Arachnoiditis Is an Autoimmune Disease

By Dr. Forest Tennant

After several years and numerous studies, we have determined that Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) is an autoimmune disease – a condition in which autoantibodies or cellular elements erroneously recognize tissue as virulent or pathologic and attack it, producing inflammation and tissue destruction.

AA only occurs when inflammation forms jointly in the cauda equina and arachnoid membrane of the spine. After the inflammation becomes significant, adhesions form which fuse or “glue” cauda equina nerve roots to the arachnoid membrane. An autoimmune process is the generator and initiator of this inflammation.

The primary generator of the autoimmune process that causes AA is almost always reactivation of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) from its normal, dormant, parasitic state. EBV reactivation may occur multiple times over a lifetime.

This same process is now known to be a major causative factor in several cancers and other autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

The autoimmune process of EBV has two components: autoantibodies and auto-reactivity. The latter occurs when the virus enters a cell and releases high amounts of self-antigen, which stimulates tissue destruction.

In rare cases, a virus other than EBV may generate autoimmunity and cause AA. Other viruses, especially cytomegalovirus, herpes 6, and covid, may also accelerate or potentiate EBV autoimmunity.

In the past it was generally assumed that epidural injections, spine surgery, contamination of spinal fluid by toxins, or spine trauma were the cause of AA. It is now known that these events may trigger EBV autoimmunity in spinal tissues. Our studies plainly show that AA is preceded and/or accompanied by other autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, migraine, and irritable bowel.

Medical practitioners and persons afflicted with AA must now recognize, diagnose, and treat AA as an autoimmune disease caused by EBV reactivation.

Doctors are more prone to want to treat a disease than they are to treat pain, so classifying AA as an autoimmune disease may improve pain treatment. I'm getting a lot of doctors who are coming on board with this, who see that a patient has a legitimate disease and don't mind prescribing some Vicodin, Tramadol, or Percocet to treat it.

More information about the Epstein-Barr Virus and its relationship to AA and other chronic pain conditions can be found in our book: "The Epstein-Barr Virus: A New Factor in the Care of Chronic Pain."  

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. Readers interested in learning more about his research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can also subscribe to its bulletins here.  

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.    

Volunteers Needed for Arachnoiditis Study

By Pat Anson

Kathleen Haynes knows all about the physical and emotional pain that comes from adhesive arachnoiditis (AA), a progressive spinal disorder that causes severe intractable pain.  

She’s had AA for 50 years, after an oily contrast dye used for a myelogram imaging test was injected into her spinal column. The invasive test turned a simple back injury into a living nightmare, with the nerves in her lower spine becoming inflamed and sticking together.

“That oil stayed in my spinal column, surrounded my spinal nerves, and that’s why my nerves clumped together,” Haynes said. “And it just got worse and worse and worse, to the point where I use a wheelchair to get around.”

At the young age of 70, Haines is now pursuing a doctorate degree in Psychology at Walden University. For her dissertation, she’s doing a study about suicide ideation in AA patients. In the past, Haynes had suicidal thoughts herself.

“The pain was just unbearable. And not being believed that I was in pain and not getting the right medication,” she told PNN.

One of the things that was a deciding factor in doing this study was because I belong to a couple of AA groups on Facebook. And I was struck by the amount of people who go on there and say they're suicidal or say can you please lead me to somebody who does euthanasia?”  


Haines’ goal is to interview 10 people with AA in the next few weeks who are not currently having suicidal thoughts, but are willing to talk about them. To protect their privacy, participants will be assigned numbers and their real names will not be used. A list of other conditions and sample questions can be found here, along with Haynes’ contact information.  

It’s not the just the pain that makes AA patients suicidal, according to Haynes. Other common factors are being disbelieved, ignored or marginalized by family, friends and doctors. Thoughts about “ending it all” occur so frequently that she thinks every AA patient should be evaluated for suicide ideation.   

“I want to see what people's common denominator is, in talking to them about their suicidality. The goal is to get this study together and get it out to the medical community because they barely recognize AA, yet alone the suicidality their patients face,” she said.

“They need to treat their patients with AA in a way that gives them a desire to live. And get them the treatment team, the providers that they need in order to live fairly comfortable life, despite their pain.” 

Like many other AA patients, Haynes had trouble being believed. She suffered her initial back injury while working for the U.S. Postal Service in the 1970’s, but only recently did the federal government approve her workers’ compensation claim, even though her AA diagnosis and disability happened a long time ago. The Massachusetts woman is now getting appropriate treatment and pain medication.        

To learn more about Haynes’ study and/or make a donation to her research, visit her GoFundMe page.

The Tragic Connection Between Ehlers-Danlos and Arachnoiditis  

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Before his retirement from clinical practice, Dr. Forest Tennant treated hundreds of patients suffering from intractable pain at his clinic in West Covina, CA. Many of those patients had adhesive arachnoiditis (AA), a chronic inflammatory condition that causes nerves in the spinal canal to form adhesions that “glue” them together.  

Over time, Dr. Tennant began to realize that many of his AA patients also had Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a genetic disorder that weakens muscles, joints, skin and organs by disrupting the production of collagen. How could so many pain patients have both diseases?

In his latest book, "The Ehlers-Danlos / Arachnoiditis Connection," Dr. Tennant explains how someone with EDS can develop arachnoiditis after an invasive spinal procedure.

This interview with Dr. Tennant has been edited for content and clarity.

PNN: You were treating patients with arachnoiditis and discovered that many also had Ehlers-Danlos?

Tennant: That’s exactly what happened. I was treating intractable pain, which was my specialty, and adhesive arachnoiditis had become the number one reason for a referral to my clinic. And I found that at least half or more of them had EDS. These discoveries were a total surprise.

EDS and arachnoiditis are considered rare diseases, but seem to be increasing in the last couple of decades, both by actual disease incidence as well as the ability to diagnose cases that previously went undetected.

PNN: Are most doctors unfamiliar with these two disease?

Tennant: Absolutely. We actually heard yesterday about a doctor at a spine and pain center who had never heard of arachnoiditis. I don't know how this is possible. Medical practice has become so caught up and so compartmentalized that a very good institution or excellent physician can be totally left in the dark about something.

PNN: What is the connection between EDS and arachnoiditis?

Tennant: The primary relationship is collagen deficiencies. The cauda equina nerves and the arachnoid membrane that surrounds them in the spinal cord are very collagen laden. The number one reason why EDS patients develop intractable pain is not arachnoiditis, but small fiber neuropathy. EDS has its own autoimmune disease component.

What's been happening is that EDS patients often develop back problems due to the lack of collagen, and then they're operated on or have epidural injections. That doesn't cause it, but it accelerates the problem.

If you look at the number of surgeries, it’s just immense. There’s an incredible number of surgeries that have been done on people with a collagen deficiency disease. No wonder they've developed critical complications.

PNN: Are surgeons unaware that the patient has EDS?

Tennant: Totally unaware. One of the reasons I wrote this book is that anyone who has severe back pain that hasn't responded to standard therapy, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy or anti-inflammatory drugs, should be evaluated for both arachnoiditis and EDS. After 90 days, if you haven't recovered, you need to be evaluated for these diseases.

PNN: Can someone with EDS develop arachnoiditis without some triggering event or invasive procedure?

Tennant: It doesn't look like it, no. There's got to be some something to generate inflammation in the spinal cord. We've had no one who developed arachnoiditis who had not had spinal procedures. All of them had invasive procedures, whether it was epidural injections and/or surgery. In the book you can see the amazing number of interventions that they've had.

Adhesive arachnoiditis is a disease in which a whole lot of things have to go wrong. You don’t just stand on the street corner and catch this disease. A whole sequence of events has to occur. And they’re all bad.

One of my messages in the book is that children who are double jointed and who have hypermobility, these things have to be taken seriously. They can't just be ignored or seen as some kind of oddity. They may have a serious condition. Children need to be identified with EDS. And they need to be on a prevention program to stop the disease from progressing.

PNN: Is there any way to treat EDS?

Tennant: First of all, try not to cause further damage. A child with hypermobility, I mean the idea that they're going to be a gymnast or they're going play football, I hate to say it, but that’s going to cause more damage to their joints and aggravate the disease.

They also probably need to be on some kind of diet with collagen, a very healthy diet with protein and collagen. A lot of parents are starting to have their EDS child at least take a multivitamin once a day. Some are using collagen supplements and some are using low dosage hormones like colostrum.

My book is about prevention. AA can be prevented. And when the EDS person starts developing things like carpal tunnel syndrome or dysautonomia disease, these patients need to be aggressively treated and monitored for spinal canal problems and treated without invasive procedures, if at all possible.

Once you have the two diseases together, it’s catastrophic. You're probably going to have the worst pain imaginable. These people need aggressive pain treatment. I'm hoping that doctors will get the message that when someone has these two diseases, you don’t worry about the CDC opioid guidelines or anybody else's guidelines. You need maximum medical treatment for pain.

We've got people right now with these two diseases and some doctor is giving them a Butrans patch (buprenorphine) or Motrin for pain relief. These people have to be very aggressively treated. Otherwise, they're going to be bed-bound and die a miserable death. Suicides are very common.

Part of my goal here is to get doctors to recognize both diseases. These are the worst of the worst. I've never seen any cancer patients that were any worse than this.

PNN: If you have EDS and arachnoiditis, is that a hopeless situation? Can you have any quality of life?

Tennant: People with both diseases need palliative care and “Brompton cocktail” type medications. In our studies, about two-thirds of them can get some relief. But they were also on pretty aggressive treatment programs. You know, multiple opioids and benzodiazepines. So, it's not hopeless.

PNN: Thank you, Dr. Tennant.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain. Readers interested in learning more about his research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can subscribe to its research bulletins here.

To order "The Ehlers-Danlos / Arachnoiditis Connection" and other books of interest to the pain community, visit PNN’s Suggested Reading section.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Epstein-Barr Virus Emerging As Possible Cause of Chronic Pain

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist 

When most people hear about the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), they may recall its reputation as the rather harmless "kissing disease" known as mononucleosis.  To the surprise of many, this previously unheralded virus has recently emerged as a cause of some cancers and painful disorders.

It is now clear that EBV must be contained and suppressed in order to relieve the pain and suffering of many persons with chronic pain. This column is an introduction to the critical involvement of EBV with several chronic pain conditions.

The Epstein-Barr virus is named after Drs. Anthony Epstein and Yvonne Barr. In 1964, they discovered the virus after they found it in a cancer common in Africa called Burkitt’s Lymphoma.  Since that time, EBV has been found to cause other cancers including nasopharyngeal, gastric, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, and leukemia.  Some estimate that EBV causes about 200,000 cancers a year.

About three years after Epstein and Barr discovered EBV, it was found to be the cause of infectuous mononucleosis, which is known to trigger autoimmune complications.  Autoimmunity is simply defined as some element in the body that attacks, erodes, and destroys tissue. 

In 1968, this author reported that mononucleosis could cause glomerulonephritis, an autoimmune renal disease.  Over the ensuing decades, EBV has also been associated with other autoimmune disorders, including hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, systemic lupus, and Sjogren's syndrome.


In 2018, a seminal study documented that EBV could cause a number of painful medical conditions by activating specific genes.  Dr. John Harley and colleagues at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, found that a viral protein called Epstein-Barr nuclear analog 2 (EBNA 2) binds to the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of genes that promote autoimmunity and some chronic pain conditions.

The pain conditions that Harley and his colleagues associated with EBV are multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, thyroiditis, and juvenile arthritis.  Subsequent studies added Sjogren's syndrome, mixed connective tissue disease, and polymyositis to the list of EBV autoimmune conditions.

The Harley research is compelling.  We urgently need clinical studies of EBV in severe chronic pain patients to help develop new diagnostic, prevention, and treatment measures.  To this end, I've chosen to study the EBV relationship to painful spine and connective tissue diseases, especially adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). These conditions are considered intractable pain conditions in clinical pain practice. 

So far, we have collected EBV laboratory test results from over 80 persons with confirmed AA. Every case has demonstrated abnormally high levels of EBV IgG antibodies, which suggests the presence of autoimmunity and the possible invasion of brain and spinal tissue by the virus. 

Every patient with high IgG antibody levels also has herniated discs, and the majority have hypermobile EDS. Prior to developing AA, all had conditions associated with autoimmunity, such as fibromyalgia and small fiber neuropathy. All of them now have intractable pain.

How It Begins

Patients and clinicians concerned about chronic pain need to understand the basics of how EBV causes and aggravates chronic pain conditions. 

EBV is a member of the herpes virus family, which includes the other herpes viruses and cytomegalovirus.  It is a natural, lifelong parasite that usually infects children before the age of two. 

When EBV first enters the body, it is an “active” virus that may cause a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis, or possibly even go unnoticed. Infants and young children often have the “sniffles” and it could be mistaken as a simple cold. Some children who initially become infected with EBV later develop mononucleosis in their teenage or young adult life.  

After the initial infection, EBV settles into one’s lymphocytes and lining of the throat and nasal cavity to remain for life. Under normal physiologic circumstances, it is a latent or dormant parasite that does no harm.

Over 95% of adults will test positive for low levels of IgG antibodies, decades after their initial contact with EBV during childhood. When chronic pain patients are tested, autoimmunity is suspected if IgG antibodies are above normal levels found in the great majority of adults.

Once EBV has settled into lymphocytes or the throat lining and becomes dormant, it is living a harmless, symbiotic, parasitic life with its human host.  It will remain in this state, unless the body undergoes some kind of stress, usually trauma or an infection, that lowers or degrades the body's innate or natural immunologic protection systems. 

At this time, the virus may vacate its dormant or latent state to begin what is called a "lytic" or duplicative state.  The term used to indicate this state is "reactivation," meaning that the virus is again active, and attacking and invading new tissues. 

Once reactivated, EBV may create an autoimmune state by altering genes or by developing what is called an auto-antibody that will attack tissues.  In either case, an autoimmune state has been created that attacks normal tissues to produce inflammation, adhesions, scarring, and pain. 

Lymphocytes infected with reactivated EBV may enter any number of tissues. They may cross the blood brain barrier, enter the spinal cord and brain, and attack tissues such as the cauda equina, arachnoid membrane, intervertebral discs, and glial cells. This is the pathologic process in which EBV reactivation may cause chronic pain.

It is likely that entry and invasion of spinal canal and brain tissues may be responsible for the autoimmune manifestations seen after a stroke, head trauma, or complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS).  EBV may also be a cause of centralized pain that is associated with over-sensitization, hyperalgesia, and intractable pain.  There are reports that such common chronic pain conditions as fibromyalgia, small fiber neuropathy, and some arthropathies are caused by EBV autoimmunity.

This article's major intent is to inform all concerned parties that deal with chronic pain that EBV is not just some virus that causes the "kissing disease." It is a new revelation that compels an understanding and awareness that has the distinct potential to improve the plight of chronic pain patients. 

Laboratories and clinical researchers, including this author, are scurrying to identify more diagnostic, treatment, and preventive measures for EBV-caused autoimmunity. I'm pleased to report that our EBV project has been able to identify some initial testing and treatment measures which appear to be effective and a good start in dealing with EBV autoimmunity.  We will share our findings in future articles.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. Readers interested in learning more about this research should visit the Tennant Foundation’s website, Arachnoiditis Hope. You can subscribe to its bulletins here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Colostrum: A Regenerative Hormone for Arachnoiditis

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

Persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) and other severe painful conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) have multiple tissues that become damaged, painful and dysfunctional.

Healing those damaged tissues and reversing the pain and neurologic impairments will require regenerative hormones. This is in contrast to other types of hormones that control inflammation (cortisone), metabolism (thyroid) or sexual functions (estradiol).

The human body makes some natural regenerative hormones, and they are now available for clinical use. Our first realization of their value in treating AA was with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). Other regenerative hormones that can be used to treat AA include colostrum, pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), nandrolone, and human growth hormone (HGH). We have used all of these and believe that persons with AA should use at least one of them. But our first choice is colostrum.

Colostrum is in mother’s milk produced during the first few days after birth. It contains high levels of tissue growth factors, anti-inflammatories, pain relievers, and anti-infectious agents. Its natural purpose is to allow the newborn baby to initiate growth, protect against infection, and provide pain relief from the trauma of birth.

Colostrum supplements are sold by a number of companies and are usually made from the milk of cows that have recently given birth. Colostrum is recommended for use at least 3 to 5 days a week by persons with AA or EDS, who may wish to double the labeled recommended dosage. Colostrum is non-prescription, relatively inexpensive, and has few side effects. It can be taken with opioids and other drugs.

Regenerative hormones work best when they are used simultaneously with a high protein diet, collagen or amino acid supplements, vitamin C, B12, and polypeptides.

If a person with AA is not doing well or deteriorating, we recommend adding a second regenerative hormone such as nandrolone. A significant reversal of AA symptoms may require one or more regenerative hormones.

Several times a week we get inquiries from people who have just been diagnosed with AA and are pleading for information on what to do. 

The Tennant Foundation recently published an inexpensive short handbook for persons with newly diagnosed AA that gives a step-by-step plan that can hopefully slow progression of this disease.

If you have had AA for a while and aren't doing well, you may still benefit from some of our most up-to-date knowledge and recommendations in the “Handbook for Newly Diagnosed Cases of Adhesive Arachnoiditis.”

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from bulletins recently issued by the Tennant Foundations’s Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Polypeptides: A Promising Treatment for Intractable Pain

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

We have long noted that persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) and other causes of intractable pain who follow a high protein diet and take amino acid supplements usually have better treatment outcomes. They need fewer opioids, function better, and have a good quality of life.

Protein is composed of about two dozen separate building blocks called amino acids. Once ingested, they chemically join together and cause specific effects in the body. When two or more amino acids combine and partner, they are called polypeptides. Two polypeptides that relieve pain and heal damaged tissue are KPV (lysine-proline-valine) and Body Protection Compound or BPC-157.

KPV is useful primarily for pain relief and to reduce inflammation in the brain and spinal canal. It activates the neurotransmitters endorphin and melanocortin, which are stored in the hypothalamus. 

BPC-157 is a chain of 15 amino acids. Its primary function is to regenerate and heal tissue, including neural tissues, receptors, arachnoid membrane, cartilage and intervertebral discs. We believe it also helps heal spinal fluid leaks. BPC has a great effect on the stomach and intestine. 

Because polypeptides (PP’s) are fundamentally a conglomeration of food particles, when swallowed they are digested in the stomach and lose much of their effectiveness. That is why KPV and BPC-157, like insulin, are often taken by subcutaneous injection. Both PP’s are also available in non-injection formulations. KPV comes in an oral or nasal spray, while BPC-157 is available as sublingual tablet taken under the tongue or as a spray. 

A list of several companies that supply PP’s online is available in this bulletin.  

Who Should Take Polypeptides  

We have long-recommended a three-component medical protocol for AA and other causes of intractable pain to (1) suppress inflammation and autoimmunity, (2) regenerate tissue and (3) relieve pain. Our starting protocol for AA is now changed and anchored with KPV and BPC-157.  

To start, we recommend daily use of a polypeptide for a week. After a week, use it 3 to 5 days a week. Some persons with AA like to use KPV daily as it greatly reduces pain. Others can become tolerant to polypeptides, so skipping some days will keep the polypeptide active and effective.  

All persons with AA and/or intractable pain should, in our opinion, try the two PP’s provided here to enhance pain relief, promote tissue regeneration and healing, and reduce the use of potent medications, including corticosteroids, ketorolac, benzodiazepines, and opioids.  We also believe PP’s can reduce the use of risky surgery and invasive procedures.  

Several other polypeptides are being studied, and the Tennant Foundation will keep you apprised of new discoveries and developments. We consider polypeptides a major advance in the treatment of AA and other intractable pain conditions. 

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from bulletins recently issued by the Tennant Foundations’s Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Why Healing Is Just as Important as Relieving Pain

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

We all want to take a pill and have our pain lessen or go away, even for a moment. That is human nature. However, we must also take steps to promote healing of our damaged tissues, which over time will have a more lasting effect in reducing the severity of pain. 

There is a difference between symptomatic and healing treatment. Both are necessary to have an effective treatment program. Symptomatic treatment only relieves pain temporarily.  

We regularly hear from persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) who can’t understand why their disease is progressing and why they are deteriorating. The stimulus for this topic was a man with AA who has an implanted morphine pump and an implanted electrical stimulator in the calf of his leg. He takes 15 mg of oral morphine three times a day, as well as gabapentin (Neurontin). 

He did not use a single “healing measure” and had gained so much weight he was now a diabetic. Despite his treatment, which carried a price tag of about a quarter of a million dollars, he wondered why he was deteriorating.

Every disease with the moniker “itis” — including arachnoiditis — is caused by an inflammatory and/or autoimmune process.  This simply means that your painful, damaged tissue is under constant attack. You must either diligently and persistently fight back – every day -- with healing measures or you will deteriorate and die before your time.

Examples of Symptomatic Treatment 

  • Analgesics: opioids, benzodiazepines, gabapentin, pregabalin, antidepressants

  • Implanted Stimulators

  • Implanted Pumps

Examples of Healing Measures

  • Protein

  • Walking

  • Water Soaking

  • Weightlifting

  • Oxygenation

  • Stretching

  • Amino Acids/Peptides

  • Collagen

  • Hormones

  • Vitamins

  • Anti-inflammatories

  • Electromagnetics

It is human nature to desire fast, immediate relief from pain. You must, however, start healing measures at the same time you begin symptomatic pain relief, so damaged tissues won’t deteriorate further and pain won’t increase.

A major problem is misleading advertising of expensive treatments such as implanted electrical stimulators and pain relieving drugs that lead a person into thinking the treatment has healing properties when it only provides temporary, symptomatic pain relief.

That’s why it is so important to follow our 3-component medical treatment protocol to relieve pain, suppress inflammation and autoimmunity, and heal damaged tissue.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from bulletins recently issued by the Tennant Foundations’s Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Stress Can Cause Epstein Barr Virus to Reactivate   

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

More than one medical professional and a lot of persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA) have asked why we have been studying the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) and its relationship to AA.  After all, almost everyone over age 25 will show EBV antibodies on a blood test. 

Our on-going studies of persons with AA continue to show that essentially all have elevated EBV antibody levels. In addition, AA almost always follows a cascade of conditions known to be associated with autoimmunity. These include fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathies, burning feet or mouth, irritable bowel, Tarlov cyst, thyroiditis, spinal fluid leaks and deteriorated bulging discs. This cascade also appears common in persons with Ehlers-Danlos type syndromes.

Two recent comprehensive reviews on EBV support the findings in our studies. One is “Epstein Barr Virus and Neurological Diseases” by Nan Zhang, et al, and the other is “Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Reactivation and Therapeutic Inhibitors” by Jonathan Kerr.

Both reports state that EBV infection occurs in 95% or more of people, as the human lymphocyte is its natural, lifelong habitat. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that help our immune systems fight cancer, viruses and bacteria. EBV infections are spread by saliva or other body secretions, and the initial infection usually occurs before age 25, causing a cold, sinusitis, bronchitis or infectious mononucleosis.

Once the initial infection subsides, the virus imbeds itself in lymphocytes and remain there for life. As a result, virtually all humans carry low levels of EBV antibodies. Adults with AA don’t always show a positive test for the initial EBV infection, but they do show high levels of antibodies -- meaning they carry EBV in their lymphocytes that can multiply, reproduce and reactivate at any time.

Kerr reviewed research on medicinal agents that may inhibit this reactivation, which most likely occurs during periods of stress. Our standard 3-component medical protocol contains some of the agents that Kerr believes may be effective in suppressing reactivation. These agents include acyclovir, cimetidine, vitamins A, C, and D, resveratrol, luteolin, apigenin, curcumin, astragalus, L-arginine, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and green tea.

EBV-infected lymphocytes can cross the blood brain barrier to produce neuroinflammation and tissue deterioration. EBV produces antibodies that contain biologic elements that can produce on-going autoimmune and neurological diseases. The Zhang report states that high levels of EBV antibodies “can be biologic markers that assess the risk of developing” neurologic diseases.

On-going EBV autoimmunity is indicated by high antibody levels. Reactivation of EBV may accelerate inflammation and tissue deterioration. Our longstanding 3-component medical protocol seems to help suppress both the on-going autoimmunity and the reactivation of EBV.

EBV remains harmless and dormant unless our natural resistance becomes deficient, either due to a genetic disease such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome or a stressful event that lowers cortisol and raises adrenalin, such as trauma, infection and psychological issues. Medical procedures such as epidural injections, spinal taps, and surgery are stressful and may also reactivate EBV. All persons with AA should determine their EBV autoimmune status.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from bulletins recently issued by the Tennant Foundations’s Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

4 Oldies But Goodies That Relieve Back Pain

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist 

In our studies, we routinely review persons with adhesive arachnoiditis (AA), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Tarlov cysts and Epstein Barr autoimmunity. Our bulletins have, for the last two years, focused on new discoveries such as autoimmunity, medicinal agents, spinal fluid flow exercises, MRIs and laboratory testing.  

It’s a little embarrassing, but we haven’t sufficiently emphasized that some older treatments can still bring a lot of relief.  

AA causes considerable imbalance and unusual stretches to the muscles, tendons, nerves, and joints in the back, hips and pelvis. Consequently, these tissues become sprained, strained and inflamed. Many “old-time” measures can heal these tissues and enhance comfort and mobility. Here is a short summary of four that will be around for a long time since they simply provide comfort and relief. 

  1. Ultrasound: Several years ago, we started using ultrasound for AA. The theory is that it may break up adhesions. While this may or may not happen, ultrasound often provides immediate relief that can last days or weeks. Medications such as cortisone cream can also be administered during ultrasound, which boosts their effectiveness. There are now hand-held ultrasound devices that can be purchased for use at home. 

  2. Epsom Salts: Foot baths with minerals are convenient and soothing. Epsom salt baths are generally believed to “pull out” or detoxify the body of excess electricity and toxins. They can be most helpful for burning feet sensations and stabbing pains in the legs. 

  3. Heating Pad: Heat dilates blood vessels, which brings more oxygen to the treated area and promotes healing. Heat also relaxes muscles that may be in spasm. 

  4. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS): Electrical currents act as an anesthetic on nerves and nerve roots. Pain in persons with AA may temporarily abate when an electric current is administered over the lower back. TENS can often break a flare.

The human body has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Remedies and treatments discovered long ago may still be applicable today. AA has many associated conditions including spinal fluid leaks, inflammation in tissues around the spine, muscle spasm, and radiating pain among others. Some “old-time” treatments may be a welcome adjunct to the 3-component medical protocols.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from an updated bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Epstein-Barr Virus Linked to Autoimmune Conditions

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist 

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a herpes virus that normally resides after infection as an organism in the epithelial tissues of the throat and lymphocytes. Most humans carry the virus and blood tests will often show low levels of EBV antibodies.  

Recent research has determined that in some people, for unknown reasons, the virus will reactivate and/or produce antibodies that carry toxic elements to tissues in the body such as the spinal cord. EBV infected lymphocytes can then cross the blood brain barrier and enter the brain, spinal cord and spinal fluid.  

This situation is now referred to as “EBV autoimmunity” and is reported by multiple medical institutions and researchers to be a major, causative factor in multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and about 2% of the world’s cancer cases.  

Autoimmunity and Arachnoiditis 

Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) has long been known to be an inflammatory disease in which cauda equina nerve roots become adhered by adhesions to the arachnoid lining of the spinal canal. We have also long suspected that autoimmunity was a factor in AA, but until now there has been no compelling reason for this belief. 

In our review of over 800 confirmed cases of AA by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with medical history and symptoms, a single fact emerged. Almost all cases had multiple herniated or protruding intervertebral discs prior to the development of AA. These discs were often in both the cervical and lumbar-sacral regions of the spine.  

Epidural injections, spinal taps or surgery often appeared to accelerate the development of AA. But further research revealed that most persons with MRI-documented AA had other medical conditions known to be common in persons with autoimmune disease. These included: burning mouth or feet, small fiber neuropathies, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Sjogren’s (dry eyes), Raynaud’s, irritable bowel, migraine, temporal mandibular joint pain (TMJ), chronic fatigue, arthritis, Tarlov cysts, mast cell conditions, and POTS. Persons with a genetic connective tissue disease of the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome type were also significantly affected.  

From this we concluded that AA is usually a late-stage component of a multisystem, autoimmune, inflammatory disease. 

Between our realization that AA is associated with multiple medical conditions and the discovery that EBV causes significant autoimmunity, we began EBV testing in persons with MRI-documented AA. Essentially every case showed very high (sometimes above laboratory testing ability) antibody levels. Some showed evidence of EBV reactivation. Another finding has been that some persons with AA have high levels of cytomegalovirus, other strains of herpes, and/or Lyme. 

EBV is now known to cause a multitude of autoimmune conditions. Our studies indicate that AA is a late-stage development of an autoimmune disorder at least partially caused by EBV. This discovery leaves us little option but to recommend that each person with AA determines if they have multiple autoimmune manifestations including herniated discs and, if so, seek EBV antibody testing and become knowledgeable about control measures. 

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from an updated bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.  

Why Troches Make Medications More Effective

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

We regularly get emails from people who have gastrointestinal problems or tell us a particular medication is ineffective for them.  Pills and other oral medications are not always the best way to treat Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) or its related diseases.

The problem is that the stomach, intestine and liver don’t assimilate and metabolize more than 30 to 50 percent of the swallowed oral dose. Oral medications may also cause gastric irritation or even bleeding, and the drug may require an hour or more to be effective. Persons with AA and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) may have gastrointestinal dysfunction, which can make some oral medications like opioids almost totally ineffective.

If you are experiencing gastrointestinal problems or believe some of your medications are ineffective, we suggest you try using troches (the Greek pronunciation is “tro-key”). Troches are essentially lozenges that contain medication. They are placed in the mouth between the tongue and cheek until the medication dissolves.

The ancient Egyptians made some of the first troches from honey, herbs and spices to treat sore throats. Medicines introduced into the body this way bypass the digestive system and deliver their active ingredients directly into the blood stream through blood vessels under the tongue and in the cheek.

Superior Traits of Troches

Troches are a superior way to administer many of the key medications and hormones required to treat AA, and its related problems of Tarlov cysts and EDS. Some of these medications, like ketamine and oxytocin, are essentially ineffective if swallowed. 

  • More potent than swallowed medication 

  • Fast acting – within 10 minutes 

  • No direct gastrointestinal irritation 

  • Can reduce reliance on opioids 

  • Avoids injections and suppositories

A troche must be compounded by your local pharmacy.  Every community today has pharmacies that will make or “compound” troches. For better pain relief and control of AA, Tarlov cysts and EDS, we highly recommend that patients and medical practitioners take the advanced step in therapeutics and begin to use troches. 

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from a bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.   

Time to Reject the Label ‘Failed Back Surgery Syndrome’

Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

In our research studies on Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA), a high percentage of patients tell us that their doctors have said the cause of their pain is “Failed Back Surgery Syndrome” (FBSS).

This misnomer and poor excuse for a diagnosis has fortunately been rejected “out-of-hand” as a cause of pain by most upscale physicians. After all, FBSS is neither a disease nor a symptom. We can do better in 2022.

Some three or four decades ago, FBSS became a popular moniker used by most physicians, including this author. Why? Patients who had back pain underwent surgery, which was technically and expertly done, but the pain didn’t go away. This situation was a mystery in times past, but the label FBSS should never be used or applied in this day and age.

Today, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has advanced so much since its invention in the late 1980’s that painful disorders and diseases of the spine can almost always be diagnosed. There is now a technique called “contrast MRI” that allows a clear distinction to be made between spinal fluid and solid tissues, including the spinal cord, discs, nerve roots and covering of the spinal canal.

In our recent research studies, we have reviewed contrast MRIs in well over 200 persons who have been labeled as having FBSS. Every person had one or more obvious reasons to have chronic pain, despite well-done, competent surgery. For example, our reviews have found discs that have protruded, adhesive arachnoiditis, epidural fibrosis, spondylolisthesis, Tarlov Cysts, arthritic vertebra or other good, solid reasons to have pain, regardless of surgery.

Let’s be clear. Spine surgery may be necessary for a number of reasons, the most common being significant herniation of a disc or collapse of vertebrae that may dangerously compress the spinal canal. It also may be fair to say that a lot of surgery can now be avoided, since eminent danger and need for surgery is pretty clear cut on modern, contrast MRI’s.    

In addition to contrast MRIs, we now have good diagnostic tests for inflammation, autoimmunity and genetic connective tissue disorders, which are emerging as legitimate causes of severe, chronic back pain that hasn’t responded to chiropractic, physical therapy, anti-inflammatory agents and corticosteroid injections.

Put simply, the diagnostic evaluation of severe chronic back pain needs a contrast MRI and specific diagnostic tests rather than a non-descript, “wastebasket” diagnosis like FBSS.

Perhaps the worst thing about the label FBSS, is that it is easy to apply and avoids the time, money and knowledge to make a specific diagnosis. These excuses to avoid a specific diagnosis must now be rejected because we have the diagnostic and treatment measures to better the lives and health of those who suffer from severe chronic back pain.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis through the Tennant Foundation’s Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project and the Intractable Pain Syndrome Research and Education Project.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.   

Ketamine and Oxytocin Provide Pain Relief for Arachnoiditis

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

Nearly every day we receive an email from someone who is having trouble getting enough pain medication to give them a good quality of life.  In this age of opioid restrictions, there is hope. 

In the past, opioids and gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) substitutes such as diazepam (Valium) and gabapentin (Neurontin) have been the mainstays for pain control of adhesive arachnoiditis (AA). Today, there are alternatives that can enhance your current program to give you better pain control.

Low dose naltrexone is the initial pain reliever recommended to newly diagnosed AA cases. There are two other potent pain relievers that can be used with both naltrexone and opioids to achieve better pain relief: ketamine and oxytocin. Either agent is a good opioid substitute.

Ketamine provides pain relief primarily by suppressing a nerve receptor called N-methyl-d-aspartate. It can be taken by several non-oral routes of administration: nasal, injectable, sublingual or troche (dissolvable tablet).

Oxytocin (not to be confused with oxycodone or OxyContin) is a hormone that is a natural pain reliever. It surges in a woman’s body at the time of delivery to provide pain relief. It acts by activating the endorphin (opioid) receptors and by blocking nerve impulses between the brain and spinal cord.

Every community now has one or more pharmacies that will compound or “make” formulations of ketamine or oxytocin. We favor under-the-tongue (sublingual) or buccal (cheek) formulations.

Ketamine and/or oxytocin can be taken between opioid dosages or within 5 to 10 minutes before or after an opioid dosage to make the opioid stronger and last longer.

Ketamine and oxytocin can be used separately or used as combination therapy. Starting dosages of ketamine are 10-15 mg and oxytocin 10-20 units, which are administered within 10 minutes of each other. Dosages can later be raised above the starting dose.

We find the combination of ketamine and oxytocin to provide equal or better pain relief that most prescription opioids. Neither ketamine nor oxytocin are opioids, so there is no bias or resistance to their use. Also, overdoses are essentially not known to occur with regular dosages.

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from a bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.   

How Intractable Pain Causes Brain Tissue Loss

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist

The brain not only controls pain but the endocrine, cardiovascular, metabolic, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems. Any or all of these biologic systems may malfunction if there is brain tissue loss.

Beginning in 2004, brain scan studies began to document that brain tissue loss can be caused by intractable pain. Today, almost 20 years later, this important fact appears to be either unknown or a mystery to both the public and medical professionals.

Basic science researchers have unraveled the complex process of how and why this pathological phenomenon may occur. A good understanding of how this pathology develops is critical to properly care for and treat persons who develop intractable pain whether due to a disease or an injury.

What Causes Tissue Loss?

Tissue loss anywhere in the body is caused by inflammation, autoimmunity, or loss of blood supply due to trauma or disease. The brain scan studies done since 2004 that documented brain tissue loss were not done in persons who had a stroke or head trauma, but in pain patients experiencing inflammation and autoimmunity (i.e., collagen deterioration). It turns out that both biologic mechanisms may operate to cause brain tissue loss in intractable pain patients.

In the pursuit of understanding brain tissue loss and its accompanying malfunctions, it has been discovered that the brain and spinal cord (central nervous system or CNS) contain cells called microglia. They are closely akin to the immune protective cells in the blood stream which are called a “lymphocytes.”

The microglia in the CNS lay dormant until a harmful infection, toxin or bioelectric magnetic signal enters its domain, at which time it activates to capture and encapsulate the danger or produce inflammation to destroy the offender.

If the microglia are overwhelmed by some danger, such as a painful disease that isn’t cured, it produces excess inflammation that destroys some brain tissue which can be seen on special brain scans. Some viruses such as Epstein Barr may hibernate in microglia cells and create an autoimmune response, which magnifies inflammation and brain tissue loss.

Intractable pain diseases such as adhesive arachnoiditis (AA), reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS/RSD), and genetic connective tissue diseases such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome may incessantly produce toxic tissue particles and/or bioelectromagnetic signals that perpetuate microglial inflammation, tissue loss and CNS malfunctions.

This is the reason why proper pain management must have two targets: the pain generator and CNS inflammation.

How To Know You Have Lost Brain Tissue

If your pain is constant and never totally goes away, it means you have lost some brain tissue and neurotransmitters that normally shut off pain. If you have episodes of sweating, heat or anxiety, you probably have inflammation that is flaring. Naturally, if you feel you have lost some reading, calculating or memory capacity, it possibly means you have lost some brain tissue. MRI’s may also show some fibrous scars.

Fortunately, studies show that if a painful disease or injury is cured or reduced, brain tissue can regenerate. While we can’t guarantee that brain tissue will be restored, we offer here our simple, immediate and first step recommendations using non-prescription measures.

First, do you know the name and characteristics of the disease or injury that is causing your pain? Are you engaging in specific treatments to reduce or even cure your disease, or are you simply taking symptomatic pain relief medications? 

Start at least two herbal-botanical agents that have some clinical indications that they reduce inflammation in the brain and spinal cord: serrapeptase-palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) and astragalus-curcumin-luteolin-nanokinase. You can take different agents on different days. 

Increase the amount of protein (meat, fish, poultry, eggs) in your diet. Consider a collagen supplement. Limit starches and sugars. 

Start taking these vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin C - 2,000mg in the AM & PM

  • Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D

  • Minerals: Magnesium and selenium

We recommend vitamins daily and minerals 3 to 5 days a week. 

The above will help you stop additional tissue loss and hopefully regenerate brain tissue.  

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from bulletins recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project and the Intractable Pain Syndrome Research and Education Project.

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.   

Electromedical Treatments for Arachnoiditis

By Dr. Forest Tennant, PNN Columnist  

Adhesive Arachnoiditis (AA) is an inflammatory, nerve root entrapment disease in which cauda equina nerve roots are glued by adhesions to the arachnoid-dural covering of the spinal canal. An inflamed tumor-like mass is formed inside the spinal canal that blocks spinal fluid flow, allows seepage of fluid into tissue outside the spinal canal and shuts off electrical impulses that activate the legs, feet, bladder, intestine and sex organs. Autoimmunity is produced and/or magnified by AA. 

We highly recommend a three-component protocol for AA to reduce inflammation and autoimmunity, regenerate damaged tissue and to provide pain control. Recent advances in electromedical therapies can help achieve these three goals. 

There are two basic types of electromedical devices available for AA treatment: electric current therapy (EC) and electromagnetic therapy (EM). 

Electric Current Therapy 

Almost everyone is familiar with “TENS” units, which stands for “transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.” These devices were the first electromedical therapies to relieve pain and promote healing.

TENS units deliver a single electric current into tissues to produce an anesthetic, pain relieving effect.  

Today, more advanced EC devices administer micro-currents and/or a combination of multiple currents with different frequencies. 

Electromagnetic Therapy 

There is a form of energy that is half electricity and half magnetism, which can be divided into wave lengths. The very shortest wave of electromagnetic energy is “atomic” and the longest is “radio.” The shortest wave used in medicine is “laser.” Other electromagnetic energy waves used for medical purposes include infrared, light and microwave. 

EC and EM devices, when placed over the lower back, deliver electric current or electromagnetic energy to the lumbar-sacral spinal canal and the spine’s surrounding tissue.

Modern devices use intermittent pulsation of electric currents or electromagnetic energy to penetrate the skin and subcutaneous tissue to reach the AA site, which is usually about 2-3 inches below the skin.  

Some devices use the label PEMF, which stands for “pulsed electromagnetic frequency.” We believe that the newer EC and EM devices can deliver electric currents or electromagnetic energy that, when pulsed, penetrate deep enough to reach the AA disease site. 

Although not totally curative, these devices usually bring about pain reduction in the 20 to 30% range. Within an individual’s financial capability, we recommend that an EC and/or EM device be used 2 to 3 times a week (not daily). EC and EM therapy are not substitutes for a medical protocol. 

EM and EC devices often produce some initial healing, but later seem to stop working. In this situation the device may have done its maximal healing. The devices can still be used periodically to prevent relapses and treat flares. 

Forest Tennant, MD, DrPH, is retired from clinical practice but continues his research on the treatment of intractable pain and arachnoiditis. This column is adapted from a bulletin recently issued by the Arachnoiditis Research and Education Project. Readers interested in subscribing to the bulletins should click here.

Dr. Tennant’s new book, "Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment of Adhesive Arachnoiditis” is available on Amazon. 

The Tennant Foundation gives financial support to Pain News Network and sponsors PNN’s Patient Resources section.