data shows. Most of the donations were for Republican committees and candidates, including $125,000 donated to the Friends of Ashley Moody political action committee.

In Florida, Walgreens made $637,000 in political donations, including $8,000 to Moody, over the same period. CVS made $208,500 in donations, none of which went to Moody.

Other local communities in Florida and beyond did sue Publix. The federal suit naming Publix that prompted the release of the federal data was filed by Georgia's Cobb County. It has been earmarked as a test case for dozens of other lawsuits brought by cities and counties in the Southeast. Those include more than 20 Florida communities, among them St. Petersburg and Pinellas and Pasco counties.

While Walgreens and other national companies paid billions to settle their lawsuits and agreed to stricter drug controls, Publix is still contesting the cases.

Those communities claim that the grocery chain failed to operate an “effective suspicious ordering monitoring program” and that when Publix did limit orders to its own pharmacies, those pharmacies could bypass the check by going to a third-party distributor such as AmerisourceBergen.

Publix also should have known that its pharmacies in Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and South Carolina, were filling multiple prescriptions written for the same patient by the same doctor or by multiple doctors, the federal lawsuit alleges. As part of the national opioid settlement, other pharmacy chains were required to be more compliant with laws regulating opioids, including checks on suspicious orders and prescriptions from “blocked and potentially problematic” doctors.

“It’s a heck of a lot cheaper to distribute and dispense controlled substances without all these checks,” said Jayne Conroy, an attorney with New York law firm Simmons Hanly Conroy who is representing the Florida communities and has served as co-lead counsel in the national opioid litigation that has secured more than $50 billion in settlements and verdicts.

Publix did not respond to three emails and three phone calls to its communications office seeking comment. In its responses to the lawsuits, it has repeatedly denied allegations of wrongdoing.

In seeking to get the Ohio case dismissed, Publix attorneys argued that it can’t be considered “a public nuisance” to legally distribute and dispense opioids. The judge in the case denied the company’s motion and another legal brief that sought to prevent the release of the more recent DEA data.

In November 2022, Publix sued more than a dozen of its insurers in federal court in Tampa, claiming they had not honored policies that would protect it from opioid litigation claims.

It also countersued Cobb County in 2023, saying the Georgia community’s lawsuit was “motivated by promises of a windfall.” The case is still pending.

“Publix takes great pride in its relationship with its valued customers and the communities it serves,” that lawsuit states. “These novel and unprecedented claims are baseless, false, and belied by Publix’s decades of service.”

DEA officials declined to comment on Publix’s opioid record. No enforcement actions against Publix are listed in the federal registry.

A Growing Player

Since its 1930 start as a food store in Winter Haven, Florida, Publix has grown into a massive company with more than 250,000 employees and nearly 900 stores in Florida alone. Revered for its free cookies for kids, chicken tender subs, fresh produce, birthday cakes, and BOGO deals, the grocery chain has become one-stop shopping for customers.

And, increasingly, “Where Shopping Is a Pleasure” — Publix’s slogan since 1954 — includes powerful prescription drugs.

Publix was a smaller player in Florida’s opioid market before 2011, responsible for fewer than 5% of all opioid medications distributed to pharmacies across the state, according to the Times analysis of federal opioid data.

That year marked a turning point for opioid sales in Florida. As the scale of the opioid epidemic came to public attention, and litigation followed, most chain pharmacies began to back off their orders for pills, the data shows.

Many companies ultimately agreed to pay billions of dollars to settle lawsuits filed across the country by state and local governments. That included a $683 million settlement between Florida and Walgreens in May stating the pharmacy, which denied any wrongdoing, must pay for community treatment, education, and prevention programs, plus litigation costs.

In addition to hefty payouts, some settlement agreements required companies to adopt stricter controls to bring operations into fuller compliance with the Controlled Substances Act, a federal law that governs the manufacture, distribution, and use of drugs considered to have a high risk of being abused.

Distributors were required to adopt automated software that would flag suspicious orders from pharmacies such as quantities well above a store’s average. Pharmacy companies were required to conduct checks on doctors to ensure the prescribers are registered with the Drug Enforcement Administration. 

Those measures and others put the brakes on opioid distribution nationwide. Meanwhile, the distribution in Florida’s Publix stores went in the opposite direction: From 2011 to 2019, the grocery chain increased its dispensing of all opioid medication by 35%, according to the Times’ analysis of the data.

That growth far exceeded any increase in sales that would correspond to the grocer’s net addition of 146 pharmacies from 2011 to 2019.

As Publix’s distribution increased, so too did the number of orders that should have been flagged as suspicious, according to plaintiffs in multiple lawsuits. Drug distributor McKesson instructed its employees to investigate any pharmacy ordering more than 8,000 oxycodone pills in a single month as part of the company’s “Lifestyle Drug Monitoring Program,” according to 2018 congressional testimony.

Publix pharmacies’ orders surpassed that threshold almost 1,500 times in 2019, the Times analysis found, more than triple the number in 2011. The benchmark has been repeatedly used in opioid litigation as evidence of inadequate monitoring of drug distribution.

‘Red Flags’ Missed

As Tomkiewicz faced pressure from Teva management to fulfill Publix’s orders, he mined the data to back up his concerns, court records show. During a heated phone call, one Teva executive stressed that Publix was an increasingly important player in the opioid distribution market, Tomkiewicz said at his deposition, and an important client for the world’s largest generic drug manufacturer.

Tomkiewicz requested data from Publix’s 10 largest pharmacies by opioid sales, all located in Florida.

By law, Publix was required to keep tabs on the physicians whose prescriptions it filled. But it took Tomkiewicz just one day of searching the internet to find problems, according to time stamps on emails submitted in the court records.

Among the top prescribers at two Publix locations in Melbourne was Thomas Velleff, according to Tomkiewicz’s email. Public records and a newspaper report showed “significant anecdotal evidence of pill mill activity,” Tomkiewicz wrote. He said he found a 2010 article in the Treasure Coast Palm, in which a city employee claimed Velleff’s prior pain clinic in Palm City attracted “carloads” of patients, often with out-of-state license plates.

Complaints filed with the state Department of Health dating to 2010 allege that Velleff overprescribed opioids and failed to monitor his patients’ usage for signs of abuse. One 2017 complaint alleges that Velleff pressured one patient into loaning him money. The state Board of Medicine revoked Velleff’s medical license in December 2020. Velleff did not appear at his medical board hearing, according to the final order revoking his license. He did not respond to emails seeking comment.

A top prescriber at one Ocala store had been disciplined in 2011 for injecting herself with a sedative while leaving an anesthetized patient unsupervised. Other pharmacies repeatedly filled prescriptions from “cash-only” pain clinics or written by physicians located hundreds of miles away with no license to practice in Florida, Tomkiewicz wrote in the email. It is legal to do so, but drug diversion experts consider out-of-state prescriptions a red flag that should prompt additional checks for possible drug abuse.

Tomkiewicz had amassed a list of nine doctors among Publix’s top prescribers who made him wonder: “Why the hell do they still have a license and are still registered with the DEA?” according to his deposition.

Tomkiewicz also said in his deposition he was troubled by not just the volume of opioids Publix was selling, but that they were handing out a disproportionate share of 30-milligram instant-release oxycodone pills — another red flag for abuse. In an email to Teva’s director of compliance, he compared that with the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, where cancer patients were mostly being prescribed 5 mg instant-release pills, court records show.

As the strongest dose on the market, the 30 mg pills have limited use in retail pharmacies and are highly sought-after among abusers, Tomkiewicz wrote in the email. Stronger doses of oxycodone are available, but only in long-release capsules such as OxyContin, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Publix sold 4.8 million of the highly addictive high-dose pills in 2019 — roughly 1 in 10 of all oxycodone pills dispensed by the pharmacy chain that year, according to the Times analysis of the federal data.

Eventually, Tomkiewicz relented, he said in his deposition. As long as Publix promised not to send Teva products to nine locations that he’d picked out, he would let the shipment go ahead. Teva did not notify federal authorities, according to his deposition.

A Times review of court documents found no written record indicating that Publix responded to Tomkiewicz’s concerns at the time. An expert report submitted in the lawsuit came to the same conclusion.

This article was produced by the Tampa Bay Times and KFF Health News, a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues.

Patients Should Know the Health Benefits of Ketamine, Not Just the Risks

By Drs. Amber Borucki and Rakhi Dayal 

Recent headlines about the death of “Friends” actor Matthew Perry have pointed to ketamine as a contributing cause. Perry drowned in his hot tub last October, which the medical examiner’s office attributed to the “acute effects of ketamine,” as well as coronary artery disease and the opioid buprenorphine.

With this news, the public became more familiar with a medication they may never have heard of previously.  Ketamine is a classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a “dissociative anesthetic,” meaning that it can cause the user to feel disconnected and alter their perceptions of sight or sound. 

Ketamine is used in hospital or surgical settings for anesthesia purposes, for acute pain management, in the emergency room or intensive care, and in some cases for chronic pain management. A form of ketamine (esketamine) is also used to treat mental health conditions. 

Appropriate monitoring and medical supervision are necessary for safe ketamine use. While it is important to recognize the risks of this medication when used improperly, it is also important to make sure that people don’t become overly fearful of a drug that serves an important role in patient care when delivered properly by trained healthcare providers. 

When the news broke that Michael Jackson’s death was attributed to propofol, patients were suddenly concerned about the use of this drug in their anesthesia treatment. As physicians, it is our responsibility to make sure patients understand the proper and improper uses of medications, and that we help alleviate concerns through education. As with any treatment, we need to strike the right balance between providing information on the risks, while also communicating the benefits. 

While ketamine is in the spotlight and more stories are published about its use, it is important that we take a moment to provide greater clarity about this medication.  

What Is Ketamine?  

Ketamine is an anesthetic agent that was originally developed in 1963 and gained approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a general anesthetic in 1970. It is well established that ketamine has tremendous clinical value in providing sedation and pain relief when patients undergo anesthesia, and can also be beneficial as part of a comprehensive pain management plan. More recently, the FDA approved a form of ketamine in a nasal spray for treatment-resistant depression.   

Ketamine is used for a variety of indications, with some being FDA-approved and some being considered "off-label" uses.  

  • General anesthesia (FDA-approved): Ketamine can be used as part of a general anesthetic given for surgery, and in certain clinical situations is one of the preferred medications.  When ketamine is given by a trained anesthesia provider, it is a safe and effective part of the anesthesia regimen.     

  • Acute pain (off-label): Ketamine can be given to treat pain after surgery or for other significant acute pain conditions. This is commonly done by providing a low-dose infusion of ketamine through an IV while a patient recovers in the hospital. Although this is considered "off-label” use, there are joint guidelines issued in 2018 by the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), and the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) to guide safe use for acute pain.

  • Chronic pain management (off-label): Ketamine for chronic pain is also considered "off-label" use, but there are also consensus guidelines by the ASRA, ASA and AAPM that discuss chronic pain clinical scenarios where research found ketamine to be beneficial. 

If a patient is considering the use of ketamine for chronic pain, it is important to understand what type of medical supervision is provided and by whom. Patients should consider seeking treatment from a physician who is board certified in pain medicine, as they have extra training in pain management. The use of ketamine for chronic pain should be part of a larger umbrella of comprehensive pain treatment strategies provided in a multidisciplinary care team model.

What Are the Risks of Ketamine?

Ketamine is classified a schedule III controlled substance by the DEA, and therefore has some addictive potential. Side effects include increased heart rate, high blood pressure, increased saliva production, blurry vision, dizziness, sedation, nausea, urinary symptoms, dissociation (out of body sensation) and respiratory depression. It can even cause hallucination at certain doses. 

Caution is advised when ketamine is used with other medications that have similar adverse effects, such as sedation, respiratory depression, confusion, and delirium. Medication interactions and overdose with ketamine can lead to unconsciousness, slowed breathing, and rare severe consequences such as death. 

The medical use of ketamine in general anesthesia under the medical supervision of a trained provider is generally considered safe. Off-label use of ketamine for acute and chronic pain also has established national guidelines for medical practitioners to follow. This treatment can provide pain relief to patients safely, when provided by a board-certified anesthesiologist or pain physician using proper monitoring and safety guidelines.

Unsupervised and non-medical use of ketamine, particularly when taken in combination with other sedating medications, can lead to adverse outcomes and even death, as we saw with Matthew Perry. We encourage patients to have conversations with providers about their treatment plan and to discuss any concerns they have about the medications they are prescribed.

Amber Borucki, MD, is an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine at Stanford University.

Rakhi Dayal, MD is Chair of the Pain Committee for the California Society of Anesthesiologists, and Program Director of Pain Medicine and Professor of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Care at University of California, Irvine.

Walgreens and CVS Rated ‘Most Difficult’ for Opioid Prescriptions

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

When Walgreens and CVS signed the National Opioid Settlements in late 2022, they agreed to pay over $10 billion to states, cities and counties that sued them for their alleged roles in causing the opioid epidemic.

The nation’s two biggest pharmacy chains also agreed to watch for suspicious orders, report any “problematic” prescribers, and to strictly limit the amount opioid pain medication they can dispense in any given month. Opioids, in effect, were going to be rationed to their customers.

Pain patients are now paying a price for that agreement.

In a large survey of nearly 3,000 pain patients by PNN, over 90% of those with an opioid prescription said they experienced delays or problems last year getting their medication. Most patients went to another pharmacy, but nearly 20% still couldn’t to get their prescriptions filled – largely because opioids such as hydrocodone and oxycodone are in short supply.

The average patient had problems at a pharmacy at least three times in 2023. Some had trouble each time they went in for a monthly refill.

“I spent eight days trying to get my last prescription pills and finally got it filled two days ago, but I had to settle for only one third of my prescription,” said a patient who went through withdrawal for 8 days waiting for her medication.

“It's an unreal concept that I can have the piece of paper, I can have the doctor, I can have the pharmacy, I can have the money, and I can have the insurance, but I can't go and have the little medicine that I need to try to make it through this situation.” 


‘There Is Always an Issue’

Asked which pharmacy chain was the most difficult to get an opioid prescription filled, over half the patients in our survey selected either Walgreens (30%) or CVS (26%).

“I've used Walgreens for all of my medications for the past 15 years and within the past year or so I have started having issues almost every month with them filling my pain medication,” a patient told us. 

“My local CVS says that they cannot get hydrocodone-acetaminophen at all. Yet, my local Giant Food supermarket can. Very strange,” said another. 

“I used Walgreens for many years. Recently they have had several new pharmacists. One pharmacist would not fill ANY controlled substances. The current pharmacist will only order about 3 to 4 times per month. She doesn’t care if patients don’t get their medications,” another patient wrote. 

“CVS continually gives me a hard time to fill my Rx even though I have been on it for over 7 years. It is either out of stock, or they argue with me about filling it,” said another. 

“Every month when I have to get my medication renewed there is always an issue,” explained another patient. “Walgreens always give people a hard time. I've seen many people standing in line and just walk out.” 

Patients also had trouble getting their prescriptions filled at Walmart, Kroger, Rite-Aid, Publix and small independent pharmacies, but they had far fewer complaints. CVS and Walgreens have about four times as many pharmacy stores as Rite-Aid, which may explain why they were singled out more often than the other chains.  


When told about the findings from PNN’s survey, CVS declined to comment and Walgreens provided a brief statement saying it “follows all applicable federal and state laws and regulations related to the dispensing of controlled substances.” 

More Cautious Dispensing

Even before signing the opioid settlements, Walgreens and CVS were among the first pharmacy chains to look at ways to minimize their dispensing of opioid medication.  

In 2017, CVS said it would limit the dose and supply of opioids to patients enrolled in commercial, employer or Medicaid health plans. The policy was adopted after CVS was fined hundreds of millions of dollars for violations of the Controlled Substances Act, many of those violations involving opioids. 

In 2013, Walgreens adopted a “secret checklist” that required its pharmacists to look for red flags, such as patients paying for opioids in cash, seeking an early refill, or taking a high number of pills. If anything was suspicious, pharmacists were told to “inform the patient that it may take additional time to process the prescription.”  Like CVS, the policy was implemented after Walgreens was fined millions of dollars by the DEA for violating rules for dispensing controlled substances. 

Walmart and Kroger also signed the National Opioid Settlements, while Rite-Aid filed for bankruptcy, in part due to the expense of defending itself in court. Thousands of pharmacies around the country are being closed due to over-expansion, poor business decisions, and the rising cost of lawsuits. 

Patients have noticed that the fines and lawsuits have made pharmacists more cautious. In our survey, dozens of patients said a pharmacist told them they would not fill their opioid prescription because they might get in trouble or lose their job. Many patients don’t know it, but pharmacists have a “corresponding responsibility” to exercise their professional judgement by not filling a prescription they think is inappropriate.

“Pharmacies and pharmacists have become an arm of law enforcement,” one patient wrote. “Pain medication prescriptions are treated as suspicious, with the pharmacist often questioning the appropriateness of my current MME (morphine milligram equivalent) levels while I’m undergoing a rapidly forced taper,” one patient wrote. 

“I have been hung up on just for calling (CVS) and asking if they would put my prescription in the queue for filling the next day. Call disconnected by pharmacist,” another patient said. “I emailed a written complaint to CVS and never heard back.” 

“The new manager in pharmacy at Walgreens, which is where I have gotten my pain medicine for 20 years, feels that I receive too much even though he has no idea of my diagnosis. He makes me feel like I am a low-class drug addict,” a patient told us. “I get much less than so many people I know, so I finally had to switch to mail order with OptumRx.” 

‘Independent Pharmacies Are Better’ 

Many patients have found that it’s easier to get a prescription filled at smaller pharmacy chains or at independent pharmacies that were not caught up in opioid litigation.  

“Independent pharmacies are better. I used to fill my opioid scripts at Walgreens. The pharmacist there always gave me a difficult time. He would refuse to fill unless he received a confirmation note from my pain specialist that I was taking the appropriate dose. I finally left him for an independent pharmacy,” one patient told us. 

“I'm fortunate to have a compassionate, independent pharmacy that bends over backwards to ensure I have the meds my doctor prescribes. If I was stuck with a chain pharmacy like Walgreens or CVS, my experience would be completely different. Those pharmacies treat pain patients like criminals,” wrote another. 

“I have used a small mom and pop pharmacy for over five years with no problems. Their only requirement is I get all my prescriptions filled at their pharmacy, not just the opioid or muscle relaxant,” said another patient. “Prior to changing, I had used CVS and Walgreens pharmacies, with both offering nothing but problems and harassment when taking my scripts in.” 

“Thankfully, I live in a very small town and have had a great experience with my pharmacy so far. Small mom and pop set up. So far, only handful of times had them short me pills when they were unable to obtain the meds. Only had to wait a day or two for them to fill the rest,” wrote another patient.

‘My Pharmacist Is Awesome’

While often frustrated by the ordeal of getting their prescriptions filled, many patients appreciate how they are treated by pharmacists. Asked what their overall experience has been with pharmacists, respondents were evenly divided. Nearly a third said their experience with pharmacists was “very positive” or “positive” – about the same number who said their experience was “negative” or “very negative.”      

“My pharmacist is pretty awesome and always has the opioid medications in stock,” one patient said. 

“Generally, my treatment at pharmacies has been first rate. Not so much the doctors,” said another. 

“My pharmacist is excellent and knowledgeable,” another patient wrote. 

“I made friends with my pharmacist because he knows I have several chronic pain syndromes,” another patient told us. “When I first met him, he didn't want to fill me, but now he helps me get my meds filled.” 

“In my experience, it’s pharmacist specific. Some are compassionate, others think everyone is an addict,” another patient said.


PNN’s online survey was conducted from November 13 to December 31, 2023. A total of 2,961 U.S. pain patients or caregivers participated.

White House Pharmacy Violated DEA Policy

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A pharmacy operated by the White House Medical Unit dispensed hundreds of prescriptions for opioids and other controlled substances without keeping proper records, according to a scathing audit released this month by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of Defense.

In many cases, drugs, surgeries and other medical services were provided to ineligible White House staff members at no cost. Over-the-counter medications were also free to be taken from open bins to anyone who wanted them.

The OIG launched an audit of the medical unit in 2018, after receiving complaints that an unnamed senior military medical officer assigned to the White House was acting improperly. Additional complaints received over a hotline questioned procedures at the pharmacy and the eligibility of patients that were being treated.

The resulting audit – which covered the years 2009 to 2020 – found “severe and systematic” problems at the White House pharmacy due to poor oversight that may have resulted in “prescribing errors and inadequate medication management.”

“In our analysis of the White House Medical Unit’s controlled substance records, we found that medications, such as opioids and sleep medications, were not properly accounted for, in violation of (federal law),” the OIG said. “White House Medical Unit medical providers wrote prescriptions for controlled substances that often lacked the medical provider and patient information mandated by DEA policy.”

DEA regulations require that prescriptions for all controlled substances contain the patient’s full name and address, as well as the name, address, and DEA registration number of the prescriber. But when reviewing 11 examples of prescriptions for controlled substances provided by the medical unit, investigators found much of that information was missing.       

The OIG was only able to obtain pharmaceutical records from 2017 to 2019, because the pharmacy kept records for just two years. Investigators found that the pharmacy still used handwritten ledgers to track the inventory of controlled substances. The ledgers frequently contained errors, illegible text, or text was that was crossed out.

A pharmacy ledger from 2019, seen below, shows that prescriptions were dispensed for the opioids morphine, hydrocodone, fentanyl and tramadol, as well as ketamine and diazepam – all controlled substances. Some medications were dispensed in unusually large quantities, such as 2,000 tablets of the sleep aid Ambien.

Names of the prescribers and patients on the ledger were redacted. In some cases, the ledger shows no record of who picked up the medications or if anyone signed a receipt for them.     


In interviews with 70 former military service members who worked at the White House between 2009 and 2018, the OIG found there was a culture of entitlement. Administration officials and staff members who sought medical treatment were “not normal patients,” as one medical unit member put it.

“We bent knees and we bent the rules to meet this very weird, strange culture that was there, and I think it was really to just impress people,” the service member said. “And so I understand it’s almost like the culture of D.C. and politics, and somehow the Medical Unit got sucked up into that culture as well.”

Another service member highlighted inconsistencies in the medical unit’s practices.

“[There] were several concerns about we’re not accomplishing the mission the right way. Is stuff getting done? Yeah. Is it being done appropriately or legally all the time? No. But, are they going to get to that end result that the bosses want? Yeah.”

Other service members said the medical unit used alias accounts to provide free specialty care and surgery to ineligible White House staff. The alias accounts did not use the patient’s real name or address. When a medical unit staff member expressed alarm about that practice, they were instructed to provide care to the ineligible individual.

“Several former White House Medical Unit staff members stated that they felt unable to act outside of the will of the Physician to the President or the White House Medical Unit Director. One former White House Medical Unit medical provider stated that White House Medical Unit staff members were fearful of ‘making independent decisions’ without the approval of the Physician to the President or the Director of the White House Medical Unit,” the report said.

Dr. Ronny Jackson

The OIG report takes pains not to identify anyone by name or associate them with either the Obama or Trump administrations. But for many of the years covered by the audit, Dr. Ronny Jackson played key roles in the White House medical unit.

A U.S. Navy officer, Jackson joined the medical unit in 2006, and became its director in 2010. In 2013, Jackson was given the additional title of Physician to the President under Obama. In December 2014, Jackson ceased being Director of the White House Medical Unit, but remained as personal physician to Obama and then Trump until 2018. President Trump appointed Jackson as Chief Medical Advisor and Assistant to the President in January 2019.

In an email to PNN, a spokesperson for Jackson said that he only had a policy role in the medical unit after 2014, and had no association or involvement with the unit’s delivery of care.

In 2018, allegations of drunkenness, misconduct and mismanagement arose about Jackson’s service. Jackson called the allegations a “political hit job.” In December 2019, he retired from the Navy as a Rear Admiral, left the White House, and was elected a Republican congressman in Texas, a position Jackson still holds.   

In 2021, a seperate OIG investigation of Jackson found that he disparaged and bullied subordinates, created a hostile work environment, and engaged in “inappropriate conduct” involving his use of alcohol. Jackson was also found to have used Ambien to help him sleep on long overseas flights on Air Force One, “raising concerns about his potential incapacity to provide proper medical care during this travel.”  

(3/7/24 Update: The Washington Post reported that Jackson was demoted to the rank of captain in 2022 after the OIG report on his conduct. The demotion had not previously been reported and has not been acknowledged by Jackson.)

Gabapentinoids Still Overprescribed Despite Warnings

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Despite warnings that they are overprescribed for conditions they were never intended to treat, the use of gabapentinoids continues to grow in the United States.

Pregabalin (Lyrica) and gabapentin (Neurontin) are both gabapentinoids, a class of nerve medication initially developed to treat epileptic seizures. Sales of Lyrica and Neurontin tripled a decade ago, when they were touted as safer alternatives to opioids and prescribed off-label for a variety of pain conditions.

In 2018, Michael Johansen, MD, a researcher and family medicine physician, was one of the first to warn that gabapentinoids were being overprescribed, despite little of evidence of their safety and efficacy for pain conditions. Johansen was particularly concerned the drugs were being given to older adults who were long-time users of opioids and benzodiazepines, a class of anti-anxiety medication.

Not much has changed, according to a new research study by Johansen. Using data from a large national survey, Johansen found that 4.7% of U.S. adults were prescribed a gabapentinoid in 2021, up from 4% in 2015 – a statistically significant increase of 17.5% in six years. The growth was primarily driven by gabapentin, as there was little change in pregabalin’s use.

As Johansen found in his earlier study, gabapetinoid use was much more likely in patients who were co-prescribed opioids, muscle relaxants, benzodiazepines or anti-depressants for chronic pain or mental health conditions. The likelihood of a patient being prescribed a gabapentinoid also rises sharply after age 50.

“Gabapentinoids continue to be commonly used in conjunction with other sedating medications, which is concerning in light of the US Food and Drug Administration’s 2019 warning about co-prescribing of gabapentinoids with other central nervous system depressants,” Johansen reported in the Annals of Family Medicine. “Gabapentinoids are likely used for an array of conditions, with the majority being off-label uses for chronic pain with minimal evidence supporting use.”

Despite those warnings, gabapentinoids — gabapentin in particular — are still being promoted as a treatment for all sorts of things, from dental pain to alcoholism to improving your sex life. Gabapentin has been pitched for so many different conditions that a drug company executive infamously called it “snake oil.”

Gabapentin is FDA-approved for epilepsy and neuropathic pain caused by shingles, but is often prescribed off-label for depression, ADHD, migraine, fibromyalgia, bipolar disorder and postoperative pain.  Pregabalin is approved for diabetic nerve pain, fibromyalgia, post-herpetic neuralgia caused by shingles and spinal cord injuries, but is also prescribed off-label for other types of pain.

Many patients report side-effects from gabapentinoids, such as weight gain, blurred vision, dizziness, sedation and cognitive issues. There are also an increasing number of reports that the drugs are being abused and sold on the street to boost the potency of illicit drugs.

“Reports of gabapentinoid abuse alone, and with opioids, have emerged and there are serious consequences of this co-use, including respiratory depression and increased risk of opioid overdose death,” Douglas Throckmorton, MD, a top FDA official said when the agency released  its 2019 warning.  

A 2019 study found little evidence that gabapentinoids should be used off-label to treat pain and said their effectiveness was often exaggerated by prescribing guidelines. The CDC’s 2016 opioid guideline recommended gabapentin and pregabalin dozens of times as alternatives to opioids, without saying a word about their abuse or side effects.

The CDC’s 2022 revised opioid guideline takes a more cautious approach, saying gabapentin and pregabalin can have “small to moderate improvements” on pain, but were associated with a moderate risk of adverse events. Evidence on their long-term use was also lacking, according to the CDC.