A New Study of Opioid Addiction Only Muddies the Water Further

By Pat Anson

Over the years, hundreds of studies have been conducted to determine how common it is for a pain patient on long-term opioid therapy to become addicted. Estimates range from less than 1% to more than 80% of patients developing opioid use disorder (OUD), also known as problematic pharmaceutical opioid use (POU).

The wide variation in estimates is largely due to conflicting definitions, terminology, study design and biases. Is a patient misusing or abusing prescription opioids? Do they show signs of dependence or withdrawal? It literally depends which study you read.

New research that tries to settle the matter may have only muddied the water further.

A team of researchers at the University of Bristol conducted a meta-analysis of 148 clinical studies involving over 4.3 million patients in North America and the UK who were treated with opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. The 148 studies were all that was left from nearly 5,300 that were initially screened and rejected for various reasons — which should tell you a lot about the quality of studies that are out there.

“Clinicians and policy makers need a more accurate estimate of the prevalence of problematic opioid use in pain patients so that they can gauge the true extent of the problem, change prescribing guidance if necessary, and develop and implement effective interventions to manage the problem.  Knowing the size of the problem is a necessary step to managing it,” said lead author Kyla Thomas, PhD, Professor of Public Health Medicine at the University of Bristol.

Thomas and her colleagues included studies in their review that reported any sign of POU, such as abuse, tolerance, addiction, dependence, misuse, substance use disorder or “aberrant behavior.” The latter includes seemingly benign behavior like a patient being poorly dressed or unkempt in appearance, canceling or missing an appointment, asking for a specific drug, or even just complaining about their pain.

In some studies, “misuse” was defined so broadly that it included patients who stopped using opioids because their pain went away or they took a pill less often than recommended. A patient like that might be suspected of hoarding or even selling their unused medication.     

In other words, the researchers cast a pretty wide net on what constitutes OUD. And they hauled in a lot of fish.

Their findings, recently published in the journal Addiction, estimate that nearly one in ten pain patients (9.3%) are dependent on opioids and have OUD.

Nearly a third (29.6%) have “signs and symptoms” of dependence and OUD, and over one in five (22%) displayed aberrant behavior.

“Prescription painkiller misuse and addiction are widespread in chronic pain patients” is how the University of Bristol trumpeted the results in a press release, with the lone caveat that “these findings should be interpreted with caution.”

‘OUD Is Everywhere’

Critics of the study were quick to point out that equating dependence with opioid use disorder is misleading at best – the equivalent of a diabetic dependent on insulin being labeled with “insulin use disorder.”

“This is just one more paper, one of zillions, that seizes upon some outcome measures that have poor or no basis in science and that are not in any way indicative of addiction,” says Stephen Nadeau, MD, Professor of Neurology at the University of Florida College of Medicine. “As is so common, it favors the ridiculous notion that OUD is everywhere.”

Nadeau says any patient on daily opioids will experience symptoms of dependence or withdrawal if their medication is suddenly stopped. Neither is a clear sign of addiction or substance use problem, just as a patient asking for a higher dose is not necessarily a symptom of OUD.

“There is never any recognition of the ubiquitous phenomenon of pseudo-addiction: a patient in desperate pain asks for an increase in dosage. Instead of the request being interpreted at face value, the patient is branded with the diagnosis of OUD and booted from the clinic,” Nadeau told PNN.

Being “branded” or stigmatized is something that chronic pain patients like Brett Bradford are all too familiar with. He thinks the new addiction study will only result in more patients being taken off opioids.

“All physicians coming out of med school are being taught these hyper anti-opioid policies. This is only going to fuel things to get worse,” said Bradford. “This madness will not stop until opiates are totally off the market and nobody will be able to get any pain meds for any reason, short of being on their death bed. Maybe. If they are lucky.”

Expanded Insurance Coverage ‘Urgent Priority’ for Chronic Pain Patients

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A panel of experts convened by the University of Michigan is recommending expanded insurance coverage and better training of providers to address problems faced by millions of chronic pain patients on long-term opioid therapy. Although improving access to pain care is an “urgent priority,” it took nearly three years for the panel’s recommendations to be developed and released.

“Patients who take opioids for chronic pain face unique challenges in the present opioid policy landscape, including reduced access to care,” wrote lead author Adrianne Kehne, a former researcher at Michigan Medicine who is now a Research Project Manager at U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

“While there have been substantial efforts to improve access to care for OUD (opioid use disorder), the needs of this patient population have gone largely unrecognized and unaddressed.  Limited access to high-quality care has caused significant distress among both patients and providers, and increasing access is an urgent priority.”

In a paper recently published in the Journal of Pain Research, Kehne and her colleagues said recent efforts to improve access, such as a revised CDC guideline that takes a more flexible approach to opioid prescribing, may not be adequate.

“It remains to be seen how providers and policymakers respond to these new recommendations. The non-binding guideline may not be sufficient to reverse prescribing rules at the state and health system level or significantly change provider behaviors,” they wrote.

A Michigan-based panel of 24 experts, including providers, researchers, regulators, insurers and patients, first met online in September, 2020 to discuss ways to improve access to pain care. Their long-delayed recommendations -- which are only being made public now -- stop well short of reversing policies that discourage opioid prescribing.

Instead, they focus on changing insurance reimbursement policies, to allow providers to spend more time with patients and to offer multimodal, non-pharmacological treatments. Multimodal therapy includes acupuncture, chiropractic care, cognitive behavioral therapy, injected pain therapies and “collaborative care” techniques that are often not covered by insurance.

“In order to encourage more clinics to offer multimodal pain care and increase access for patients who currently don’t receive it, insurance companies and government health coverage programs such as Medicaid need to change how they pay for it,” said senior author Pooja Lagisetty, MD, an assistant professor of internal medicine at Michigan Medicine and the VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System.

“We are starting to see some change, most notably at the VA and in insurance coverage of physical therapy, but more is needed in order for patients and providers to have time to develop individualized approaches, overcome stigma around providing opioid-related care, and for clinics to begin offering non-medication services.”

Other key recommendations of the panel:

  • Make providers aware of how Michigan’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) is “used in investigating and disciplining providers”

  • To reduce stigma, educate providers on the differences between addiction and dependency in patients on long-term opioid therapy

  • Improve provider education about chronic pain, as well as multimodal and non-pharmacological therapies

  • Train social workers in biopsychosocial factors involved in chronic pain treatment

  • Improve provider education and practices to address racial barriers and biases in pain care

  • Increase recruitment of providers from racial and ethnic minorities

The expert panel study was funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund, the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute on Aging.

Researchers say between 5 and 8 million U.S. patients currently take opioids long-term. That’s down from about 11 million a few years ago. Opioid prescribing in the U.S. has decline by 64% since its peak, and now stands at levels last seen in the year 2000. Despite that historic decline, fatal overdoses have climbed to record levels, fueled primarily by illicit fentanyl and other street drugs.

Few Patients on Long-Term Opioids Engage in Risky Behavior

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Only a small percentage of pain patients on long-term opioid therapy ask for higher doses, renew their prescriptions early or divert their medication to another person, according to a new study that challenges many common assumptions about prescription opioids.

For five years, Australian researchers followed over 1,500 patients taking opioid pain medication, with annual interviews asking them about their opioid use and behavior. The study is believed to be the first of its kind to follow patients on opioid therapy for such a long period.   

Most of the patients suffered from chronic back, neck or arthritis pain, and were taking opioids for at least 6 weeks at the start of the study, including about 15% who were taking high doses exceeding 200 MME (morphine milligram equivalent) per day. The CDC opioid guideline recommends that daily doses not exceed 90 MME.  

Researchers found that “problematic opioid use” was infrequent and steadily declined over time, with less than 10% of patients asking for higher doses or for a prescription to be renewed early. Less than 5% of patients tampered with their medications or diverted them to another person.     

“Contrary to the predominant thinking in pain management, the findings of this study suggest considerable fluidity in opioid use over time among many patients with CNCP (chronic non-cancer pain) who use opioids,” wrote lead author Louisa Degenhardt, PhD, Deputy Director of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at University of New South Wales.

By the end of the study, patients were more likely to have stopped taking opioids (20%) than they were to be diagnosed with opioid dependence (8%), suggesting that long-term opioid use does not always lead to dependence or addiction. Even when they were diagnosed as opioid dependent, most patients did not meet the criteria for dependence the following year, suggesting the original diagnosis was faulty.

JAMA Network Open

JAMA Network Open

Researchers noted there was “substantial variation” in how patients answered questions from year to year about their opioid use and behavior. Most who reported risky behavior did so in only one of the annual interviews.  

This finding challenges a common view that the risk of opioid-related behaviors is static and that risk assessment at the start of opioid treatment can predict which patients will develop opioid use disorder,” researchers concluded in JAMA Network Open. “By contrast, individuals who engage in opioid-related behaviors change over time, which also suggests that opioid behaviors of concern need not persist.”

“This study shows what most clinicians treating CNCP with opioids already know, which is that most individuals do fine with chronic opioid therapy. It is only a few people who develop a problem, and that can’t be easily predicted based on a person's early behaviors associated with opioids prescribed for pain,” said Dr. Lynn Webster, a PNN columnist and past president of the American Academy of Pain Medicine.

“It refutes the argument that patients on chronic opioid therapy inevitably will abuse, become addicted, or never cease using opioids once started.” 

Webster noted that most people in the study were stable and few demonstrated any abuse or harm from opioids, including those on high doses who were less likely to ask for more medication.

“I think the overriding message of this study is that the one-size-fits all approach to using opioids for CNCP is flawed. The idea that everyone should be at a low level doesn't address individual needs,” Webster said.

No Relationship Between Rx Opioids and Injury Deaths

Another new study that challenges conventional thinking about prescription opioids found that high doses are not associated with higher rates of trauma-related death.

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University looked at mortality rates in all 50 states from 2006 to 2017, comparing them to the amount of opioids prescribed during the same period.

The researchers believed they would find a relationship between opioids and higher death rates. Their theory was that people on opioids were more likely to be impaired, which would lead to more car crashes, accidents, drownings, suicides and other types of trauma death.

But in findings reported in the journal Injury, there was no association between the two.

“In every state examined, there was no consistent relationship between the amount of prescription opioids delivered and total injury-related mortality or any subgroups, suggesting that there is not a direct association between prescription opioids and injury-related mortality,” wrote lead author Esther Tseng, MD, a trauma surgeon and professor at CWRU.

It's important to note that Tseng and her colleagues did not look at fatal overdoses caused by prescription opioids. Previous research by the CDC has found that deaths linked to opioid pain medication have been relatively flat for nearly a decade. The vast majority of overdoses involve illicit fentanyl and other street drugs.    

The Other Victims of the Opioid Epidemic

By Katie Burge, Guest Columnist

Imagine the fear, frustration, helplessness and anger you might feel upon learning that your doctor cannot treat you to the best of his or her ability because they’re afraid of being arrested. 

I don't have to imagine that because I am a chronic pain patient with a degenerative spinal condition, plus severe osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia; each of which cause severe chronic pain 24/7. Combined, they can make simple tasks like getting dressed in the morning sheer torture.

Pain patients are the other victims of the so-called opioid epidemic, the ones the media usually don’t mention unless they're blaming us for other people's drug usage. 

Patients are being forced to live in agony and, as a result, increasingly lose their lives due to catastrophic medical events, such as stroke, heart attack and even suicide.

These can all be triggered by the physical, mental and emotional pressures of trying to survive with inadequately treated chronic pain.

Why?  Because politicians and bureaucrats (who refuse to admit the government is completely impotent at controlling the proliferation of illicit drugs) have managed to sell the public on the ridiculous premise that refusing medically necessary medication to one group of people will somehow alter the behavior of another group, and handily end America's drug crisis.

This approach simply does not work. Torturing vulnerable pain patients by refusing them life-giving medication will never make the slightest dent in the illegal drug trade because, sadly, people who want to get high will find something somewhere that will enable them to do so. 

Also, most of the prescription opioids that people abuse DO NOT come from doctors or pain patients. Less than one percent of legally prescribed opioid medication is diverted.  People in true pain are not going to suffer additionally by sharing or selling their medication. And doctors are not as careless with their prescription pads as the powers-that-be would like you to think.  

Nonetheless, the entities that control doctors’ licenses to prescribe opioids have yielded to political pressure by ordering doctors to either cut back on pain medication to the point that it's ineffective or stop opioid treatment altogether, regardless of patient need or outcome.

Inadequately treated chronic pain has stolen a great deal of my independence and quality of life, and though I hate the idea of taking pain medication at all, my greatest desire is to simply be able to fully participate in my own life again.  I will never be pain free, but I long to be able to play with my grandchildren, go to the theater or sit through an entire movie (and still be able to walk back to my car).

The mainstream media is also responsible for the ridiculous narrative that opioids have no legitimate clinical use and are immediately addictive. The result of this bias and hyperbole is that most folks believe outlawing the legitimate medical use of opioids can only be a good thing. Society teaches us that pain is somehow shameful.  We must “suffer in silence” and learn to control our pain without complaint or medical intervention. 

With such an abundance of myth and misinformation, it's no small wonder that actual facts about pain tend to get lost in the mix. Please allow me to share a few:

First, many overdose deaths are made to sound as though they were caused by a single prescription or even a single dose of opioids, when they are actually the result of a mixture of different medications, street drugs and alcohol. 

Second, chronic pain affects more Americans than heart disease, cancer and diabetes combined.  And studies have repeatedly shown that less than 4% of those who take opioid medication for pain become addicted.  They might develop a dependence or tolerance, but that occurs with many medications.

Physical “dependence” simply means that, if a drug or substance is stopped abruptly, the body will react by exhibiting withdrawal symptoms.  “Tolerance” occurs over time, as the dosage of some drugs might need to be adjusted as the body grows tolerant to its effects. Neither of these conditions is unique to opioids, nor are they necessarily indicative of addiction -- which is characterized by compulsive drug seeking behavior and use, despite harmful consequences.

Personally, I believe the question of addiction simply comes down to motive.  If your primary motive in taking opioids is to get high, you might be a drug addict.  If your only motive is pain relief and once that relief is achieved you do not increase the dose, you are not a drug addict.

Drug abuse is a complex social issue that has no easy fixes.  It should not, however, be confused with the medical management of chronic pain.  All life is precious and should be valued and protected, but not at the expense of others.

So, the next time your favorite TV show has a story line about someone going to the hospital and being transformed into a raving drug addict, or you hear yet another biased news story about opioids, do something about it.  You can help save lives by contacting the source of those fallacies and insisting that they tell the whole truth about the opioid crisis. Call them. Write a letter. Send an email.

We desperately need your voice, your prayers, your empathy and your compassion.

Katie Burge lives in south Mississippi, which she calls a “a veritable wasteland” for pain treatment. 

Pain News Network invites other readers to share their stories with us. Send them to editor@painnewsnetwork.org.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

What is Opioid Use Disorder?

By Rochelle Odell, Columnist

You’ve probably heard or seen the phrase “Opioid Use Disorder.”  It’s a broad term currently being used to describe not only opioid addiction, but patterns of behavior that might be a sign of addiction or could lead to it.

If that sounds like they’re putting the cart before the horse, it’s because they are.

In order to understand Opioid Use Disorder, one must understand the government's stance on opioids. The National Institute on Drug Abuse – which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) – lays it out in a recently revised statement on the opioid crisis:

“Every day, more than 90 Americans die after overdosing on opioids. The misuse of and addiction to opioids--including prescription pain relievers, heroin and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl--is a serious national crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare."

Notice how they lump prescription pain relievers in with heroin and illicit fentanyl?  The more I research, the more I find this common thread of illogical thinking. The government consistently lumps pain medication in with illicit drugs.

Here’s another example from the NIH: 

“In 2015, more than 33,000 Americans died as a result of an opioid overdose, including prescription opioids, heroin, and illicitly manufactured fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid.

That same year, an estimated 2 million people in the United States suffered from substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers, and 591,000 suffered from a heroin use disorder.”

Substance use disorders “related” to pain relievers? Heroin use disorder? That got me wondering how many drug “disorders” there are.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), there are six major substance use disorders. Nearly 93,000,000 Americans have a substance use disorder of some kind:

1) Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD): About 17 million Americans have AUD. According to the CDC, alcohol causes 88,000 deaths a year. 

2) Tobacco Use Disorder: Nearly 67 million Americans use tobacco. According to the CDC, cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths a year.

3) Cannabis Use Disorder: Over 4 million Americans meet the criteria for a substance use disorder based on their marijuana use. No estimate is provided on the number of deaths caused by marijuana, if any.

4) Stimulant Use Disorder:  This covers a wide range of stimulant drugs that are sometimes used to treat obesity, attention deficit hyperactivity and depression. The most commonly abused stimulants are amphetamine, methamphetamine and cocaine. Nearly 2 million Americans have a stimulant use disorder of some kind.

5) Hallucinogen Use Disorder: This covers drugs such as LSD, peyote and other hallucinogens. About 246,000 Americans have a hallucinogen use disorder.

6) Opioid Use Disorder: Again, this covers both illicit opioids and prescription opioids. In 2014, an estimated 1.9 million Americans had an opioid use disorder related to prescription pain relievers and 586,000 had a heroin use disorder (notice the SAMSHA numbers are somewhat different from what the NIH tells us).

But what exactly is Opioid Use Disorder?  Does it mean 2.5 million Americans are addicted to opioids?


The diagnostic codes used to classify mental health disorders were revised in 2013 to cover a whole range of psychiatric symptoms and treatments. Two disorders – “Opioid Dependence” and “Opioid Abuse” -- were combined into one to give us “Opioid Use Disorder.” Few recognized at the time the significance of that change, it's impact on pain patients, or how it would be used to inflate the number of Americans needing addiction treatment.

Elizabeth Hartley, PhD, does a good job explaining what Opioid Use Disorder is in an article for verywell.

Hartley wrote that Opioid Use Disorder can be applied to anyone who uses opioid drugs (legal or illegal) and has at least two of the following symptoms in a 12 month period:

  • Taking more opioids than intended
  • Wanting or trying to control opioid use without success
  • Spending a lot of time obtaining, taking or recovering from the effects of opioids
  • Craving opioids
  • Failing to carry out important roles at home, work or school because of opioid use
  • Continuing to use opioids despite relationship or social problems
  • Giving up or reducing other activities because of opioid use
  • Using opioids even when it is unsafe
  • Knowing that opioids are causing a physical or psychological problem, but using them  anyway
  • Tolerance for opioids.
  • Withdrawal symptoms when opioids are not taken.

The last two criteria will apply to almost every chronic pain patient on a prescription opioid regimen. So might some of the others. Most of us develop a tolerance for opioids, and if they are stopped or greatly reduced, we will experience withdrawal symptoms.  We simply cannot win for losing. 

If you learn your physician has diagnosed you with Opioid Use Disorder, be sure to ask them what criteria were used and why was it selected. Ask if you should see a doctor more knowledgeable about diagnostic codes and psychiatric disorders. 

Remember, knowledge is power. Take this information with you on your next visit to the doctor if you suspect you have been diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder and your medications have been cut or reduced.

I hope what I have written helps you further understand exactly what we are facing and why. To be honest, it makes me want to wave the white flag, but I know that cannot happen.  We have to fight. Fight for proper care for a chronic disease or condition we didn't ask for or want. We can’t live the rest of our lives in severe, debilitating pain when effective treatment is available.  

Rochelle Odell lives in California. She’s lived for nearly 25 years with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS/RSD).

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

The Difference Between Addiction and Dependence

By Michael Thompson, Guest Columnist

When a person consumes alcohol or takes a mood altering medication, several things start to happen. First, they begin to develop a tolerance for it, so that over time it takes more of the drug to get the same effect. That can lead to abuse and addiction.

A person may also develop a dependence on a drug.  That means they have a clinical need for a medication.  

Many pain sufferers have found they need more opioid medication to provide relief from their pain, but that doesn’t mean they abuse or misuse it. It also doesn’t make them addicts.

I am dependent on my blood pressure medication to keep my blood pressure in check, but I’m not addicted it. Diabetics are dependent on their medication, but they are not addicted. 

Last year the CDC came out with opioid prescribing guidelines for general practitioners. But restricting the legal prescribing of these drugs will have no effect on the fact that most addicts don’t get their medication from Walgreens or Wal-Mart.  They get their drugs from Bobby the Rat behind Walgreens, or behind the pool hall from Billy the Snitch or Joe the Jerk.  What Bobby, Billy and Joe are selling is heroin, counterfeit painkillers and other illegal drugs.

What effect do these restrictive guidelines have on the illegal use of opioids?  None whatsoever.  The prescribing of opioid painkillers has been on the decline for years.  Most people who overdose are killing themselves with illegal drugs, not drugs obtained from their family doctor. 

Sure, everyone has heard of doctor shopping junkies who will go to an unscrupulous physician, who for $20 in cash will write an opioid prescription without even an examination. But the number of addicts pales in comparison to the number of legitimate chronic pain suffers who have been on these quality-of-life saving drugs for years without ever abusing their medications. Most have no idea where to find Bobby, Billy or Joe, or how to go about buying illegal drugs on the street.

Millions of older adults suffer from osteoarthritis and other neurologically painful conditions for which there is no cure, but there is treatment.  Many are on high doses of pain medication and have been taking these drugs for years, without ending up in the gutter shooting heroin or with a tag on the toe, lying on a tray in in the county medical examiner’s office.  They are not the ones causing headlines. 

Many doctors wrongly believe the CDC guidelines are rules that apply to all who prescribe opioid medication.  They fear that the DEA will come barging in if they go over a minimal amount, prosecute them and take away their license.  Their fear has left many chronic pain patients hanging out to dry, including some who will die because their pain is not being appropriately treated. 

If you have ever suffered from chronic, intense pain you are aware that it is all consuming.  It literally takes over your life.  Many, like me, who once led active lives on high doses of opioids, are now housebound, unable to shop, cook, clean or in many cases even just walk from the bedroom to the kitchen. 

It is a horrible existence, sitting in a chair all day, just trying to make it from morning to evening, and then unable to sleep because the pain is so intense.  Many of these once functional chronic pain sufferers have had their medication cut in half or more. 

As a personal example, I have two torn rotator cuffs that won’t heal.  I have had two surgeries that failed to correct the problem.  My surgeon says he won’t do any more surgeries because the rotator cuffs just continue to tear.  But that’s not all.  I have no cartilage left in my knees, a detached bicep tendon in my left elbow, and peripheral neuropathy in my feet and hands that causes them to burn and ache.  It’s been years since I was able to wear shoes. 

Before the CDC guidelines came out, I was on 6 pills of opioid medication a day.  I had been on this dose for five years and never once abused my medication or took more than was prescribed.  I was able to play golf and worked out three times a week, which helped me to keep my weight off.  When my pain specialist cut my dose in half, I literally crashed and burned.  Since then I have been practically home bound.  My story is similar to that of many other chronic pain sufferers.

So what do we do?  Practically every chronic pain patient has been running from one doctor to another, trying to find someone who will maintain them on the medication that helped them to live a somewhat normal life.  Imagine going to a new specialist, only to find the waiting room filled with dozens of other “new patients” trying to find someone, anyone, who wasn’t terrified of the DEA.

Is the CDC aware that their guidelines for primary care doctors have turned into rules for everyone?  Surely someone has told them about this.  Surely they know.

What’s to become of us?  Will we see a spike in the suicide rate of older adults who can no longer stand the daily struggle?  Will anyone care?

There are a lot of organizations that have tried to explain that the guidelines are not hard and fast rules and that they apply only to general practitioners. But fear is a stronger motivator than common sense. 

It cannot be that drug addicts are more important than patients. Don’t suffer in silence. Call, write a letter, or email your senators and congressman.

Don’t know who represents you in Congress? You can look them up by clicking here.

Michael Thompson is a retired clinical social worker and a licensed chemical dependency counselor. He lives in Texas.

Pain News Network invites other readers to share their stories with us.  Send them to:  editor@PainNewsNetwork.org

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represents the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

A Pained Life: Speak Up, Speak Out

By Carol Levy, Columnist

I saw an advertisement on TV a few days ago. It was for some sort of a patch they were hawking for those with pain.

The testimonials were typical: "I use it and it's wonderful," said one man. "I recommend it highly," says a woman.

One testimonial really caught my attention: "I use it because I don't want to become addicted to pain medication."

So now the lie is even in TV commercials: Pain medication leads to addiction. And that should be your first thought and worry.

Never mind the reality that few people who use opioids for pain management become addicted. The lie has taken hold and is now part of the myth and stereotype; there is an epidemic of painkiller abuse and overdoses, and pain patients are on their way to addiction when they use these medications.

What bothers me about this, other than the spread of and belief in the lie, is the too many posts from members of chronic pain groups who have bought into the mythology and do not understand the difference between addiction and dependence.

They write they were on such and such a medication, often non-narcotic drugs like Lyrica, Cymbalta or anti-convulsants; drugs that do not have addictive properties.

"I have tried to get off it but I get sick when I do. Could I be addicted?"

No. Not from the poster's words. It may be physical dependence, which is nothing to be sneezed at. It is a bad problem and requires hard work to get off the medication. But that does not make it addiction.

The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines addiction behavior as an “inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response.”

PainEDU.org defines dependence as a “state of adaptation that is manifested by a drug class-specific withdrawal syndrome that can be produced by abrupt cessation, rapid dose reduction, decreasing blood level of the drug, and/or administration of an antagonist.”

I cannot recall every reading or talking with people in chronic pain who said liked the narcotics they were prescribed. No one has ever said to me, "Wow. I love the way this drug makes me feel."

They may write or say the opioid has helped reduce their pain and that makes them happy, but invariably this lament usually follows: "But I hate the way it make me feel. Foggy, dry mouthed, and slow."

I hate writing and saying this because we have so much on our plates already, just getting through a day with pain, but we have to be the advocates. We have to get out the word that we do not take these drugs for fun. For some of us they are truly life savers. And yet it is our voice that seems to be absent in the midst of all the media hoopla and sensationalism.  

It is past time for us to take up our pens and raise our voices. We are the ones who get hurt by the misinformation. It is up to us to change the conversation.

Carol Jay Levy has lived with trigeminal neuralgia, a chronic facial pain disorder, for over 30 years. She is the author of “A Pained Life, A Chronic Pain Journey.” 

Carol is the moderator of the Facebook support group “Women in Pain Awareness.” Her blog “The Pained Life” can be found here.

The information in this column should not be considered as professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It is for informational purposes only and represent the author’s opinions alone. It does not inherently express or reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.