6 Things to Try If Your Doctor Won’t Prescribe Opioid Pain Medication

By Crystal Lindell

Many doctors are extremely resistant to prescribing opioid pain medication for any reason these days. Whether it’s for post-operative pain, chronic pain or even pain from terminal cancer, patients are finding that doctors shrug their shoulders and tell them to go home and take ibuprofen.

Unfortunately, over-the-counter pain medication is just not effective in many cases, and that can leave patients in desperate situations. 

As someone who’s been navigating my own chronic illness for more than a decade, as well as helping my loved ones with their health issues, I do have some very realistic advice I can offer.

If you ever find yourself in extreme pain, but your doctor won’t give you pain medication, here are 6 things you can try. 

1. Doctors Expect You To Negotiate

Many doctors now have an unwritten policy where they will only give you opioid medication if you ask a certain number of times, especially when it comes to acute trauma like a broken bone or post-op pain. 

Doctors believe that this helps them to make sure that you really need it. 

So just because your doctor tells you no one time, two times or even three times, that doesn’t mean you should just accept the response. If your pain is severe enough that OTC medication is not working, then ask again. And again. Ideally, they eventually relent and will send in at least a small opioid prescription for you. 

This also helps future patients. Many doctors assume that if patients don’t ask repeatedly for pain medication after a surgery then that means that the surgery doesn’t result in severe pain for anyone. By showing them that you need it, you make it more likely for doctors to believe the next patient.  

2. Tell Your Doctor You’re Unable To Work Due to Pain

Unfortunately, under our current financial structures, much of our worth as humans is still tied to our ability to be productive at our jobs. So telling your doctor that you’re in too much pain to work may inspire them to finally send in an opioid prescription for you. 

They do not want you missing work, which could mean you losing health insurance and being unable to pay them. 

3. Threaten To Go to the ER

Another option when your doctor refuses to give you opioid medication is to tell them that you’re going to go to the emergency room then. This will often spur them to send in a prescription.to your pharmacy.

When it comes to something like post-surgical care, many doctors feel like it makes them look bad when their patients have to go to the ER for after-care. 

I have also seen this work for chronic pain as well, especially if you’re in their office when you bring it up. One time, for example, after explaining that I was going to go to the ER because my pain had spiked, my doctor gave me stronger pain medication in his office.

As an aside: Just make sure that if you get something very strong, like a hydromorphone shot, that you also get medication for nausea, like Zofran. While most ERs do this as a matter of policy, sometimes a doctor will skip it if it’s administered in their office. 

This is something I learned the hard way after an in-office hydromorphone shot left me vomiting for more than 24 hours because I wasn’t used to the strength of the medication. The whole thing could have been prevented with some Zofran.

4. Go to the Emergency Room

If telling your doctor that you want to go to the ER doesn’t motivate them to send in an opioid prescription, then the next step is to actually go to the emergency room. 

In my experience, ER doctors will, at the very least, usually give you a dose of pain medication to take on site. That can help you get the pain down to a level where you can at least think clearly and then figure out next steps and/or get some needed sleep. 

Depending on the situation, sometimes you can also convince ER doctors to give you a small prescription for at-home use too, especially if it’s for something like post-op pain or a severe injury.  

5. Consider a Pain Management Doctor 

If you have chronic pain, many times your best option is getting a referral to a doctor who specializes in pain management. 

This is not ideal because pain management doctors tend to be quite different from primary care doctors. That’s because many pain specialists believe they are being watched by the Drug Enforcement Administration. The DEA has no medical expertise, but has targeted hundreds of doctors for what it calls “unlawful” opioid prescribing.  

Because of that, many pain management doctors act more like probation officers than medical professionals, requiring invasive and expensive monitoring like drug tests and pill counts on a regular basis. This means the patient experience tends to be more like being on probation than getting healthcare. The only thing missing is an ankle monitor.

That said, pain specialists are usually willing to prescribe a low-dose opioid if it doesn’t exceed medical guidelines, which could get them in trouble. For many patients, even a low dose can literally be life saving. 

If you can’t get pain treatment anywhere else, then it can be worth it to put up with the draconian atmosphere. 

6. Try Kratom or Cannabis

The two most effective pain treatments you can get without a prescription are kratom and cannabis, although your mileage may vary and their legal status varies a lot by jurisdiction. 

While I am not sure how effective kratom or cannabis is at treating short-term intense pain, like a broken bone, I have personally found kratom to be the only substance I can get without a prescription that helps my chronic intercostal neuralgia pain. I would describe kratom as having an extremely mild opioid effect. 

Personally, I use it by taking a spoonful of kratom powder with a swig of Gatorade, as I find that to be the most effective delivery method. However, there are many options, ranging from capsules to kratom candy and even kratom seltzer. 

I also know many others who have found relief by using cannabis, which is thankfully legal in many places now. THC gummies seem to be especially helpful to anyone who’s new to cannabis use and doesn’t want to smoke. Cannabis dispensaries are also usually staffed with knowledgeable, friendly employees who are happy to guide you to the best option. 

I always say pain will make you crazy much faster than you expect. Within just three days of severe pain, I have seen people openly saying they were ready to die. 

It’s a true shame that in 2025, when effective and cheap pain medication exists, so many people are still left to suffer simply because of opioid-phobia and an overzealous DEA. 

However, that doesn’t mean you should be forced to suffer through pain just because you may not know how to navigate the healthcare system. You do have options. 

And if you’re in a situation where you’re denied pain care that you need, I hope you’ll use it to inspire more compassion in yourself. Pain treatment is a human right, and the more people who support it, the more likely we are to get it. 

FDA Approved Genetic Test for Opioid Use Disorder Is Flawed

By Crystal Lindell

An FDA-approved test that claims it can identify genetic risk for opioid use disorder (OUD) is so flawed as to basically be useless – at least according to a new study published in JAMA.

The genetic test, which is sold under the brand name “AvertD” by AutoGenomics, was given approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 2023. The test claims it can use 15 genetic variants to identify people at risk for misusing opioids. 

According to AutoGenomics, the variants “may be associated with an elevated genetic risk for developing OUD.” However, the company provides no citations to support the associations between the brain reward pathways and OUD — meaning the test’s foundation itself seems to be flawed.

However, the authors took the premise of the AvertD test seriously, and set out to find if it could actually predict OUD. They looked at a diverse sample of more than 450,000 “opioid-exposed individuals” (including 33,669 individuals with OUD), and found no evidence to support the use of the AvertD test. 

Specifically, they found both high rates of false positives and false negatives, with 47 out of 100 predicated cases or controls being incorrect. 

“Notably, clinicians could better predict OUD risk using an individual’s age and sex than the 15 genetic variants,” researchers said.

The fact that the test doesn’t seem to work could have dangerous consequences for pain patients. The fear is that they will be used to deny patients opioid medications simply because their “genetic markers” show them to be in a high-risk patient group. 

The study authors directly point this out, writing: “False-positive findings can contribute to stigma, cause patients undue concern, and bias health care decisions.”

They also point out the potential harms of a false-negative finding, which "could give patients and prescribers a false sense of security regarding opioid use and lead to inadequate treatment plans."

The fact that this genetic test has gotten as far as it has raises questions about the FDA approval process. 

The problems don’t stop there though. Another major flaw in both the study and the genetic testing is that “Opioid Use Disorder” has such murky diagnostic criteria, that it’s difficult to take it seriously. It’s basically a set of vague symptoms, as opposed to a clear-cut diagnosis, despite what some have been led to believe. 

A CDC fact sheet for OUD Diagnostic Criteria is a mishmash of vague symptoms, such as tolerance and withdrawal, that could just be the result of untreated or poorly treated physical pain. 

Things like “taking opioids in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended” and “having a persistent desire or unsuccessful attempts to reduce or control opioid use.”

The CDC also lists "withdrawal symptoms" as one of the diagnostic criteria for OUD, which is something that people can experience from rapid tapering without having OUD.

The CDC then includes the odd disclaimer that “tolerance and withdrawal are not considered” when opioids are taken under appropriate medical supervision.

So in a country that does not guarantee healthcare, you can avoid an OUD diagnosis if you can afford to find a doctor willing to prescribe opioids to you. But if you can’t find a doctor or abandoned by one — and then have withdrawal symptoms — you must have a disorder.

That doesn’t sound like a medical diagnosis to me. That sounds like classism.

A patient needs just to have just two of the OUD criteria to have “mild OUD” – a benchmark that has the sweeping effect of including a large number of patients taking opioids for chronic pain. 

It’s no wonder that a genetic test claiming to be able to predict OUD would be so flawed, given how flawed the diagnosis of OUD is to begin with. 

Perhaps instead of trying to guess potential risks for a vague disorder, the FDA should be focused on treatments already proven effective for people who want to stop their opioid use, like expanding methadone access. 

The whole situation reminds me of the Tom Cruise-movie Minority Report, a futuristic thriller in which a specialized police department called Precrime “apprehends criminals by use of foreknowledge provided by three psychics.”

Denying people pain medication based on a flawed genetic test that falsely claims it can predict the future is basically the same thing. And it’s just as evil in real life as it is in the movie.  

12 Myths About Opioid Pain Medication

By Ryle Holder, PharmD, Scott Guess, PharmD, and Forest Tennant, MD, Dr. P.H.

Myth #1: Above 100mg of morphine equivalence, opioid pain medications are ineffective. NONSENSE! They have no ceiling in most patients and may remain effective at dosages in the thousands.

Myth #2: All pain patients who take over 100mg of morphine equivalence are diverting or selling part of their prescription allotment. NONSENSE! Most patients who have a bad enough pain problem to need this much opioid don't usually want to part with it.

Myth #3: All patients who use the "Holy Trinity" of an opioid, benzodiazepine, and muscle relaxant are either selling their drugs or will shortly overdose. NONSENSE! The original "Holy Trinity" was a simultaneous ingestion of a combination of the short-acting drugs hydrocodone (Norco), alprazolam (Xanax), and carisoprodol (Soma). A different, long-acting drug from either of these 3 classes (opioid, benzodiazepine, muscle-relaxant) markedly lowers the risk. So does taking the drugs separately.

Many severe, centralized pain patients have to take a drug from the 3 classes and do it safely and effectively. In other words, they take the drugs "as prescribed."

Additionally the “Holy Trinity,” originally called the “Houston Cocktail,” is a term coined by law enforcement. Addicts tend to use monosyllabic terms to refer to their poison of choice; “Holy Trinity” has too many syllables.

Myth #4: Centralized, intractable pain doesn't exist. NONSENSE! Much research documents that pain from an injury or disease may cause glial cell activation and neuroinflammation, which may destroy brain and spinal cord tissue. Multiple, high dose drugs may be needed to prevent tissue damage and control the immense pain that this condition may produce. As inflammation develops, the overall stress on all organ systems increases dramatically, occasionally to a life-threatening level.

Myth #5: The risks of an opioid dosage over 100mg of morphine equivalence are too great to prescribe opioids above this level. NONSENSE! If a severe, chronic pain patient can't find control with opioid dosages below 100mg or with other measures, the benefit of the high dose far outweighs the risks.

Myth #6: Overdoses occur even if opioids and other drugs are taken as prescribed. NONSENSE! If this even happens, it is extremely rare. Overdose victims often take alcohol, marijuana and other drugs in combination, but opioids and the prescribing doctors are always blamed.

Myth #7: There are no "proven" benefits to long-term opioid therapy. NONSENSE! Simply talk to someone who has taken them for 10-20 years. Never has there been, nor will there ever be, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to provide "evidence." Opioids are a last resort when all else fails. Opioids in doses >100mg have improved quality of life and prevented death in some instances.

Myth #8: Chronic, severe or intractable pain is just a nuisance that doesn't warrant the risk of opioids. NONSENSE! Severe pain has profound detrimental effects on the cardiovascular, immune, endocrine (hormone) and neurologic systems. Pain must be controlled or pain patients may die of stroke, heart attack, adrenal failure or infections due to a suppressed immune system.

Myth #9: Genetics has no effect on the need for a high opioid dosage. NONSENSE! Bigger and heavier people need a higher dose of medications (just add 1 drop of food coloring to a 1 gallon bucket and then a 5 gallon bucket and observe). It is well documented that some genetic variations impede opioid metabolism to the active form of the drug, or increase the speed the body excretes the opioid. Both metabolic variations will require a higher dosage.

Myth #10: All pain patients can get by on standard opioid dosages under 100mg. NONSENSE! There are persons who are outliers with all disease conditions such as heart failure, diabetes and asthma. Same with pain. A few unfortunate individuals will always require high dosages. Remember our friend the bell curve? What if YOU were on the extreme end?

Myth #11: All patients started on opioids some time ago can just suddenly stop opioids. NONSENSE! Once a person is on high dose opioids they don't dare suddenly stop, because sudden withdrawal may cause hypertension, tachycardia, adrenal failure, and sudden heart stoppage. Some patients who have stopped too suddenly have committed suicide because they had no way to control pain. Montana reports that 38% of all suicides in the state are pain patients, many of them undertreated.

Myth #12: There are plenty of alternatives to opioids. NONSENSE! Common pain problems are generally mild to moderate and respond to a variety of non-opioid treatments. Unfortunately, there are some severe, intractable pain patients who can only control their pain with opioids.

Forest Tennant is a pioneer in pain management who operates a pain clinic for intractable pain patients in West Covina, CA. His clinic was recently raided by DEA agents.

Ryle Holder is a Georgia pharmacist and patient of Dr. Tennant. Scott Guess operates an independent pharmacy  and clinic in Atascadero, CA that specializes in pain management.

This column was distributed by Families for Intractable Pain Relief, a project of the Tennant Foundation.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.