The Pain Scale is a Pain, but Doctors Ignore Alternatives

By Crystal Lindell

When I first started having debilitating rib pain more than 10 years ago, doctors would constantly ask me to rate my pain on a scale of 1-10. 

It was the worst pain I had ever experienced, but I didn’t want to sound too dramatic, so I would almost always tell them an 8 or a 9. 

However, I started to notice a troubling pattern: No matter what number I said, the doctors still treated me with the same mostly dismissive attitude. 

So, regardless of whether I said my pain was a 7, a 3, or even an 11, the doctors I was dealing with did not seem to believe me. They seemed to think I was being dramatic no matter what. 

At the time, I blamed myself. Surely I must not be communicating the severity of my pain well, if these doctors are still ignoring me, I thought. 

So I started scrounging around online for alternatives. I assumed that if I just explained myself better, then they would react with the urgency that I felt the situation called for.  

I also thought that perhaps I was picking the wrong number, which was causing doctors to dismiss me as someone who couldn’t accurately assess my own body. 

The first thing I found was a pain scale written out, where each number was explained, like this one from “My Health Alberta.” 

It includes a written description with each number, starting with:

0 = No pain.

1 = Pain is very mild, barely noticeable. Most of the time you don't think about it.

2 = Minor pain. It's annoying. You may have sharp pain now and then.

3 = Noticeable pain. It may distract you, but you can get used to it.

And so on. 

Looking at that chart, I decided that my new rib pain – which was eventually diagnosed as intercostal neuralgia that was caused by Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – was a: “8 = Very strong pain. It's hard to do anything at all.”

The fact that I would often just lay on the exam table silently crying while I prayed that whatever doctor I was in front of would actually help me, made me feel pretty confident in my assessment of an “8.”. 

It was, indeed, very strong pain that made hard to do anything at all. 

I was also naive enough to believe that if I personally added the descriptor when I gave my number, that it would serve as some sort of magic spell that would finally unlock access to the treatment I needed. 

Alas, that did not work. Doctors just nodded and typed “8” into their little online chart and then moved on through the appointment the same way that they always had: With their trademark unsympathetic arrogance and suggestions about taking more gabapentin.  

After that, I went a step further: I tried to find a pain scale that felt more relevant. Eventually, I discovered the Quality of Life Scale, (QOLS). It’s designed for chronic pain patients to show how their pain is impacting their daily life.  

It's a reverse of the traditional pain scale, in that 0 is the worst pain, while 10 means you're doing pretty well. 

It features descriptions like: 

0: Stay in bed all day. Feel hopeless and helpless about life. 

1: Stay in bed at least half the day. Have no contact with the outside world. 

All the way up to:

10: Go to work/volunteer each day. Normal daily activities each day. Have a social life outside of work. Take an active part in family life. 

At the time, I was about a 4: Do simple chores around the house, minimal activities outside the home two days a week. 

Although those "activities" were just doctor's appointments, I was technically leaving my house every few days.

Looking back, I truly believed that using the QOLS scale with my doctors would be the breakthrough moment for my relationship with them. I remember printing it off and putting it in my healthcare binder full of hope that they would finally understand how bad things were for me. 

Alas, I was mistaken. 

Before I started having chronic pain, I was working a full-time job and a part-time one, and living independently. But my pain had gone untreated for so long that I had cut back on everything possible in my life. I shifted my full-time job to a work-from-home position, quit my part-time job, gave up my apartment, and moved in with family, who lived 2 hours away. 

I still remember thinking that when I told the two doctors I was seeing regularly about how I needed to quit my job and move in with my mom, that they would FINALLY see how severe my pain had been. Afterall, these were the real-life implications of where I was on the QOLS pain scale! 

Wrong again. Instead, both doctors just expressed quiet relief that I was moving out of the area, and thus I’d no longer be their problem! 

Thankfully, when I moved, I did find a new doctor who did take my pain seriously. And although it took some time to get the pain treatment situation under control, it’s been relatively well managed for years now. 

What I have come to realize about the pain scale is that most of the time, it’s not so much an assessment tool as it is a way for patients to feel a false sense of agency over their medical situation.

It’s like a little breadcrumb that doctors give patients to make them feel included in their own healthcare. 

Because in practice, doctors don’t give much weight to whatever number you say your pain is at. Instead, they rely on their own visual and sometimes physical assessment to determine how much pain they think you are in. 

This can be especially problematic for patients from oppressed or marginalized groups, because doctors are less likely to take their pain seriously in general. 

It’s also a huge problem for patients with chronic pain. That’s because when you live with pain every single day, you don’t react to a 10 on the pain scale the same way someone with acute pain would. It’s just not possible to live everyday screaming at the top of your lungs, or performing whatever stereotypical action doctors assume that someone with “real” pain would exhibit. 

For example, one of the things I learned quickly is that I needed to keep myself as calm as possible during a pain flare, because the more stressed and anxious I got, the more it elevated my pain. 

However, a 10 on the pain scale is still just as horrific, even if you’ve been at a 10 for months at a time. And it should elicit the same sense of urgency that would be customary for someone in acute pain saying that their pain was at a 10. 

In fact, I’d go so far as to argue that a 10 for a chronic pain patient can be even more harmful, because if you’re dealing with that level of pain for a long time, it will likely destroy your life. 

Unfortunately, most doctors can’t grasp any of this. So if you show up to an emergency room with an eerie sense of calm while trying to tell them that your pain is a 10/10, they are likely to be very skeptical. 

I wish I could end this column with some sort of solution for patients, but sadly, I don’t think I have one. If your doctor isn’t taking your pain seriously, they probably won’t change their approach just because you show them a different version of a pain scale. 

No, the solution to the frustrating experience of the pain scale will have to come from the other side: from doctors. 

My suggestion is that they start by just believing all patients and then responding accordingly. Unfortunately, under our current healthcare system, I don’t see that happening any time soon.

So all I’ve got for now, is all I’ve ever got: My hope for you that you’re not in too much pain today. 

Chronic Pain Is Chronically Expensive

By Crystal Lindell 

My fiancé and I both have chronic pain. Which means we both spend a lot of money trying to manage it. 

Later today, he will drive an hour and a half each way to see his pain doctor so that they can drug test him in person.  He’s the only doctor in the region who will take new pain patients, so he’s the doctor my fiancé goes to, despite the long drive.

The doctor doesn't take my fiancé’s insurance though, so he will have to pay for the appointment the same way he pays for every monthly appointment with this doctor: with $160 cash. 

And when he gets his medication refill in a few days, that will also have to be paid for with cash at the pharmacy, because his insurance won’t cover prescriptions from doctors who don’t take the insurance. So that’s another $53. 

Aside from the direct costs of that whole ordeal, there’s also the in-direct costs like gas in the car, time away from being able to work on our (very) small online business, and the energy he’ll have to spend dealing with the drive and the stress. 

While he doesn’t have to see this doctor in-person every month, he does have to pay the full price for the appointment every 30 days, along with the prescription. So we have to find a way to basically pay for the equivalent of a car payment every month just so he can have the pain medication he needs to function. 

It’s just one of the ways living with chronic pain gets expensive fast, and also stays expensive. 

There’s the obvious stuff people think of, like the cost of both of us seeing doctors and filling prescriptions. But there’s also the less obvious stuff, like the regular purchases of bulk ibuprofen, Excedrin, and of course antacids for the heartburn caused by the other medications. 

And then there’s the more expensive stuff like the closet full of orthopedic braces, crutches, and walking aids.

There's also the $100/month we spend on kratom powder, which is the only over-the-counter substance that actually helps either of us when our very limited supply of prescription pain meds aren’t enough. And with the current swing in temperatures here in northern Illinois, there are a LOT of days when our limited pain meds aren’t enough. 

We also buy Gatorade every week to take the kratom with, because we’ve found it’s the best and cheapest option to use to get the dirt-like powder down. 

It all adds up so fast, especially with seemingly unlimited inflation. And it ends up being money that we can’t use to improve our lives in other ways, like building savings, having a wedding, or paying off debt. 

Speaking of debt, there’s also the added aspect of all the medical debt I’ve racked up over the last decade, despite having insurance for most of that time. It has essentially destroyed my credit, making it that much harder to secure housing and transportation. 

From the outside, it’s easy to assume that our money troubles must be caused by either our inherent laziness or our inability to budget correctly. But when you have health issues, your money is not the same. It is both harder to get and harder to keep. 

All of these costs are non-negotiable. We can’t just skip his doctor appointment because we have unexpected car problems to pay for. We can’t go without kratom as a trade off if we have unexpected veterinary bills for one of our cats. 

There are a lot of ways that society could be set up differently to help people with chronic pain and chronic illness. Things like universal health care, universal basic income, and expanded public transportation options would go a long way.

I would hope the fact that I’m a human being makes me worthy of social supports like that, but if that’s not enough, there are plenty of selfish reasons for other people to support expanded government programs.

While you may assume that because you don’t need some of these support systems yet, then you never will, you’d be wise to reconsider. Because that’s the thing about chronic illness: If you live long enough, eventually you’ll get sick too. 

And when you do, you’ll find out just how chronically expensive chronic illness really is.

Arachnoiditis Is an Autoimmune Disease

By Dr. Forest Tennant

After several years and numerous studies, we have determined that Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) is an autoimmune disease – a condition in which autoantibodies or cellular elements erroneously recognize tissue as virulent or pathologic and attack it, producing inflammation and tissue destruction.

AA only occurs when inflammation forms jointly in the cauda equina and arachnoid membrane of the spine. After the inflammation becomes significant, adhesions form which fuse or “glue” cauda equina nerve roots to the arachnoid membrane. An autoimmune process is the generator and initiator of this inflammation.

The primary generator of the autoimmune process that causes AA is almost always reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) from its normal, dormant, parasitic state. EBV reactivation may occur multiple times over a lifetime.

This same process is now known to be a major causative factor in several cancers and other autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

The autoimmune process of EBV has two components: autoantibodies and auto-reactivity. The latter occurs when the virus enters a cell and releases high amounts of self-antigen, which stimulates tissue destruction.

In rare cases, a virus other than EBV may generate autoimmunity and cause AA. Other viruses, especially cytomegalovirus, herpes 6, and covid, may also accelerate or potentiate EBV autoimmunity.

In the past it was generally assumed that epidural injections, spine surgery, contamination of spinal fluid by toxins, or spine trauma were the cause of AA. It is now known that these events may trigger EBV autoimmunity in spinal tissues. Our studies plainly show that AA is preceded and/or accompanied by other autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, migraine, and irritable bowel.

Medical practitioners and persons afflicted with AA must now recognize, diagnose, and treat AA as an autoimmune disease caused by EBV reactivation.

Doctors are more prone to want to treat a disease than they are to treat pain, so classifying AA as an autoimmune disease may improve pain treatment. I'm getting a lot of doctors who are coming on board with this, who see that a patient has a legitimate disease and don't mind prescribing some Vicodin, Tramadol, or Percocet to treat it.

More information about the Epstein-Barr Virus and its relationship to AA and other chronic pain conditions can be found in our book: "The Epstein-Barr Virus: A New Factor in the Care of Chronic Pain."  

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. Readers interested in learning more about his research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can also subscribe to its bulletins here.  

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.    

New Guideline Recommends Against Injections for Chronic Back Pain

By Pat Anson

An international panel of experts has released a new guideline strongly recommending against injections for chronic back pain, saying the procedures provide little or no pain relief and there is little evidence to support their use.

The guideline, published in The BMJ, covers 13 commonly used interventional procedures, including epidural injections, joint injections, intramuscular injections, nerve blocks, and radiofrequency ablation. The injections usually involve steroids, a local anesthetic, or a combination of the two.

The expert panel conducted an analysis of dozens of clinical trials and studies, and found “no high certainty evidence” of pain relief for any of the procedures. There was only low or moderate evidence that injections work better than a placebo or sham procedure.

Injections for chronic axial or radicular spine pain have become increasingly common in recent years, and are often touted as safer alternatives to opioid medication.

However, the injections also come with risks, including infections, prolonged pain and stiffness, accidental punctures of the spinal membrane, and rare but “catastrophic complications” such as paralysis. The risks are magnified because many of the procedures are performed multiple times on the same patient.

“The panel had high certainty that undergoing interventional procedures for chronic spine pain was associated with important burden (such as travel, discomfort, productivity loss), which would be recurring as these interventions are typically repeated on a regular basis, and that some patients would bear substantial out-of-pocket costs,” wrote lead author Jason Busse, DC, a professor of anesthesia at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada.

“The panel concluded that all or almost all informed patients would choose to avoid interventional procedures for axial or radicular chronic spine pain because all low and moderate certainty evidence suggests little to no benefit on pain relief compared with sham procedures, and these procedures are burdensome and may result in adverse events.”

Chronic back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Over 72 million U.S. adults suffer from chronic low back pain, according to a 2022 Harris Poll. About a third of those surveyed rated their pain as severe and nearly half said they experienced chronic back pain for at least five years. The vast majority (80%) rated opioids as the most effective treatment.

Pain Management Needs ‘Major Rethink’

In an editorial also published in The BMJ, Jane Ballantyne, MD, an anesthesiologist and retired professor at the University of Washington, said the new guideline raises questions about whether interventional procedures should even be used to treat chronic back pain. 

“The question this recommendation raises is whether it is reasonable to continue to offer these procedures to people with chronic back pain. Chronic back pain is highly prevalent, a great deal of money is spent on the injections, and a lot of patient hopes and expectations are vested in this type of treatment,” wrote Ballantyne. 

“One might ask how the situation arose whereby we spend so much of our healthcare capital on a treatment for a common condition that compromises the lives of so many people but seemingly does not work.”

For Ballantyne to ask that is more than a little ironic. She is a longtime anti-opioid activist, a former president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP), and was a key advisor to the CDC when it drafted guidelines that strongly recommend against opioid therapy.

With opioids increasingly difficult to obtain, many patients with chronic back pain have no alternative but to have interventional procedures, spinal surgeries, or implanted medical devices such as pain pumps and spinal cord stimulators.

Some doctors and pain clinics welcome the opportunity to bill for those expensive procedures, and refuse to give opioids to patients unless they agree to become “human pin cushions.”

One might ask how the situation arose whereby we spend so much of our healthcare capital on a treatment for a common condition that compromises the lives of so many people but seemingly does not work.
— Jane Ballantyne, MD

One might ask Ballantyne what patients with chronic back pain are supposed to do without injections or opioids. Her editorial provides no answers.

“This (new guideline) will not be the last word on spine injections for chronic back pain, but it adds to a growing sense that chronic pain management needs a major rethink,” Ballantyne wrote.

Earlier this month, the American Academy of Neurology released a new evidence review that found epidural steroid injections have limited efficacy, and only modestly reduce chronic back pain for some patients with radiculopathy or spinal stenosis.

Pain Clinics Used Patients as ‘Human Pin Cushions’ for Injections

By Brett Kelman, KFF Health News

Each month, Michelle Shaw went to a pain clinic to get the shots that made her back feel worse — so she could get the pills that made her back feel better.

Shaw, 56, who has been dependent on opioid painkillers since she injured her back in a fall a decade ago, said in both an interview with KFF Health News and in sworn courtroom testimony that the Tennessee clinic would write the prescriptions only if she first agreed to receive three or four "very painful" injections of another medicine along her spine.

The clinic claimed the injections were steroids that would relieve her pain, Shaw said, but with each shot her agony would grow. Shaw said she eventually tried to decline the shots, then the clinic issued an ultimatum: Take the injections or get her painkillers somewhere else.

"I had nowhere else to go at the time," Shaw testified, according to a federal court transcript. "I was stuck."

Shaw was among thousands of patients of Pain MD, a multistate pain management company that was once among the nation's most prolific users of what it referred to as "tendon origin injections," which normally inject a single dose of steroids to relieve stiff or painful joints.

As many doctors were scaling back their use of prescription painkillers due to the opioid crisis, Pain MD paired opioids with monthly injections into patients' backs, claiming the shots could ease pain and potentially lessen reliance on painkillers, according to federal court documents.

Now, years later, Pain MD's injections have been proved in court to be part of a decade-long fraud scheme that made millions by capitalizing on patients' dependence on opioids.

The Department of Justice has successfully argued at trial that Pain MD's "unnecessary and expensive injections" were largely ineffective because they targeted the wrong body part, contained short-lived numbing medications but no steroids, and appeared to be based on test shots given to cadavers — people who felt neither pain nor relief because they were dead.

Four Pain MD employees have pleaded guilty or been convicted of health care fraud, including company president Michael Kestner, who was found guilty of 13 felonies at an October trial in Nashville, Tennessee. According to a transcript from Kestner's trial that became public in December, witnesses testified that the company documented giving patients about 700,000 total injections over about eight years and said some patients got as many as 24 shots at once.

"The defendant, Michael Kestner, found out about an injection that could be billed a lot and paid well," said federal prosecutor James V. Hayes as the trial began, according to the transcript. "And they turned some patients into human pin cushions."

The Department of Justice declined to comment for this article. Kestner's attorneys either declined to comment or did not respond to requests for an interview. At trial, Kestner's attorneys argued that he was a well-intentioned businessman who wanted to run pain clinics that offered more than just pills. He is scheduled to be sentenced on April 21 in a federal court in Nashville.

According to the transcript of Kestner's trial, Shaw and three other former patients testified that Pain MD's injections did not ease their pain and sometimes made it worse. The patients said they tolerated the shots only so Pain MD wouldn't cut off their prescriptions, without which they might have spiraled into withdrawal.

"They told me that if I didn't take the shots — because I said they didn't help — I would not get my medication," testified Patricia McNeil, a former patient in Tennessee, according to the trial transcript. "I took the shots to get my medication."

In her interview with KFF Health News, Shaw said that often she would arrive at the Pain MD clinic walking with a cane but would leave in a wheelchair because the injections left her in too much pain to walk.

"That was the pain clinic that was supposed to be helping me," Shaw said in her interview. "I would come home crying. It just felt like they were using me."

‘Medically Unnecessary’ Injections

Pain MD, which sometimes operated under the name Mid-South Pain Management, ran as many as 20 clinics in Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina throughout much of the 2010s. Some clinics averaged more than 12 injections per patient each month, and at least two patients each received more than 500 shots in total, according to federal court documents.

All those injections added up. According to Medicare data filed in federal court, Pain MD and Mid-South Pain Management billed Medicare for more than 290,000 "tendon origin injections" from January 2010 to May 2018, which is about seven times that of any other Medicare biller in the U.S. over the same period. 

Tens of thousands of additional injections were billed to Medicaid and Tricare during those same years, according to federal court documents. Pain MD billed these government programs for about $111 per injection and collected more than $5 million from the government for the shots, according to the court documents.

More injections were billed to private insurance too. Christy Wallace, an audit manager for BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, testified that Pain MD billed the insurance company about $40 million for more than 380,000 injections from January 2010 to March 2013. BlueCross paid out about $7 million before it cut off Pain MD, Wallace said.

These kinds of enormous billing allegations are not uncommon in health care fraud cases, in which fraudsters sometimes find a legitimate treatment that insurance will pay for and then overuse it to the point of absurdity, said Don Cochran, a former U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee.

Tennessee alone has seen fraud allegations for unnecessary billing of urine testing, skin creams and other injections in just the past decade. Federal authorities have also investigated an alleged fraud scheme involving a Tennessee company and hundreds of thousands of catheters billed to Medicare, according to The Washington Post, citing anonymous sources.

Cochran said the Pain MD case felt especially "nefarious" because it used opioids to make patients play along.

"A scheme where you get Medicare or Medicaid money to provide a medically unnecessary treatment is always going to be out there," Cochran said. "The opioid piece just gives you a universe of compliant people who are not going to question what you are doing."

"It was only opioids that made those folks come back," he said.

The allegations against Pain MD became public in 2018 when Cochran and the Department of Justice filed a civil lawsuit against the company, Kestner, and several associated clinics, alleging that Pain MD defrauded taxpayers and government insurance programs by billing for "tendon origin injections" that were "not actually injections into tendons at all."

Kestner, Pain MD and several associated clinics have each denied all allegations in that lawsuit, which is ongoing.

Scott Kreiner, an expert on spine care and pain medicine who testified at Kestner's criminal trial, said that true tendon origin injections (or TOIs) typically are used to treat inflamed joints, like the condition known as "tennis elbow," by injecting steroids or platelet-rich plasma into a tendon. Kreiner said most patients need only one shot at a time, according to the transcript.

But Pain MD made repeated injections into patients' backs that contained only lidocaine or Marcaine, which are anesthetic medications that cause numbness for mere hours, Kreiner testified.

Pain MD also used needles that were often too short to reach back tendons, Kreiner said, and there was no imaging technology used to aim the needle anyway. Kreiner said he didn't find any injections in Pain MD's records that appeared medically necessary, and even if they had been, no one could need so many.

"I simply cannot fathom a scenario where the sheer quantity of TOIs that I observed in the patient records would ever be medically necessary," Kreiner said, according to the trial transcript. "This is not even a close call."

Jonathan White, a physician assistant who administered injections at Pain MD and trained other employees to do so, then later testified against Kestner as part of a plea deal, said at trial that he believed Pain MD's injection technique was based on a "cadaveric investigation."

According to the trial transcript, White said that while working at Pain MD he realized he could find no medical research that supported performing tendon origin injections on patients' backs instead of their joints.

When he asked if Pain MD had any such research, White said, an employee responded with a two-paragraph letter from a Tennessee anatomy professor — not a medical doctor — that said it was possible to reach the region of back tendons in a cadaver by injecting "within two fingerbreadths" of the spine. This process was "exactly the procedure" that was taught at Pain MD, White said.

During his own testimony, Kreiner said it was "potentially dangerous" to inject a patient as described in the letter, which should not have been used to justify medical care.

"This was done on a dead person," Kreiner said, according to the trial transcript. "So the letter says nothing about how effective the treatment is."

Patient Treated ‘Like a Dartboard’

Pain MD collapsed into bankruptcy in 2019, leaving some patients unable to get new prescriptions because their medical records were stuck in locked storage units, according to federal court records.

At the time, Pain MD defended the injections and its practice of discharging patients who declined the shots. When a former patient publicly accused the company of treating his back "like a dartboard," Pain MD filed a defamation lawsuit, then dropped the suit about a month later.

"These are interventional clinics, so that's what they offer," Jay Bowen, a then-attorney for Pain MD, told The Tennessean newspaper in 2019. "If you don't want to consider acupuncture, don't go to an acupuncture clinic. If you don't want to buy shoes, don't go to a shoe store."

Kestner's trial told another story. According to the trial transcript, eight former Pain MD medical providers testified that the driving force behind Pain MD's injections was Kestner himself, who is not a medical professional and yet regularly pressured employees to give more shots.

One nurse practitioner testified that she received emails "every single workday" pushing for more injections. Others said Kestner openly ranked employees by their injection rates, and implied that those who ranked low might be fired.

"He told me that if I had to feed my family based on my productivity, that they would starve," testified Amanda Fryer, a nurse practitioner who was not charged with any crime.

Brian Richey, a former Pain MD nurse practitioner who at times led the company's injection rankings, and has since taken a plea deal that required him to testify in court, said at the trial that he "performed so many injections" that his hand became chronically inflamed and required surgery.

"'Over injecting killed my hand,'" Richey said on the witness stand, reading a text message he sent to another Pain MD employee in 2017, according to the trial transcript. "'I was in so much pain Injecting people that didn’t want it but took it to stay a patient.'"

"Why would they want to stay there?" a prosecutor asked.

"To keep getting their narcotics," Richey responded, according to the trial transcript.

Throughout the trial, defense attorney Peter Strianse argued that Pain MD's focus on injections was a result of Kestner's "obsession" with ensuring that the company "would never be called a pill mill."

Strianse said that Kestner "stayed up at night worrying" about patients coming to clinics only to get opioid prescriptions, so he pushed his employees to administer injections, too.

"Employers motivating employees is not a crime," Strianse said at closing arguments, according to the court transcript. "We get pushed every day to perform. It's not fraud; it's a fact of life."

Prosecutors insisted that this defense rang hollow. During the trial, former employees had testified that most patients' opioid dosages remained steady or increased while at Pain MD, and that the clinics did not taper off the painkillers no matter how many injections were given.

"Giving them injections does not fix the pill mill problem," federal prosecutor Katherine Payerle said during closing arguments, according to the trial transcript. "The way to fix being a pill mill is to stop giving the drugs or taper the drugs."

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. 

FDA Approved Genetic Test for Opioid Use Disorder Is Flawed

By Crystal Lindell

An FDA-approved test that claims it can identify genetic risk for opioid use disorder (OUD) is so flawed as to basically be useless – at least according to a new study published in JAMA.

The genetic test, which is sold under the brand name “AvertD” by AutoGenomics, was given approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 2023. The test claims it can use 15 genetic variants to identify people at risk for misusing opioids. 

According to AutoGenomics, the variants “may be associated with an elevated genetic risk for developing OUD.” However, the company provides no citations to support the associations between the brain reward pathways and OUD — meaning the test’s foundation itself seems to be flawed.

However, the authors took the premise of the AvertD test seriously, and set out to find if it could actually predict OUD. They looked at a diverse sample of more than 450,000 “opioid-exposed individuals” (including 33,669 individuals with OUD), and found no evidence to support the use of the AvertD test. 

Specifically, they found both high rates of false positives and false negatives, with 47 out of 100 predicated cases or controls being incorrect. 

“Notably, clinicians could better predict OUD risk using an individual’s age and sex than the 15 genetic variants,” researchers said.

The fact that the test doesn’t seem to work could have dangerous consequences for pain patients. The fear is that they will be used to deny patients opioid medications simply because their “genetic markers” show them to be in a high-risk patient group. 

The study authors directly point this out, writing: “False-positive findings can contribute to stigma, cause patients undue concern, and bias health care decisions.”

They also point out the potential harms of a false-negative finding, which "could give patients and prescribers a false sense of security regarding opioid use and lead to inadequate treatment plans."

The fact that this genetic test has gotten as far as it has raises questions about the FDA approval process. 

The problems don’t stop there though. Another major flaw in both the study and the genetic testing is that “Opioid Use Disorder” has such murky diagnostic criteria, that it’s difficult to take it seriously. It’s basically a set of vague symptoms, as opposed to a clear-cut diagnosis, despite what some have been led to believe. 

A CDC fact sheet for OUD Diagnostic Criteria is a mishmash of vague symptoms, such as tolerance and withdrawal, that could just be the result of untreated or poorly treated physical pain. 

Things like “taking opioids in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended” and “having a persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to reduce or control opioid use.”

The CDC also lists "withdrawal symptoms" as one of the diagnostic criteria for OUD, which is something that people can experience from rapid tapering without having OUD.

The CDC then includes the odd disclaimer that “tolerance and withdrawal are not considered” when opioids are taken under appropriate medical supervision.

So in a country that does not guarantee healthcare, you can avoid an OUD diagnosis if you can afford to find a doctor willing to prescribe opioids to you. But if you can’t find a doctor or abandoned by one — and then have withdrawal symptoms — you must have a disorder.

That doesn’t sound like a medical diagnosis to me. That sounds like classism.

A patient needs just to have just two of the OUD criteria to have “mild OUD” – a benchmark that has the sweeping effect of including a large number of patients taking opioids for chronic pain. 

It’s no wonder that a genetic test claiming to be able to predict OUD would be so flawed, given how flawed the diagnosis of OUD is to begin with. 

Perhaps instead of trying to guess potential risks for a vague disorder, the FDA should be focused on treatments already proven effective for people who want to stop their opioid use, like expanding methadone access. 

The whole situation reminds me of the Tom Cruise-movie Minority Report, a futuristic thriller in which a specialized police department called Precrime “apprehends criminals by use of foreknowledge provided by three psychics.”

Denying people pain medication based on a flawed genetic test that falsely claims it can predict the future is basically the same thing. And it’s just as evil in real life as it is in the movie.  

Why Life With Chronic Pain Makes Every New Ache Extra Terrifying

By Crystal Lindell

Late Sunday night, while putting freshly cleaned sheets onto my bed, I twisted a little weird and threw out my back.

By Monday morning, the pain was so debilitating that I was sobbing as my fiancé tried to help me out of our bed. But beyond dealing with the immediate physical pain, I was also terrified of the future.

As a chronic pain patient, every time I get any new illness or affliction I worry that it will become what the rib pain I woke up with in 2013 became: Permanent. 

When you develop chronic health issues of any sort, you lose one of the healthy population’s greatest luxuries: The ability to assume that you’ll eventually get better. 

Thankfully, I seem to be recovering from this flare up of back pain. Three days after the initial onset, I’m able to lift myself out of bed, and even do some light cooking in the kitchen. 

This is the first time I’ve ever experienced any type of severe back pain like this though, and I had been very stressed that my back would never recover.

This isn’t the first time I’ve faced this fear. 

When I had a bad case of COVID in 2022, I spent the first few nights awake with the most severe cold-related muscle aches I’d ever experienced.

In my fever state, I frantically Googled to see if this was a symptom that could become permanent. I was petrified that my body was just broken like this forever. Thankfully it wasn’t, but I know all too well that there’s no guarantee of recovery when it comes to the human body.

It’s not just my health I worry about either. 

Anytime a loved one tells me about a chest cold, some new joint pain, or any type of new health issue, I panic that their body will never recover. Or worse, what if it kills them?

This fear has only been made worse since 2020, when COVID, which first presents as cold symptoms, started spreading. In the years since it has killed multiple people I knew. 

Now anytime anyone I know develops so much as a sore throat, I worry that they’re going to die.

I keep this to myself because there’s nothing to be gained by spreading my worry to them, but I worry nonetheless. I know firsthand how fragile our bodies are, how delicate our health truly is. I am all too aware of the fact that any of us can lose it at any time. 

As I've been enduring the new back pain all week, cursing myself for taking my ability to bend over for granted, I’ve thought a lot about my late-father, who died from COVID in 2022. 

I have vivid memories of him throwing his back multiple times throughout my childhood. Now that it has happened to me, I’ve realized that I didn’t spend nearly enough time asking him how he coped with it, and then seemingly got past it. 

My dad’s back was so bad that he was walking with a cane at age 35, when my younger brother was born in 1989. But the cane was gone within a few years and I don’t remember him needing it again after that. 

Talking with my brother this week, he told me our dad blamed his back pain on driving a truck for a living, a profession he eventually gave up so he could pursue computer programming. So, I assume it was the career change that alleviated his back pain. But now that he’s dead, I’ll never really know for sure how he healed his back, or if he even really did.

My late-grandfather on my mother’s side also spent decades of his life battling seemingly untreatable back pain. He passed away when I was a toddler, but stories about his back pain continued long past his death. 

Now, as an adult, I suspect he was one of the links in the genetic Ehlers-Danlos chain that we now know runs along my mom’s side of the family. We both battled the same condition, but he’ll never know that.

Pain is always bad, but as our bodies age in the same ways our parents, and their parents before them have, it does have one small, silver lining: It can help us connect to our ancestors in new ways, helping us more fully grasp the lives they lived before us. 

After battling this back pain flare up this week, I have a new appreciation for how much pain my dad and my grandfather must have endured due to their back problems, and a more fully developed sense of empathy for their troubles. 

So while I will continue to worry that every new health issue will become permanent, including my new back pain, I can take small comfort in knowing that even if that’s the case, enduring it just makes me part of a long line of my ancestors who’ve endured the same before me. 

Human beings suffer, but when we suffer together, it does tend to alleviate our sorrows ever so slightly. 

VA Tweet Recommends Spinal Cord Stimulators While Spreading Opioid Phobia

By Crystal Lindell

A recent post on X (formerly Twitter) from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs inadvertently highlights one of the ways that opioid phobia is actively causing a lot of harm. 

On Dec. 31, 2024 the VA made this post on X: 

“Spinal cord stimulation implantation helps Veterans suffering from chronic pain improve their quality of life without narcotics.”

The post links to a VA News article headlined: "Columbia VA performs first spinal cord stimulation implantation."

About 50,000 stimulators are implanted every year in the U.S., but this was the first time the VA hospital in Columbia, South Carolina had done one. There are two major problems with the VA’s post and the related article: 

  1. Spinal cord stimulators are often ineffective and sometimes so dangerous they have to be removed. 

  2. Recommending them as a method of treatment that can be done “without narcotics” serves to demonize prescription opioids, which are both relatively safe and effective. The use of the word “narcotics” rather than “opioids” also feels intentional, as narcotics is commonly used by law enforcement

Overall, the VA’s post and the related linked article are emblematic of a now pervasive attitude among medical professionals: Any treatment that reduces opioids must be good. And if that treatment is bad, well, it’s still good.  

Before we go further into the research about why spinal cord stimulators (SCSs) are so problematic, it's important to explain what they actually are. 

Stimulators are surgically placed near the spine, with a small battery also placed under the skin, usually near the buttocks or abdomen. Patients with back, hip or leg pain then use a remote control to send mild electric signals into their spinal nerves to block pain signals to the brain. 

A quick tip as someone who has a lot of experience with medical interventions: Anytime a doctor says they want to start messing with your spine, you should be wary. 

‘Potential for Serious Harm’

Don’t take my word for it though. There’s tons of research highlighting the negative effects of SCSs. 

As an Associated Press investigation in 2018 found, spinal cord stimulators account for the third-highest number of medical device injury reports to the FDA, with over 80,000 incidents flagged over the previous decade. The AP also found that the FDA had more than 500 reports of people with stimulators who died.

In 2022, a study published in the Journal of Patient Safety analyzed adverse effects involving SCSs reported to the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. That research found 520 adverse events, with most rated as severe (79%) or life-threatening (13%).

“Spinal cords stimulators have the potential for serious harm, and each year in Australia, many are removed. In view of the low certainty evidence of their long-term safety and effectiveness, our results raise questions about their role in providing long-term management of intractable pain,” researchers concluded.

Additionally, a January 2024 article from the American Academy of Family Physicians headlined: "Despite Weak Evidence, Spinal Cord Stimulators Are Big Business” also highlights their shortcomings. 

In it, author Kenny Lin, MD, writes: "These devices come with a high price tag ($30,000) and potential complications that include electrode migration, hematoma formation, infection, spinal cord injury, and cerebrospinal fluid leak."

Lin also notes that in a 2020 letter to health care providers, the FDA reported that over a four year period, it received nearly 108,000 reports involving SCSs, including 428 deaths, nearly 78,000 injuries, and over 29,000 instances of a device malfunction. 

That seems like an unacceptably high rate of unintended effects for a device with modest benefits.

It’s disappointing, but not surprising, to see the VA perpetuate dangerous medical information promoting spinal cord stimulators, especially as some sort of magical alternative to “narcotics.” 

Messaging from government agencies holds power and needs to be used responsibly. I would hate for a veteran to see that post on X, decide to get a spinal cord stimulator, and then end up with adverse effects. I’d also hate for any VA doctors to see that post and conclude that they should be pushing the stimulators over something like hydrocodone. 

The whole situation reinforces how far we have strayed from rational opioid policy, and how far we have to go if we ever want to have one. At this point, I’m not sure I’ll live long enough to see that happen. 

More Lackluster Results for Non-Opioid Pain Reliever

By Pat Anson

New questions are being raised about the effectiveness of an experimental non-opioid analgesic and whether it can be a viable alternative to opioid pain medication.

Results from Vertex Pharmaceuticals’ Phase 2 clinical trial show that suzetrigine is essentially no more effective than a placebo in relieving back and hip pain caused by lumbosacral radiculopathy (LSR).

After 12 weeks of treatment with the drug suzetrigine, patients with LSR had a 2.02 average reduction in their pain scores on a rating scale of zero to 10. That compares to an average reduction of 1.98 for patients who received a placebo or sham treatment.

Although the difference between 2.02 and 1.98 is minuscule, Vertex claimed the overall findings were “statistically significant and clinically meaningful” in a press release. The company blamed the lackluster results on the placebo effect and the difficulty of treating lumbosacral radiculopathy.

“Suzetrigine has again demonstrated its potential to fill an important unmet need in the treatment of pain,” said Carmen Bozic, MD, Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Vertex. “We did not see separation between the suzetrigine and the placebo arms. Yet our post-hoc analyses suggest that this could be due to the high placebo response in this study.”

Despite the disappointing results, Vertex still plans to go ahead with a Phase 3 study of suzetrigine for LSR, while changing the study design to minimize the impact of the placebo.

“Managing the placebo response in pain trials is a complex challenge. We look forward to innovating in clinical trial design, including for the pivotal study, with the aim of bringing a potentially safe and effective treatment to patients suffering from LSR," said Christine Sang, MD, co-chair of Vertex’s Peripheral Neuropathic Pain steering committee and principal investigator of the study.

Suzetrigine is already under consideration by the FDA as a treatment for acute pain, with a decision expected in late January. If approved, suzetrigine would be the first new medication for acute pain in over two decades.

Unlike opioids, suzetrigine blocks pain signals in the peripheral nervous system before they reach the brain. That means it won’t have the “liking” effect that opioids can have in some patients or be as addictive.

Although suzetrigine has been touted as a novel painkiller that "could bring relief to millions” without the risk of addiction, findings from earlier studies have also been mixed. In a Phase 3 trial of patients recovering from minimally invasive surgery, suzetrigine was no more effective than a low dose combination of hydrocodone and acetaminophen, more commonly known as Vicodin.

Although Vertex downplayed the results from the Phase 2 study, shares of the company lost about 15% of their value after last week’s announcement. Wall Street analysts said the Phase 2 findings were “very messy” and "raise considerable risk around suzetrigine's potential.”

Ultimately, it will be up to the FDA to decide whether suzetrigine should be allowed on the market. The agency is under pressure to approve new non-opioid analgesics, so it may look past the disappointing clinical trial findings. If approval is granted in January, it will coincide with implementation of the NOPAIN Act, which will make non-opioid analgesics in outpatient surgical settings eligible for higher Medicare reimbursement rates.  

In addition to acute pain and lumbosacral radiculopathy, Vertex is also studying suzetrigine as a treatment for diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

You Are a Medical Commodity

By Dr. David Hanscom 

The shocking murder of a health insurance executive and the glorification – by some – of Luigi Mangione, the alleged killer, has underscored how many Americans feel about the U.S. healthcare system.

Medicine has become big business and you, the patient, are a hot commodity. You and your health problems are the main source of revenue for many companies needing to report big profits to their shareholders. In this era of so-called health reform, it’s essential to understand what this means to you – and the news is not good.

As a spine surgeon, I enjoy caring for patients and performing surgeries when needed, and do my best to help people feel better and function well. Unfortunately, most people getting spine surgery today not only won’t be helped, they’ll suffer more as a result of complications from surgeries they shouldn’t have.

For example, let’s look at spinal fusion for low back pain. There is clear research showing that only about 25% of patients significantly benefit from a spine fusion for lower back pain. Another report from Washington State, where I practiced, showed that just 15% of people who had a spinal fusion returned to work one year after their operation.

Physicians today are trained to use evidence-based data to make treatment decisions – and yet, when it comes to low back pain, the data is routinely ignored. A 2009 study showed that physicians eschew established clinical guidelines for best practices in treating back pain.

3 Patient Stories: George, Teresa and Tom

George, a middle-aged businessman, had lower back pain. The first spinal fusion he had didn’t help, so he had another. As a result of complications from that second (unnecessary) surgery, he lost bowel and bladder function, and has to walk with crutches.

Teresa was struck in the back by a swinging steel beam while at work. It was a significant blow, but she only had a bruise, no fractures.  Her discomfort was treated with 15 sets of injections that included facet blocks, epidural cortisone injections, and dye into most of her discs.

She also underwent a spinal fusion from her neck down to her pelvis – an operation that made it impossible for her to stand upright, as she was fused in a flexed-forward position. I was able to help her stand up straight again after a 10-hour procedure that involved cutting her spine in two to re-straighten her back.

Had Teresa only gotten some work on her back muscles after the workplace injury, she could have gone back to everyday life without surgery.

Tom had a narrowing of his lumbar spinal canal caused by spinal stenosis, which caused weakness in his legs. The stenosis should have been treated with a simple, three-level laminectomy (simple removal of bone), as his spine was stable. Instead, he had surgery to fuse his spine at eight levels from his 10th thoracic vertebra to the pelvis. A fusion is only indicated for an unstable spine and is a much bigger operation.

After the fusion, Tom suffered a series of infections and fractures, requiring 15 additional operations in 30 months. He is now solidly fused at 24 levels from the base of his skull to his pelvis. He did not do well.

I could share dozens of stories like these, all with a common theme. Though they were experiencing back and leg pain, not a single one required fusion surgery. Fusions are necessary and helpful only for unstable or deformed spines, and they do not relieve back pain. The more significant number of levels fused during surgery requires more extended operations, which have a higher chance of complications.

All three of the patients I described above could have been helped with a structured spine care program to implement known effective treatments to decrease their pain and improve the odds of a successful surgery.

Instead, they were subjected to unnecessary risks and unspeakable misery. Spread out over the hundreds of thousands of other patients who could tell similar stories, the costs to society in dollars and human suffering are enormous.

Why Is This Happening?  

There are several reasons, some concerning how doctors are trained, but money is a significant factor. Spinal fusion is a lucrative procedure for hospitals.  Hospitals now employ an increasing number of physicians and many use their electronic medical records to track the number of diagnostic tests that their doctors order and the surgical procedures they perform. Doctors are rewarded financially with bonuses for doing as many surgeries as possible, but they get negative ratings for not doing enough to contribute to the institution's profitability.

That’s bad enough, but even worse, these highly profitable procedures have been well-documented as not working. Effective treatments are often (usually) not covered by insurance. Instead of solving and preventing disability, the business of medicine is creating it. The total cost of chronic disease in the U.S. is approaching $4 trillion a year. Yet nothing is being done to solve it.

The Hippocratic Oath swears us doctors to first to do no harm. That also means doing the right thing for our patients, regardless of the situation. It is often said that the financial incentives need to change to create a healthier medical system. The Oath does not say to treat patients with the best standard of care only if they can pay for it.

One place change has to occur is with each physician refusing to be intimidated by hospital administrators and by demanding more time to talk to their patients.

This is a complicated state of affairs, and I am not blaming any group for causing it. I am continually impressed by how committed physicians are to doing the right thing for patients. But in this practice-for-profit climate, they need to be allowed more time or be given the resources to do so.

Only about 10% of spine surgeons implement psychological screening prior to surgery that will optimize a patient’s chances of a successful outcome. Many surgeons don’t feel it is their responsibility. Really? Are we going back to the days when barbers were the surgeons? Are we only technicians?

Hospital systems are problematic because administrative costs have risen 3,000% over the last 10 years, while physician salaries have grown by 15%. The increased “productivity” goes directly into management’s pockets.

BTW, 65% of personal bankruptcies are caused by medical bills. Could this be a factor in creating our homelessness epidemic?

Profits Over Safety

The core problem lies with the healthcare-for-profit model and the scale at which it is being practiced. It is focused on making money off of illness, rather than encouraging wellness. Businesses must operate profitably, but at whose expense? Is there any shareholder willing to trade their health for the betterment of the bottom line? Why should you be the one to be the fuel for this machine?

We can’t afford to continue down this road. Medical consumers – that’s you, me, and our husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, and daughters -- are the core revenue source. We must become better, more educated and more vocal consumers of healthcare, and we must refuse to be treated like medical commodities.

This effort needs to begin NOW and with one person at a time. You deserve much better than this.

David Hanscom, MD, is an orthopedic spine surgeon who has helped hundreds of back pain sufferers by teaching them how to calm their central nervous systems without the use of drugs or surgery.

David is the author of ”Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon's Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain,” one of the books on back pain that was read by Luigi Mangione.

What Qualifies Someone as Disabled?

By Crystal Lindell

There’s a common question in the disability community about what qualifies someone as “disabled.”

My advice to anyone considering this question about themselves is this: People who are not disabled do not sit around contemplating whether or not they are disabled. 

So, if you are wondering if your health issues qualify you as disabled: They do.  

A lot of Americans have a rigid idea of “disability” based on how it’s often portrayed in popular culture. The idea is that “real” disabled people use something like a wheelchair, a walking cane, or a walker. Those Hollywood props are what qualifies someone as legitimately disabled. 

But in real life, that’s not true. Disability is often gradual, slowly chipping away at our abilities – but taking them away nonetheless. Which means it can be hard to know when we’ve crossed the threshold into fully disabled. And we may arrive there without so much as a walking cane. 

In truth, it took me years to fully grasp this about my own diminishing health. 

My pain often makes it so that I cannot leave the house, even with pain medication. Grocery shopping trips leave me exhausted, assuming I even have the energy to push through that day’s pain to navigate the store in the first place. I am on daily medications, I put off showers because they are too difficult for me to handle, and I often cancel plans last minute when my body decides to be uncooperative. 

Yet despite all of that, I still did not know if I should consider myself "disabled."

Over time though, I have come to realize that my health problems impact so many aspects of my life, that of course I am disabled. 

After we decide to take on the label of “disabled” for ourselves, we often meet the next hurdle: pushback from loved ones and strangers who bristle at the distinction. 

There’s also a common sentiment among patients with chronic illness where they think if they meet some imaginary threshold of disabled, then finally people will start to accept their limitations and maybe even show some sympathy. Unfortunately, that is often not the case. 

When it comes to health issues, you will never find validation from others. There is no level of mobility aids or level of diagnosis you can get where people who’ve dismissed your health issues in the past will suddenly start to accept them. 

That’s in large part because when people interact with a disabled person, it requires them to contemplate the fact that their own body could eventually fail them one day. 

Some people choose to hold space for that realization in themselves and then express empathy. But others try to reject it, choosing instead to accuse the disabled person of being overdramatic. That’s because they don’t want to consider just how vulnerable our human bodies really are.  

I’ve heard people dismiss diagnosed cancer patients as “hypochondriacs” for complaining about their symptoms. I’ve seen people claim that POTS is not a real disability, despite the fact that it’s often debilitating and life-altering. And I’ve heard people tell loved ones not to use a wheelchair when they need it, because it might make them “give up.” As though we are ever allowed to give up in our bodies. 

Personally, I think of the time I sprained my ankle back in high school. At the time I was working at Walmart, and I went into work despite the severe pain, swelling and bruising on my ankle. Unable to put any weight on it, I used one of the store’s electric mobility scooters to get around the store during my shift. 

A co-worker felt the need to come right up to me and tell me that I shouldn’t be using it because I should be saving the scooters for people who “really” need them. Apparently being unable to walk did not qualify me. 

My advice here is that other’s opinions of your body are irrelevant. They don’t know what it’s like to live with your symptoms, so it doesn’t matter if they accept the label of disabled for you or not. All that matters is that you accept whatever you label you decide to use. 

And, like I said, if you’re wondering if you are “disabled” you probably are. And that’s okay. Now that you’ve named it, you can get on with the noble work of finding new ways to live with it.

Suspect in Shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Had Chronic Back Pain

By Pat Anson

The 26-year-old suspect arrested for last week’s brazen shooting of an insurance company executive suffered from chronic back pain severe enough to require surgery.

Luigi Mangione was detained at a McDonald’s in Altoona, Pennsylvania after a witness reported to police that he looked similar to the man wanted in the Manhattan assassination of Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare. Mangione was initially held on gun charges, and later charged with murder by New York City police.  

"He matches the description of the person we are looking for," NYC mayor Eric Adams said in a news conference.

Mangione had a handgun and a silencer that were "consistent with the weapon used in the murder," according to NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch.

He also had several fake IDs and a handwritten manifesto that explained his motives. Police sources told the New York Post that Mangione hated the U.S. healthcare system.

“These parasites had it coming,” the manifesto reportedly says. “It had to be done.”

Mangione is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, where he majored in computer science and received a master's degree in engineering.


In his online accounts, Mangione wrote about artificial intelligence and reposted links about psychedelics and mental health. He also shared that he suffered from spondylolisthesis, a chronic condition where vertebrae in the spine slip out of place and cause back pain.

Mangione’s profile on Twitter/X includes an x-ray image of several screws embedded in a spine. It appears to be his own x-ray. A second image shows a smiling and seemingly fit Mangione hiking bare-shirted in Hawaii.

A friend and former roommate of Mangione said he had to spend several days in bed after aggravating his back during a surfing lesson in Hawaii.

“He was in bed for about a week. We had to get a different bed for him that was more firm,” R.J. Martin told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “And I know it was really traumatic and difficult. You know, when you're in your early 20’s and you can't do some basic things, it can be really, really difficult.”

Martin said Mangione was thoughtful, friendly and communicated well. The two fell out-of-touch when Mangione left Hawaii, but exchanged texts earlier this year.

“I knew he was going to have a surgery. So earlier this year, I checked in with him. He confirmed that he had had surgery, and he sent me the X rays. It looked heinous with just giant screws going into his spine,” Martin said.

“After that, he called me once and I didn't pick up. We kind of texted a little bit, but we lost contact unfortunately. I feel terrible now. I wish I would have made more of an effort to communicate with him.”

‘Violence Is Necessary to Survive’

While in Hawaii, Martin says Mangione started a book club with his roommates. His profile on Goodreads shows a particular interest in back pain. He listed five books about it, including “Back in Control: A Spine Surgeon's Roadmap Out of Chronic Painby Dr. David Hanscom and “Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recoveryby Cathryn Jakobson Ramin.

Ramin wrote about the excessive use of epidural steroid injections, calling them the “bread and butter” treatment of interventional pain doctors.

Hanscom wrote his book to explain why he abandoned his 30-year career as a spine surgeon. He was seeing too many patients being harmed by interventional procedures.

“Modern medicine is ignoring this. We are not only failing to treat chronic pain, but creating it,” Hanscom wrote in a PNN column. “Spine surgeons are throwing random treatments at symptoms without taking the time to know a patient’s whole story.” 

On Goodreads, Mangione reviewed the manifesto of “Unabomber” Theodore Kaczynski, the reclusive hermit who planted bombs that killed three people before being caught in 1996. His words suggest that Mangione saw Kaczynski as a counterculture hero who rebelled against an unjust society.

“He was a violent individual - rightfully imprisoned - who maimed innocent people,” Mangione wrote. “While these actions tend to be characterized as those of a crazy luddite, however, they are more accurately seen as those of an extreme political revolutionary.

'When all other forms of communication fail, violence is necessary to survive. You may not like his methods, but to see things from his perspective, it’s not terrorism, it’s war and revolution.'

It’s not known if Mangione’s back pain became worse after his surgery or what role, if any, United Healthcare had in his treatment.

His friend Martin was shocked by Mangione’s arrest and alleged involvement in murder.

“I can make zero sense of it. You know, there's never justification for violence. We live in a democratic system with processes and procedures to address our issues. I can make no sense of it,” he said.

If Mangione did resort to violence against the healthcare system, he wouldn’t be the first patient to do so. In recent years, doctors in Indiana, Nevada and Oklahoma have been shot by disgruntled pain patients or their spouses.  

7 Practical Gift Ideas for People with Chronic Pain

By Crystal Lindell

Whether you’re looking for gift ideas for a loved one with chronic pain, or you’re looking for some ideas for your own wish list, we’ve got you covered. 

I’ve been living with chronic pain for more than 10 years now, and below is a list of some of my favorite things that would also make great gifts for the person in pain in your life. 

And don’t worry, it’s not a bunch of medicinal stuff. Being in pain doesn’t represent our entire identities. The list below is a lot of fun items that would be great for anyone on your list, but that also are especially great for people with chronic pain.

There’s also stuff for every price range, so you’re sure to find the perfect holiday gift! 

Note that Pain News Network may receive a small commission from the links provided below. 

1. Heated Blankets

I put heated blankets first on this list for a reason – they are truly invaluable if you have chronic pain. Even if you live in a warm climate, they can be great to use if people you live with want the AC on the high side. 

There’s just something that’s both cozy and comforting about curling up with a blanket that literally warms you up. I can’t recommend them enough, both as a gift and for yourself. 

I personally loved this Tefici Electric Heated Blanket Throw so much that after getting one for my house, I literally ordered 4 more so I could give them out as Christmas gifts to my family. They all loved them too. And so did their pet cats! 

Find it on Amazon here: Tefici Electric Heated Blanket Throw

The Tefici was actually my intro to heated blankets. After purchasing one for my living room, I was hooked. So I leveled up to this Shavel Micro Flannel Heated Blanket

It was a little more expensive than the heated throw, but I got it in 2021, and it’s still going strong. We use it in the bedroom every single night during our cold Midwest winters, and I can’t imagine sleeping without it. It offers more heat settings than the throw, and it can stay on for up to 9 hours. The heating mechanism is also more steady than the throw, so it doesn’t feel like it gets too hot overnight. 

Find it on Amazon here: Shavel Micro Flannel Heated Blanket

2. Home Coffee Machine

One thing about chronic pain – or really any sort of chronic illness – is that it makes it difficult to leave the house some days. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your Starbucks-style coffee. 

With a home espresso machine, and a milk frother it’s really easy to create very similar drinks at home – and they’re much cheaper than Starbucks. 

I’ve personally been a fan of Nespresso machines for years now and I recently got my sister into them as well. Assuming the person you’re buying for likes coffee, and that they don’t already have a Nespresso, getting them one or a related accessory like a frother as a gift can be a really fun idea. 

Plus, then they’ll lovingly think of you every morning when they use it! 

Find it on Amazon: Nespresso Vertuo Pop+ Coffee and Espresso Maker by Breville with Milk Frother, Coconut White

3. Sound Machine

A lot of people with chronic pain have trouble sleeping, but both me and my partner have realized that having some white noise in the background can really help our brains relax overnight. 

There are a lot of options out there, but a basic one at a lower price point is all you really need. I got him the EasyHome Sleep Sound Machine last year for Christmas and we both love it! It now has a permanent place on our bedroom dresser. 

It has 30 Soothing Sounds, 12 Adjustable Night Lights, and 32 Levels of Volume. We use it all winter when it’s too cold to sleep with the fan on for background noise. 

Find it on Amazon: EasyHome Sleep Sound Machine

4. Pajama Pants

As someone with chronic pain, I honestly spend more days in pajama pants than I do in regular pants. And not only do I love wearing them, I also love receiving them as a gift – especially novelty ones. 

My partner is a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, so I got him these Lord of The Rings Men's PJ’s last year for his birthday, and he wears them at least once a week. 

And quick note: If you’re purchasing pajamas as a gift, I always recommend sizing up to make sure they’re super comfortable. 

Find it on Amazon: Lord of The Rings Men's Sleepwear

5. Streaming Devices

There are a lot of streaming devices you can use to connect your TV to the internet, but we’ve had Rokus in our house for years now, so I can personally recommend them. 

We specifically love that they offer this really great search feature, where if you search on the Roku homepage for a movie or TV show title, it will tell you which one of your streaming services offer it, and even which ones have it for free! So no more scrolling in an out of each streaming app trying to find the movie you want to watch. 

As an added bonus, you can also use a feature in the Roku App as a remote if you lose yours, which can come up a lot for people who might be dealing with chronic pain-related brain fog. 

Find it on Amazon: Roku Express 4K+

6. Art Supplies

Having chronic pain means I’m always on the lookout for low-key activities I can do at home, so over the years I’ve gotten really into artistic pursuits. But if you’ve ever tried to start a new hobby, you know that getting all the supplies can be half the battle. 

But that also means that art supplies can make a great gift for someone with chronic pain. Plus, they come at a very wide range of price points, so you can find something perfect without having to overspend. 

I personally have the ai-natebok 36 Colored Fineliner Pens linked below, and I love using them for a wide variety of projects. But there’s also sketch pads, watercolor sets and blank canvas, not to mention color books. 

Find it on Amazon: ai-natebok 36 Colored Fineliner Pens

7. Gift Cards

Of course, when all else fails, sometimes the best gift is a gift card, especially if you’re looking for something last-minute since they can usually be sent via e-mail. 

I especially recommend Amazon gift cards, specifically because they can be used to pay for Amazon Prime Service, which offers both streaming services and fast home delivery – two things that people with chronic pain often love. 

Find it on Amazon: Amazon gift cards

Unnecessary Back Surgeries Performed Every 8 Minutes at U.S. Hospitals

By Pat Anson

Over 200,000 unnecessary or “low value” back surgeries have been performed on older patients at U.S. hospitals over the last three years, about one procedure every eight minutes, according to a new report.

The analysis by the Lown Institute estimates the potential cost to Medicare at $2 billion for unnecessary spinal fusions, laminectomies and vertebroplasties. The procedures either fuse vertebrae together, remove part of a vertebra (laminectomy), or inject bone-like cement into fractured vertebrae (vertebroplasty) to stabilize them.

Lown maintains that fusions and laminectomies have little or no benefit for low-back pain caused by aging, while patients with spinal fractures caused by osteoporosis receive little benefit from vertebroplasties.

“We trust that our doctors make decisions based on the best available evidence, but that’s not always the case,” said Vikas Saini, MD, president of the Lown Institute, an independent think tank that analyzed Medicare and Medicare Advantage claims from 2019 to 2022.  

“In spinal surgery, as with other fields of medicine, physicians routinely overlook evidence to make exceptions, sometimes at shockingly high rates. This type of waste in Medicare is costly, both in terms of spending, and in risk to patients.”

Up to 30 million Americans receive medical care for spine problems each year. While surgery is appropriate for some, the Lown Institute considers many common surgeries overused and of low value to patients. Potential risks include infection, blood clots, stroke, heart and lung problems, paralysis and even death.

Spinal fusions and laminectomies are considered useful for patients who have low back pain caused by trauma, herniated discs, discitis, spondylosis, myelopathy, radiculopathy and scoliosis. Fusions are also appropriate for patients with spinal stenosis from neural claudication and spondylolisthesis; and laminectomies are appropriate for patients with stenosis who have neural claudication.

Wide Variation in Overuse Rates

Nationwide, about 14% of spinal fusions/laminectomies met the criteria for overuse, while 11% of surgery patients with osteoporosis received an unnecessary vertebroplasty.  

The Lown Institute found a wide variation in overuse rates at some of the nation’s largest and most prestigious hospitals. UC San Diego, for example, had a 1.2% overuse rate for fusions and laminectomies; while the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania had a 32.6% overuse rate.

The largest overuse rate was at Mt. Nittany Medical Center in Pennsylvania, where nearly two-thirds (62.8%) of the fusions and laminectomies were considered inappropriate or of low value.

The Lown report found that over 3,400 doctors performed a high number of low-value back surgeries. Those physicians received a total of $64 million from device and drug companies for consulting, speaking fees, meals and travel, according to Open Payments. Three companies — Nuvasive, Medtronic and Stryker — paid over $22 million to doctors who performed the unnecessary surgeries.

Previous reports by the Lown Institute have also questioned the value of procedures such as knee arthroscopies, a type of “keyhole” surgery in which a small incision is made in the knee to repair ligaments. Research has found that arthroscopic surgeries provide only temporary relief from knee pain and do not improve function long-term.

The American Hospital Association takes a dim view of Lown studies, calling the data cherry-picked and misleading.

Muscle Relaxants Ineffective for Low Back Pain and Fibromyalgia

By Pat Anson

Muscle relaxants are increasingly prescribed “off label” as an alternative to opioid medication, but according to a new analysis they are no more effective than a placebo in treating fibromyalgia and low back pain. They may be beneficial, however, for patients suffering from muscle cramps, neck pain and trigeminal neuralgia.

Researchers reviewed 44 studies involving nearly 2,500 patients who were prescribed a muscle relaxant for various pain conditions. Nine skeletal muscle relaxants (SMRs) were assessed, drugs that were initially developed and then approved by the FDA as anti-spasticity and anti-spasmodic medications:

  • Carisoprodol (Soma)

  • Baclofen

  • Tizanidine

  • Cyclobenzaprine

  • Eperisone

  • Quinine

  • Orphenadrine

  • Chlormezanone

  • Methocarbamol

Despite a lack of evidence on their effectiveness beyond 3 weeks, prescribing of SMRs doubled between 2005 and 2016, with office visits for refills of SMR prescriptions tripling over the same period, indicating they were increasingly being used long-term and off-label. According to a 2021 study, over a third of patients prescribed SMRs did not have a musculoskeletal disorder, a sign of “unnecessary or inappropriate use.”

Researchers involved in the current study, published in JAMA Network Open, reached a similar conclusion that muscle relaxants are overprescribed.

“Despite increasing prevalence and increasing risks of their use, our systematic review suggests only limited evidence of efficacy for long-term use of SMRs for a small subset of pain syndromes,” wrote lead author Benjamin Oldfield, MD, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at Yale School of Medicine.

“Evidence for effectiveness was strongest for SMRs used for muscle spasms, painful cramps, and neck pain; in studies of SMRs for fibromyalgia, low back pain, headaches, and other syndromes, some showed small benefits and some did not, and on balance studies did not suggest a benefit.”

Oldfield and his colleagues say physicians should consider deprescribing SMRs to pain patients who have been using them long-term without apparent benefit.   

Adverse side effects from SMRs include sedation, somnolence, dizziness and dry mouth. The FDA also warns against taking the drugs with opioids, which could raise the risk of respiratory depression and overdose.

SMRs also increase the risk of falls, fractures, and vehicle crashes. Because of those risks, muscle relaxants should be avoided altogether in elderly patients, according to the American Geriatrics Society.