Keeping Kids Safe from Medical Marijuana

By Ellen Lenox Smith, Columnist

Frequently, someone will mention to me that they want to medicate with cannabis but won’t even consider trying it due to their children living in the house.

I can certainly understand their concern, but feel there are still ways to administer the medication, get control of your pain and also keep your children safe.

What are the biggest concerns a parent has about using marijuana around children?

  1. The danger of cannabis getting into the children’s hands.
  2. The smell from smoking marijuana alerting children to what you have in the house.
  3. The still lingering issues of society’s judgment of it

How can you comfortably still make use of cannabis with children in the house?

As with all medications kept at home, you always have to be alert for the safety of children. Cannabis is no different. For any medication, parents (and grandparents) should consider locking it up to keep it out of the wrong hands. 

To still be able to enjoy the benefits of marijuana, but without the smell, there are ways to administer it that are just as successful as smoking. Many wrongly assume that is the only way you can use it. 

I only take cannabis as an oil. It is kept in a medicine bottle, measured out nightly and mixed with some applesauce. This is not something that children are attracted to. I always make sure it is a secure spot. I sleep through most nights and generally during the day never need to take any other forms of the cannabis, since it continues to offer me benefits from the nightly teaspoon.

Another effective option is to use it topically. The results are soothing and have shown tremendous relief, even for those suffering with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). We make ours with a peppermint oil extract added to mask the smell. The peppermint also helps  open the pores in the skin to allow for absorption.

Tinctures containing cannabis can be made in either a glycerin or alcohol base. They can be stored in a medicine bottle and used as frequently as needed. One simple teaspoon in the cheek or under the tongue allows for absorption and pain relief. You can also take cannabis as a pill or suppository, and many have learned to make it as a drink or steeped as a tea. 

For more on the different ways to use cannabis, see my column: “How to Use Medical Marijuana Without Smoking.”

Finally, as far as societal judgement goes, as your children grow older, it doesn’t hurt to be honest with them about the benefits you have found from using cannabis to improve the quality of your life.  It is no different than any illness you are coping with where there is a need to medicate. As time progresses, this conversation will get easier as society embraces this safe alternative.

If you are one of those people who is putting the benefits of medical cannabis on hold because of your children, you might want to reconsider your options and allow yourself the relief you need. Remember, unless you take too much, you do not experience the high that people associate with marijuana. A body in pain does not react to marijuana like a body using it socially. You get pain relief and the others get the high.

Ellen Lenox Smith suffers from Ehlers Danlos syndrome and sarcoidosis. Ellen and her husband Stuart live in Rhode Island. They are co-directors for medical marijuana advocacy for the U.S. Pain Foundation and serve as board members for the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition.

For more information about medical marijuana, visit their website.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Do Men Get More Pain Relief From Marijuana?

By Pat Anson, Editor

Experts tell us that women are more likely to experience chronic pain than men, feel pain more intensely, and are more likely to be undertreated for pain than men are.

The gender gap in pain grew a little wider this week with a new study, published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence, which claims women get far less pain relief from smoking marijuana than men do.

"These findings come at a time when more people, including women, are turning to the use of medical cannabis for pain relief," said lead author Ziva Cooper, PhD, associate professor of clinical neurobiology at Columbia University Medical Center. "Preclinical evidence has suggested that the experience of pain relief from cannabis-related products may vary between sexes, but no studies have been done to see if this is true in humans."

Cooper and her colleagues conducted two double-blinded, placebo-controlled studies that looked at the analgesic effects of cannabis in 42 healthy recreational marijuana smokers – half of them men and half women.

All smoked marijuana at least four times a week prior to enrolling in the study. Participants were excluded if they had pain.

After smoking the same amount of cannabis or a placebo, the participants immersed one hand in a cold-water bath until the pain could no longer be tolerated. Following the immersion, the participants answered a short pain questionnaire.

Among those who smoked cannabis, men reported a significant decrease in pain sensitivity and an increase in pain tolerance. But the women who smoked cannabis did not experience a significant decrease in pain sensitivity, although they did report a small increase in pain tolerance shortly after smoking.

No gender differences were found in how intoxicated the participants felt or how much they liked the effect of cannabis.

“These results indicate that in cannabis smokers, men exhibit greater cannabis-induced analgesia relative to women,” said Cooper.  “Sex-dependent differences in cannabis’s analgesic effects are an important consideration that warrants further investigation when considering the potential therapeutic effects of cannabinoids for pain relief.”

A marijuana advocate and caregiver for patients in Rhode Island said she was shocked by the study findings.

"This study concerns me that some women will read this and not even try the most magical pain relief out there," said Ellen Lenox Smith, a columnist for Pain News Network. "We have never, in the nine years of growing for myself and as caregivers for patients, ever had a time that this was not successful because of one's sex. We have had equal amounts of men and women and the only person that did not have success was an elderly woman that was not able to follow the directions due to her anxiety of using it. That was due to the stigma from society, not the product."

Do women really respond differently to marijuana or is there a flaw in the study itself?

Previous research has found that women respond differently to the cold water test and have far less tolerance for pain induced by cold water immersion than men.

“Most studies have used some form of the cold pressor test in which subjects immerse their arm or hand in circulating cold water for a defined period of time, and their results support the hypothesis that cold pain sensitivity is more pronounced in females,” researchers reported in a 2009 review of nearly two dozen studies that used the cold water test.  “Based on the present set of studies, it appears that sex differences in cold pain are consistent, particularly for suprathreshold measures such as tolerance and pain ratings.”

The Columbia University study was funded by the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse. Ziva Cooper also received salary support from Insys Therapeutics, which is developing cannabis-based drugs.

DEA: No Schedule Change for Marijuana

By Pat Anson, Editor

After weeks of rumors about a major change in policy, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has announced that it will not reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II controlled substance, a move that would have essentially made medical marijuana legal in all 50 states.

Marijuana will remain classified as Schedule I drug – along with other illegal drugs such as heroin and LSD – meaning it has “no currently accepted medical use.”

"This decision isn't based on danger. This decision is based on whether marijuana, as determined by the FDA, is a safe and effective medicine. And it's not," Chuck Rosenberg, acting administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration told NPR.

The DEA did say it would loosen the rules to make marijuana more available for research, allowing researchers to register with the agency to “grow and distribute marijuana for FDA-authorized research.” Until now, only the University of Mississippi has held a license to grow marijuana for research purposes.

"As long as folks abide by the rules, and we're going to regulate that, we want to expand the availability, the variety, the type of marijuana available to legitimate researchers," Rosenberg told NPR. "If our understanding of the science changes, that could very well drive a new decision."

Although still technically illegal under federal law, 25 states and the District of Columbia have approved the use of medical marijuana.  Colorado and Washington have also legalized it for recreational use.

Earlier this summer, the Santa Monica Observer and the Denver Post published reports speculating that marijuana would soon be rescheduled. The Observer even set a date for the announcement – August 1st – and cited an unnamed “Los Angeles based DEA Attorney” as the source of the information.

The two stories fueled rampant speculation in blogs and on social media that a rescheduling of marijuana was imminent. even published its own take on the rumors, calling them “unproven.”

Canadians Can Grow Their Own

The DEA’s announcement came the same day Health Canada said it would allow Canadians to start growing their own marijuana when it updates regulations governing Canada’s medical cannabis program on August 24.

On that date, Canadians who have been authorized by their doctor to use cannabis for medical purposes will be able to produce a limited amount of cannabis or designate someone to produce it for them, provided they register with Health Canada.  Cannabis users will also continue to have the option of purchasing cannabis from one of the 34 producers licensed by Health Canada.

Additional information on how to register and legally purchase starting materials for marijuana cultivation will be available on Health Canada's website on August 24.

Medical Marijuana Lowers Prescription Drug Costs

By Pat Anson, Editor

Prescriptions for pain relievers and other medications have fallen significantly in states where medical marijuana is legal, according to a new study published in the journal Health Affairs.

Researchers at the University of Georgia analyzed data from Medicare’s Part D prescription drug program in 2013 – a year when 17 states and the District of Columbia had legalized medical marijuana -- and estimated there was a cost savings of $165 million in prescription drug claims.

The results suggest that if all 50 states had medical marijuana laws that year, the overall savings to Medicare would have been around $468 million.

“Generally, we found that when a medical marijuana law went into effect, prescribing for FDA approved prescription drugs under Medicare Part D fell substantially,” said lead author Ashley Bradford, a recent graduate from the University of Georgia who will pursue her master's degree in public administration this fall.

"The results suggest people are really using marijuana as medicine and not just using it for recreational purposes.”

Compared to Medicare Part D's 2013 total budget of $103 billion, the $165 million in estimated savings only amounts to half of one percent. But it shows the potential for medical marijuana as an alternative to prescription drugs for a wide range of ailments, including pain. Until now, little was known about the impact medical marijuana was having on healthcare spending.

"We realized this question was an important one that nobody had yet attacked," said co-author W. David Bradford, who is the Busbee Chair in Public Policy in the UGA School of Public and International Affairs.

Researchers studied data on all prescriptions filled by Medicare Part D patients from 2010 to 2013, and then narrowed down the results to focus only on nine conditions for which marijuana might serve as an alternative treatment:  anxiety, depression, glaucoma, nausea, pain, psychosis, seizures, sleep disorders and muscle spasticity (stiffness).

The biggest reduction in prescriptions was for analgesics used to treat pain. Doctors in states where medical marijuana was legal wrote an average of 1,826 fewer daily doses for analgesics in 2013.

Currently 24 states and the District of Columbia have laws allowing for medical marijuana. The federal government still considers marijuana illegal, however the Drug Enforcement Administration is reviewing marijuana’s status as Schedule I controlled substance. Reclassifying marijuana could make it legal for medical use in all 50 states.

“Our findings and existing clinical literature imply that patients respond to medical marijuana legislation as if there are clinical benefits to the drug, which adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that the Schedule I status is outdated,” said Bradford. “Lowering the costs of Medicare and other programs is not a sufficient justification for approving marijuana for medical use, a decision that is complex and multidimensional. Nonetheless, these savings should be considered when changes in marijuana policy are discussed.”

Previous studies have found a significant decline in use of opioid pain medication in patients who use marijuana and that marijuana users are not at greater risk of alcohol and drug abuse.        

Marijuana Based Drug Effective in Treating Epilepsy

By Pat Anson, Editor

A British pharmaceutical company has released positive results from a Phase 3 clinical study of an experimental drug derived from marijuana.

GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: GWPH) reported that the drug – called Epidiolex – significantly reduced seizures in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, a rare form of childhood epilepsy. Epidiolex contains cannabidiol (CBD) a chemical compound found in marijuana that does not produce the “high” associated with cannabis plants.

“From a physician’s perspective, the positive outcome in this trial of Epidiolex in patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is very exciting. Lennox-Gastaut syndrome begins in early childhood, is particularly difficult to treat, and the vast majority of patients do not obtain an adequate response from existing therapies,” said study investigator Linda Laux, MD, Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago.

“I am excited about the prospect of Epidiolex being made available on prescription in the future and believe it has the potential to make an important difference to the lives of many patients.”

The placebo controlled study involved 171 patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Epidiolex reduced the number of seizures in a month by 44 percent, compared with those taking a placebo medication that reduced seizures by 22 percent.

In March, another Phase 3 trial of Epidiolex also showed positive results in children with Dravet syndrome, another form of childhood epilepsy. GW is also conducting a Phase 3 trial of Epidiolex in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex and expects to initiate a Phase 3 trial of Epidiolex in infantile spasms in the fourth quarter of this year.

If approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the drug would be the first cannabis derived drug to win approval for the treatment of childhood epilepsy. Epidiolex has both Orphan Drug Designation and Fast Track Designation from the FDA. GW plans to formally file for FDA approval later this year.

GW is already marketing a marijuana-based oral spray called Sativex that is being sold in Europe, Canada and Mexico to treat muscle tightness and contractions caused by multiple sclerosis. Canada also allows Sativex to be used for the treatment of neuropathic pain and advanced cancer pain.

Sativex is not currently approved for use in the U.S. for any condition. It is estimated that over 400,000 cancer patients in the U.S. suffer from pain that is not well controlled by opioid pain medications. However, two recent Phase 3 studies found that Sativex worked no better than a placebo in treating cancer pain.

DEA: Decision Not Made on Marijuana Legalization

By Pat Anson, Editor

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is considering, but has not yet made a final decision on whether to reclassify marijuana as a Schedule II controlled substance, a move that would essentially make medical marijuana legal in all 50 states.

Last week two media outlets, the Santa Monica Observer and the Denver Post published reports speculating that marijuana could be rescheduled sometime this summer. The Observer even set a date for the announcement – August 1st – and cited an unnamed “Los Angeles based DEA Attorney” as the source of the information.

"Whatever the law may be in California, Arizona or Utah or any other State, because of Federal preemption this will have the effect of making THC products legal with a prescription, in all 50 states," the Observer quoted the DEA lawyer as saying.

The two stories fueled rampant speculation in blogs and on social media that a rescheduling of marijuana was imminent. even published its own take on the rumors, calling them “unproven.”

“There is as yet no indication that the information published on the topic was accurate, and there has been no official confirmation the DEA would moving in that direction on 1 August 2016,” Snopes said.

“We don’t have anything official to report,” DEA spokesman Rusty Payne confirmed to Pain News Network.

Like many rumors, there is some truth in the details. In a letter sent several months ago to Sen. Elizabeth Warren and seven other U.S. senators, a DEA official said the agency was finally getting around to making a decision on a five year old petition to reschedule marijuana.

“And in that letter we said we hoped to have a decision around July first. That’s certainly not a deadline, that’s just neighborhood ballpark, around that time. So people are getting antsy as the time is getting nearer,” said Payne, adding that DEA would not be making the decision alone.

“The agency that determines whether or not something is a medicine is the FDA, not the DEA. That’s why we have to rely on their portion of an in-depth study to determine whether or not something should be rescheduled or essentially determined to be a medicine. And if the FDA rules something is not a medicine, we’re bound by that. We cannot move it ourselves. We can’t overrule or override FDA on that,” said Payne.

The DEA has already received a recommendation from the FDA on whether to reschedule marijuana, but has not disclosed it. In the past, both agencies have resisted any attempt to legalize marijuana at the federal level, even as dozens of states moved to legalize medical marijuana.

In 2011, the DEA rejected a similar petition, saying “the known risks of marijuana use have not been shown to be outweighed by specific benefits in well-controlled clinical trials that scientifically evaluate safety and efficacy.”

Marijuana is currently classified as Schedule I drug – along with heroin and LSD – because it is considered to have no medical benefit and has a high potential for abuse. Moving it into the Schedule II classification, along with opioids such as hydrocodone and oxycodone, could potentially make marijuana available by prescription in all 50 states.    

Such a decision would upend the $40 billion medical marijuana industry, which is mostly composed of small companies and dispensaries that have created a niche for themselves while dealing with a cornucopia of state laws and municipal regulations. Rescheduling would open the door for pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies to get into the marijuana business.

"Schedule II would be a nightmare for the cannabis industry," Andrew Ittleman, a lawyer for a Miami law firm that advises marijuana companies, said in Inc.

Most Medical Marijuana Patients Benefit From Treatment

By Pat Anson, Editor

Over 90 percent of long term medical marijuana patients reported significant improvement in their pain and nausea while using cannabis, according to researchers at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.

Medical marijuana has been legal in Israel for over 10 years, but this was the first in-depth study of patients who have a cannabis prescription from Israel’s Ministry of Health.

"Although medical cannabis has been legal for a decade and is licensed to patients to relieve pain and other symptoms, there has been no information about the users themselves," said Pesach Shvartzman, a professor at Ben-Gurion’s Faculty of Health Sciences.

The study examined more than 2,000 cancer and non-cancer patients using medical marijuana. Almost all said they sought a cannabis prescription after trying conventional treatments that were ineffective. Patients were interviewed by telephone in the first three months of treatment and subsequently every four months for two years. 

Users reported that their pain, nausea, anxiety, appetite, and general feeling had improved. Fewer than one in 10 stopped using marijuana due to side effects or ineffectiveness after the first interview, and only six percent after the second interview.

About three out of four patients experienced minor side effects that included dry mouth, hunger, sleepiness or “high” sensations.

Three-quarters of the patients smoked marijuana, while one in five used a vaporizer or cannabis oil.

Israel still considers cannabis a “dangerous drug” and it is not registered as a medicine. However, the Ministry of Health says “there is evidence that cannabis could help patients suffering from certain medical conditions and alleviate their suffering.”

There are over 20,000 registered marijuana users in Israel. About 50 new users are approved each week by the Health Ministry.

Ministry of Health regulations allow for medical marijuana to be used to treat cancer symptoms and to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Eight farms have Ministry of Health permission to grow cannabis for medicinal use, and four companies have permission to deliver cannabis to cancer patients.

Teenage Marijuana Problems Declining

By Pat Anson, Editor

A large survey of nearly a quarter of a million adolescents indicates the number of American teenagers with marijuana related problems is declining – despite the fact that nearly half the states have legalized medical marijuana or decriminalized it.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis studied a national database on drug use by over 216,000 young people, ages 12 to 17, and found that the number dependent on marijuana or having trouble in school and in relationships declined by 24 percent from 2002 to 2013.

During the same period, the number of kids who said they used marijuana in the previous 12 months fell by 10 percent. The drops were accompanied by reductions in behavioral problems, such as fighting, shoplifting and selling drugs.

Researchers believe the two trends are connected -- as kids became less likely to engage in problem behavior, they are also less likely to have problems with marijuana.

"We were surprised to see substantial declines in marijuana use and abuse," said lead author Richard Grucza, PhD, an associate professor of psychiatry at Washington University School of Medicine

"We don't know how legalization is affecting young marijuana users, but it could be that many kids with behavioral problems are more likely to get treatment earlier in childhood, making them less likely to turn to pot during adolescence. But whatever is happening with these behavioral issues, it seems to be outweighing any effects of marijuana decriminalization."

The new study is published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. The data was gathered as part on ongoing study called the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, which surveys young people in all 50 states about their drug use, abuse and dependence.

In 2002, just over 16% reported using marijuana during the previous year. That number fell to below 14% by 2013. Meanwhile, the percentage of young people with marijuana-use disorders declined from around 4% to about 3%.

"Other research shows that psychiatric disorders earlier in childhood are strong predictors of marijuana use later on," Grucza said. "So it's likely that if these disruptive behaviors are recognized earlier in life, we may be able to deliver therapies that will help prevent marijuana problems -- and possibly problems with alcohol and other drugs, too."

A similar survey, the University of Michigan's Monitoring the Future Study, found that marijuana use by teens has leveled off since 2010, but was still at stubbornly high rates. In 2015, about 35% of 12th­ graders reported using marijuana at least once in the past year.

The same survey found that teenage abuse of prescription opioids declined for the fifth year in a row. Only about 5% of 12th graders reported using an opioid pain medication in the last year, and the number reporting that prescription opioids were “fairly easy” or “very easy” to get also continues to drop.

Medical marijuana is legal or decriminalized in 24 states and the District of Columbia, and several states are considering legalization. Opponents have long maintained that legalization would have harmful effects on young people.

“Perhaps the biggest public health concern around medical marijuana liberalization and legalization concerns the potential impact on teenagers, who could have greater access to it as a drug of abuse and who may increasingly see marijuana as a ‘safe, natural’ medicine rather than a harmful intoxicant,” wrote Nora Volkow, MD, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly.

“Although there is still much to learn about marijuana’s impact on the developing brain, the existing science paints a picture of lasting adverse consequences when the drug is used heavily prior to the completion of brain maturation in young adulthood. In teens, marijuana appears to impair cognitive development, may lower IQ and may precipitate psychosis in individuals with a genetic vulnerability.”

According to a recent report from the Colorado Department of Public Safety, where marijuana has been fully legalized since 2013, nearly a third (31%) of young adults, ages 18 to 25, have used in marijuana in the last 30 days, up from 21% in 2006. The number of juveniles on probation testing positive for THC has also increased since legalization.  

Legalizing Marijuana? Don’t Forget its Medical Use

By Ellen Lenox Smith, Columnist

At least half a dozen states may be joining Colorado and Washington in the full legalization of marijuana. As a medical marijuana patient in Rhode Island, that has never been my battle. I have tried to stay focused on improving medical marijuana laws in Rhode Island and 23 other states, such as expanding the conditions for which it can be prescribed to include chronic pain and other medical issues.

It is mind boggling to me that some states have not yet approved marijuana’s medical use, but seem to be jumping right into legalization, most likely because they see it as a way to generate tax revenue.

We must hold onto the medical programs and be sure they are not mixed into the rules for full legalization. That would be like allowing medication from the pharmacy available to anyone to enjoy for pleasure. This is our medicine.

I have no problem with others having the pleasure of using cannabis socially, but let’s make sure we maintain the integrity of the medical programs.

This is our vision for every state in this country in the near future:

1) Medical marijuana is approved in all states and it includes reciprocity from state to state so we are safe to medicate legally when we travel.

2) Patients qualify when their doctors confirm they have a need and cannabis is no longer limited to specific conditions. There are many less common ones that can be treated effectively with this medication. 

3) Patients have a choice of growing, which is both therapeutic and helpful for those who find strains they are compatible with.

4) Each state offers compassion centers or dispensaries that are strategically placed so all have access within a reasonable distance.

5) Prices at these centers are affordable and on a sliding scale. Many who are afflicted with health issues already have massive medical bills. We do not want to have the mindset of making a large profit off the sale of their medication.

6) When all states are legal, we then conquer the battle of being reimbursed for our medicine from our insurance companies.

7) Allow centers to grow the plants they need to accommodate patients with all of the various strains. 

      8) Allow centers to sell various forms of medical marijuana, including dry product, oils, tinctures, topicals, edibles, etc.

      9) Allow a delivery system for those seriously ill and a gifting program to those financially unable to pay.

     10) All centers grow organically, keeping us safe from pesticides and other chemicals.

     11) People using medical marijuana will have the legal right not be drug tested, discriminated or fired from employment.

As the demand for full legalization continues to spread across the country, please help your state maintain the integrity of its medical program. Medical marijuana is intended to help us with quality of life, not to make a huge profit from. Let those that are using it for recreation be the ones to pay taxes and bring in the revenue for your state.

Let’s keep this medicine affordable for those in need.  For those that do not need it for medical reasons, be glad you are able to use cannabis socially and not have to face issues like us!

Ellen Lenox Smith suffers from Ehlers Danlos syndrome and sarcoidosis.  Ellen and her husband Stuart are co-directors for medical marijuana advocacy for the U.S. Pain Foundation and serve as board members for the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition.

For more information about medical marijuana or to contact the Smith's, visit their website.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Big Decline in Opioid Use by Marijuana Users

By Pat Anson, Editor

A new study has found that use of opioid pain medication declines dramatically when chronic pain patients use medical marijuana.

The small study by researchers at the University of Michigan involved 185 pain patients at a medical marijuana dispensary in Ann Arbor, who were surveyed in an online questionnaire about their use of marijuana and pain medications.

Nearly two-thirds (64%) reported a reduction in their use of prescription pain medications and almost half (45%) said cannabis improved their quality of life. Patients also had fewer side effects from marijuana than they did from opioids.

"We're in the midst of an opioid epidemic and we need to figure out what to do about it," said lead author Kevin Boehnke, a doctoral student in the School of Public Health's Department of Environmental Health Sciences. "I'm hoping our research continues a conversation of cannabis as a potential alternative for opioids."

Last week the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued new guidelines that recommend non-pharmalogical therapy and non-opioid drugs for chronic pain. The guidelines do not endorse medical marijuana as a pain treatment, but they do discourage doctors from testing patients for marijuana and from dropping them from their practices if marijuana is detected.

Currently, 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for medical purposes and four states allow it for recreational use.

The University of Michigan researchers found that patients with less severe chronic pain were more likely to report less use of opioids and a better quality of life.

"We would caution against rushing to change current clinical practice towards cannabis, but note that this study suggests that cannabis is an effective pain medication and agent to prevent opioid overuse," Boehnke said.

Researchers said their findings, published in the Journal of Pain, also suggest that overdose death rates would decline dramatically if marijuana was used more widely for pain relief.

“We are learning that the higher the dose of opioids people are taking, the higher the risk of death from overdose. This magnitude of reduction in our study is significant enough to affect an individual's risk of accidental death from overdose," said senior study author Daniel Clauw, MD, a professor of pain management anesthesiology at the U-M Medical School.

Previous research has found that opioid overdose rates declined by nearly 25 percent in states where medical marijuana was legalized. Another recent study of cannabis use by pain patients in Israel found a 44% reduction in opioid use.

One limitation of the current study is that it was conducted with people at a marijuana dispensary, who are more likely to already be believers in the medical benefits of marijuana.

CDC Guidelines Urge Doctors Not to Test for Marijuana

By Pat Anson, Editor

One of the less publicized provisions in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s opioid prescribing guidelines is a recommendation that doctors stop urine drug testing of patients for tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient that causes the “high” for some marijuana users. The guidelines also discourage doctors from dropping patients if marijuana is detected.

Urine drug screens are conducted almost routinely by pain management physicians and other opioid prescribers for a variety of drugs, both legal and illegal.

Some doctors use a positive result for THC as an excuse to discharge patients from their practices, even in states where medical marijuana is legal.

While the CDC guidelines encourage physicians to conduct urine drug tests before starting opioid therapy and at least annually afterwards, they draw the line at THC.


Clinicians should not test for substances for which results would not affect patient management or for which implications for patient management are unclear. For example, experts noted that there might be uncertainty about the clinical implications of a positive urine drug test for tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC).” the guidelines state.

"Clinicians should not dismiss patients from care based on a urine drug test result because this could constitute patient abandonment and could have adverse consequences for patient safety, potentially including the patient obtaining opioids from alternative sources and the clinician missing opportunities to facilitate treatment for substance use disorder."

As Pain News Network has reported, “point-of care” (POC) urine drug tests, the kind widely used in doctor’s offices, frequently giving false positive or false negative results for drugs like marijuana, oxycodone and methadone. One study found that 21% of POC tests for marijuana produced a false positive result. The test was also wrong 21% of the time when marijuana is not detected in a urine sample.

Not mentioned in the CDC guidelines is evidence that opioid overdose rates declined by nearly 25 percent in states where medical marijuana was legalized.

"We applaud the CDC's reasoned approach to the use of urine testing and its drawbacks when used on pain patients," said Ellen Komp, Deputy Director of California NORML. "Considering that opioid overdose deaths are significantly lower in states with medical marijuana programs, we are sorry the agency apparently didn't read the letter Elizabeth Warren recently sent to its chief calling for marijuana legalization as a means of dealing with the problem of opiate overdose."

That letter by Sen. Warren encouraged the CDC to adopt the guidelines and its restrictive approach to opioids “as soon as possible,” but also encouraged the agency to further study the impact legalization of medical and recreational marijuana could have on opioid overdose deaths.

The annual cost of drug testing in pain management is estimated at $2 billion per year. While POC tests are relatively cheap, more expensive laboratory testing can cost thousands of dollars and is often not covered by insurance.

Results of Cannabis Drug Study Cause Market Frenzy

By Pat Anson, Editor

A British pharmaceutical company has reported positive results from a Phase 3 clinical study of a marijuana-based medication for Dravet syndrome, a severe form of children’s epilepsy.

The study found that Epidiolex, a liquid formula containing a plant-derived cannabinoid (CBD), significantly reduced the number of seizures in children with Dravet syndrome. CBD is a compound in cannabis that does not produce the “high” caused by marijuana.

The study findings caused shares of GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: GWPH) to more than double in trading Monday, much of it fueled by speculation that the company’s cannabinoid products would eventually be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for pain relief.

“If they get this, doctors will say, here’s a cannabinoid prescription,” said CNBC’s Jim Cramer. “This will be the pure cannabis that a lot of people who have been waiting for, an actual painkiller that is not addictive. This will replace, I believe, the terrible, terrible wave of death that oxycodone has caused.

image courtesy gw pharmaceuticals

image courtesy gw pharmaceuticals

“If you want to prescribe actual medical marijuana, a real doctor is reluctant to do it because there are no uniform standards, and what you really want is the pure cannabinoid. There will be use of this galore.”

In a statement to CNBC, GW said it was not investigating Epidiolex for pain relief.

"Today's Phase 3 results of Epidiolex (cannabidiol) were not studying the medicine as a possible treatment for pain. Epidiolex is being investigated for Dravet syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC), three rare, extremely debilitating epilepsy syndromes that begin in infancy or early childhood," the company said.

The Phase 3 placebo controlled study involved 120 children with Dravet syndrome, who were averaging about 13 seizures a month before the trial began. Seizures declined by over a third in patients treated with Epidiolex, with few side effects.

“The results of this Epidiolex pivotal trial are important and exciting as they represent the first placebo-controlled evidence to support the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical cannabidiol in children with Dravet syndrome, one of the most severe and difficult-to-treat types of epilepsy,” said Orrin Devinsky, MD, of New York University Langone Medical Center’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.

“These data demonstrate that Epidiolex delivers clinically important reductions in seizure frequency together with an acceptable safety and tolerability profile, providing the epilepsy community with the prospect of an appropriately standardized and tested pharmaceutical formulation of cannabidiol being made available by prescription in the future.”

Epidiolex has both Orphan Drug Designation and Fast Track Designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. There are currently no approved treatments for Dravet syndrome in the U.S.

“We are excited about the potential for Epidiolex to become the first FDA approved treatment option specifically for Dravet syndrome patients and their families,” said Justin Gover, GW’s CEO. “In light of this positive data, we will now request a pre-NDA (new drug application) meeting with the FDA to discuss our proposed regulatory submission.”

GW is recruiting 150 patients for a second Phase 3 trial of Epidiolex for Dravet syndrome and is currently conducting a Phase 3 study for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Another study of Epidiolex is scheduled to begin soon for a third form of epilepsy, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.

The company is already marketing a marijuana-based oral spray called Sativex that is being sold in Europe, Canada and Mexico to treat muscle tightness and contractions caused by multiple sclerosis. Canada also allows Sativex to be used for the treatment of neuropathic pain and advanced cancer pain.

Sativex is not currently approved for use in the U.S. for any condition. It is estimated that over 400,000 cancer patients in the U.S. suffer from pain that is not well controlled by opioid pain medications. Two recent Phase 3 studies found that Sativex worked no better than a placebo in treating cancer pain.

How to Advocate for Medical Marijuana Legalization

By Ellen Lenox Smith, Columnist

I wish everyone in the U.S. had safe and affordable access to medical marijuana. Although legal in 23 states and the District of Columbia, many of you still live in states where cannabis is illegal and may want to know what you can do to help expedite the process of legalization.

I thought it might be helpful to share our experience with you to help you turn your state into a more compassionate state.  My husband and I are the co-directors of medical marijuana advocacy for the U.S. Pain Foundation. We are very proud of the foundation for supporting the use of this medication and for taking a positive stand.

So here are our suggestions:

1) Google your state’s medical marijuana laws and become familiar with where your state stands.

2) If a bill has been submitted, find the names of the legislators that submitted it. Contact them and request a meeting, leave a phone message, write a letter or offer to testify. The goal is to begin establishing a relationship with this person, to let them know of your willingness to help get their legislation passed.  

3) Remember that you are in an illegal state, so you want to share the success you had while living or visiting a legal state. You do not want to take any chance getting arrested!

4) You will find that telling your story is the key. Try to find others who will also be able to share how this medication helped them too.  Share your medical condition, how it affects your daily life, and how using medical marijuana made a difference.

5) If you are able to attend a hearing, be sure to dress like you are going to work. Keep the language clean and show them that you are an everyday person trying to live life with major medical difficulties. You do not want to be perceived as a recreational drug user, so dress and act with a serious demeanor.

6) Along with sharing your story, you also need to discuss the qualifying conditions for treatment in the bill. Some states where marijuana is legal do not allow cannabis to be prescribed for chronic pain. If you don’t get the correct wording in there now for chronic pain, it may never qualify. Therefore, it is very important to include the following language in your bill:

A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one or more of the following:

  • Cachexia or wasting syndrome
  • Severe, debilitating, chronic pain
  • Severe nausea
  • Seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy
  • Severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of multiple sclerosis or Crohn's disease
  • Agitation related to Alzheimer's Disease

If they want you to testify, prepare your speech before your arrive. Consider putting your main points on a card to talk from, instead of just reading from a paper out loud. Eye contact can really help.

Stay on point. Time is limited and you must respect this or they will shut you off to allow others time to speak. Share details about your medical condition, what effect it has on your daily living and how medical marijuana has made life more tolerable for you. Ask them to have a heart and help you and all the others in your state.

I always end with: “You never know what life might bring you next. I didn’t ask to have to cope with this condition. Please show your compassion.”

If there is no bill under consideration, then your work will be a bit different. You need find out if a bill had been submitted in the past and locate the sponsor. You should contact that person or persons and tell them you are ready to advocate and ask what they need from you to help get the bill reintroduced.

Whether you have a bill submitted or are working to get one started, you want to keep the topic alive in the media, so write letters to the editor, send a written story to news and radio stations, telling them you would like to share your story and why you want to see this legalized. You will be surprised how they can respond!

Another thing you can do is also contact us via the U.S. Pain Foundation to see if we have any ambassadors in your state that have expressed interest in advocating. We are happy to connect you if we have them listed. Email us at or

Good luck and may medical marijuana soon be legal for all.

Ellen Lenox Smith suffers from Ehlers Danlos syndrome and sarcoidosis. Ellen and her husband Stuart live in Rhode Island. They are co-directors for medical marijuana advocacy for the U.S. Pain Foundation and serve as board members for the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition.

For more information about medical marijuana, visit their website.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Survey Finds Medical Marijuana Safe and Effective

By Ellen Lenox Smith, Columnist

Recently HelloMD, an online “telehealth” service that provides consultations with doctors who can write prescriptions for medical marijuana, conducted an extensive survey of 1,400 of patients. Patients were asked to complete a questionnaire consisting of 31 questions dealing with their marijuana use.

The survey results (which you can see by clicking here)  really caught my attention and are very exciting.

The survey found that the most common conditions that medical marijuana was being used to treat were chronic pain, anxiety, stress and insomnia. Eight out of ten patients (84%) strongly agreed that cannabis provides them with relief from their symptoms.

Medical marijuana may be legal in 23 states, but many of those states have yet to certify chronic pain as a condition marijuana can be prescribed for. Yet we have 100 million in our country suffering from pain! Let’s hope surveys like this will help to educate those states.

“There were few to no reports of negative consequences of cannabis use, with over 96% of users either somewhat likely or highly likely to recommend cannabis use to friends, family or others seeking improved wellbeing,” according to the HelloMD report.

This statement does not surprise me at all, for we have not seen negative consequences of marijuana use since 2007, when my husband and I first started helping patients wanting to try cannabis. Those of us that have felt the benefits of cannabis talk and encourage others to consider trying it all the time when we meet someone who is suffering.

I also do not believe this was any select group surveyed by HellloMD, but are typical cannabis users that realized how gentle, safe and effective this medication is.

The survey found that middle aged and elderly patients were more likely to use marijuana for pain management, while younger age groups were using it to treat stress, anxiety, mental-health disorders, nausea and issues with appetite. I love this finding. That is exactly what we are observing in the different ages we deal with.  

HelloMD also found that social perception of cannabis use is moving into the mainstream of society, as more and more states pass legislation allowing medical marijuana.

“Amongst those that use medical marijuana, 82% are open with family members about their use with 44% strongly agreeing. 15% still hide their use from family members (perhaps their children, although this is unclear from our data). 59.5% of patients are open with their close friends and a further 35% with all friends (close and otherwise). Only 5.3% do not admit to friends that they use medical marijuana,” the report found.

How exciting that we are now able to feel comfortable sharing the truth of our lives and the benefits we are gaining by being allowed to use this medication. As the report points out, there has never been a death from overdose attributed to cannabis and the safety record of cannabis is superior to that of pharmaceutical pain medications. This reinforces what we have been observing and I am thrilled what we have been saying is mentioned here!

“Our data indicates that 78% of those using cannabis for health and wellness are above the age of 25. In stark contrast to the stoner stereotype, these people are highly educated working professionals. Many are parents. They could be your friends, your colleagues, or your neighbors. All of them have legitimate health issues. All of them are seeking alternatives to traditional prescribed medication considered toxic and laden with the potential of negative side effects,” the report concludes.

Thanks to surveys like this, we can continue to work to get the education out there for people to understand that those of us using cannabis for pain are not all getting high or stoned. The brain receptors react to marijuana and we simply get pain relief! However, anyone can take too much of any medication and have a negative reaction.

I hope we will see even more surveys about medical marijuana, along with research, so that more will get on board and understand the advantages of this plant.

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Ellen Lenox Smith suffers from Ehlers Danlos syndrome and sarcoidosis. Ellen and her husband Stuart live in Rhode Island. They are co-directors for medical marijuana advocacy for the U.S. Pain Foundation and serve as board members for the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition.

For more information about medical marijuana, visit their website.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Players Say Half of NFL Using Medical Marijuana

By Pat Anson, Editor

With the countdown underway for Super Bowl 50, there’s a renewed focus on the NFL’s high rate of injuries and concussions, and whether the league should be open to players using medical marijuana to treat their pain.

“The growing legality of the plant, especially for medical use, is putting the NFL into a bit of a moral quandary,” says former Denver Broncos wide receiver Nate Jackson.

“When you compare it to what the alternative is in their training rooms; pills, pills, pills, that are being put into these guys’ hands and turning them into addicts. I was never big on those pills. I medicated with marijuana and it helped me and I think it helped save my brain.”

Jackson suffered numerous injuries during his six years in the NFL, breaking several bones and suffering at least two concussions. After retiring, Jackson wrote a memoir about his football career, Slow Getting Up: A Story of NFL Survival from the Bottom of the Pile and became an advocate for medical marijuana.

Pain News Network recently spoke to Jackson at the Cannabis World Congress & Business Exposition in Los Angeles, where he told us he started smoking marijuana as a high school football player and has been using it ever since.

nate jackson

nate jackson

“It’s been pretty effective. It didn’t prevent me from getting to the NFL. It didn’t prevent me from excelling and being my best. It was an effective way to take the edge off, deal with pain, and deal with injuries without taking away my edge on the field,” said Jackson. “I would say probably half the guys (in the NFL) use marijuana. They’ve been using it since they were teenagers. They’re familiar with what it does with their bodies. Top level athletes, you tinker with the process as you go, with your body, with your performance, with what works for you and what doesn’t.

"So if these guys get into the NFL with a marijuana habit intact, it means that it’s under control, it’s actually something that works for them, works for their body, allows them to perform at the highest level they can, and it doesn’t affect them negatively. Because if it does affect them negatively, they get cut. The demands of the job are so strict and so intense, if you’re not playing well, you get cut. And so if they are in the league, they are playing really well. They’re punctual, they’re memorizing their playbook, and they’re taking care of their business. If they’re using marijuana to do that, I think it’s healthy.”

Although the NFL has a reputation as a league that closely monitors players for signs of illegal drugs or performance enhancing medication, Jackson says it’s relatively easy to avoid getting caught by a drug test.

“Because the street drug test is only once a year. It’s in May, June or July somewhere around there. Once you get it, then you’re good for the next year, as long as you don’t fail it. I never failed it,” he said.

“The problem is for those guys who get put into a substance abuse program. That could be because of a positive marijuana test or DUI or ephedrine or Adderall or domestic dispute program, whatever it may be. You get put in the substance abuse program and I would say there are maybe a couple hundred guys in the league who are in that program and you get tested. You’re urine tested three or four times a week, every week, all year long for several years.”

Several current players support Jackson’s claim that at least half of the NFL is using marijuana. They told the Bleacher Report that many players smoke marijuana three or four times a week during the season. None of the players wanted to be identified.

"It's at least 60 percent now," said Jamal Anderson, a former running back for the Atlanta Falcons. "That's bare minimum. That's because players today don't believe in the stigma that older people associate with smoking it. To the younger guys in the league now, smoking weed is a normal thing, like having a beer. Plus, they know that smoking it helps them with the concussions."

Former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon says medical marijuana helps him deal with severe headaches, depression, memory loss and early onset dementia – which he blames on the NFL’s negligence in handling concussions during his playing career. McMahon said he was taking 100 Percocet pills a month for pain before he started using marijuana.

"They were doing more harm than good," McMahon told the Chicago Tribune. "This medical marijuana has been a godsend. It relieves me of the pain — or thinking about it, anyway."

With about 300 players being put on injured reserve every season – many with career ending injuries – Nate Jackson says it’s time for the NFL to acknowledge what’s already happening and change its marijuana policy.

“I think they (injured players) should be given a choice at that point and be able to avoid the opioid painkillers, which are pretty much a scourge in the locker room,” Jackson says.

“When you get put on injured reserve, if you have a severe enough injury that your season is over, you’re going to be given drugs by the team doctors and the team trainers because you are legitimately hurt. Are you going to take those pills or are you going to take something else? I chose to take something else.”