Growing Number of Seniors Discovering Medical Benefits of Cannabis

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

A new survey shows that medical marijuana is increasingly being used by California seniors to treat pain, insomnia, depression and other conditions associated with old age. Many began using cannabis for the first time as older adults.

Researchers at the University of California at San Diego surveyed 568 seniors at a geriatric clinic in southern California. All were at least 65 years of age, and most were older than 75.

Fifteen percent of the seniors said they have used cannabis products within the past three years, with the method of consumption evenly split between lotions (35%), tinctures (35%) and smoking (30%). Over three‐quarters reported cannabis “somewhat” or “extremely” helpful in managing their symptoms, with few adverse effects.

Although medical marijuana has been legal in California since 1996, sixty-one percent of respondents said they used cannabis for the first time as older adults. Recreational use in California was legalized in 2016.

“Most older adults in the sample initiated cannabis use after the age of 60 years and used it primarily for medical purposes to treat pain, sleep disturbance, anxiety, and/or depression. Cannabis use by older adults is likely to increase due to medical need, favorable legalization, and attitudes,” researchers reported in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society.

Over half of respondents (53%) reported using cannabis on a daily or weekly basis. The majority (78%) used cannabis for medical purposes only, with the most common conditions being pain/arthritis (73%), sleep disturbance (29%), anxiety (24%), and depression (17%).

“It is not surprising that a rising percentage of seniors consider cannabis to be a viable therapeutic option in their later years. Many seniors struggle with pain, anxiety, restless sleep, and other conditions for which cannabis products may help mitigate,” said Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML, a marijuana advocacy group.

“Moreover, many seniors are well aware of the litany of serious adverse side-effects associated with available prescription drugs, like opioids or sleep aids, and they perceive medical cannabis to be a practical and potentially safer alternative.”

Most respondents said their family and friends knew of their cannabis use, but less than half (41%) reported their healthcare provider was aware.

Previous studies have found that cannabis is growing in popularity among older adults, primarily due to changes in public attitudes.

Nationwide survey findings recently published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that about 5% of adults aged 55 and older said they'd used marijuana or hashish in the previous month. Use was almost twice as high among men, with 6.7% reporting cannabis use compared to 3.5% of women.

Although interest in medical marijuana is growing, there is limited research in the U.S. on its effectiveness in treating pain and other symptoms, especially among seniors.

A large study in Israeli found medical marijuana can significantly reduce chronic pain in elderly patients without adverse effects. Many patients were also able stop or reduce their use of opioid medication.    

Nearly 60 percent who originally reported "bad" or "very bad" quality of life said their lives had improved to "good" or "very good." And over 70 percent reported moderate to significant improvement in their symptoms. About one in four Israeli adults use cannabis, one of the highest rates in the world.

Study Finds Cannabis Does Not Reduce Opioid Abuse  

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

It’s a common belief that cannabis may reduce the use of opioids and may even help solve the opioid crisis. But a new study by researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health found that people with substance abuse problems are just as likely to use heroin or to misuse prescription opioids on days when they consume cannabis.

The study, published in the journal Addiction, is believed to be one the first to test whether adults with substance abuse problems are substituting opioids with cannabis. Researchers followed 211 adults in the New York City area for 90 days, asking if they had used cannabis, heroin, or misused prescription opioids.

Participants were mostly male, unemployed, unmarried, and had a high prevalence of substance misuse and pain. “Misuse” of prescription opioids was defined as taking more pain medication than prescribed or without a prescription.

On average, participants reported they used cannabis on 15% of days without opioids, opioids were used on 15% of days without cannabis, and both cannabis and opioids were used on 7% of days. On days that participants used cannabis, the odds of using opioids nearly doubled. The findings were consistent whether participants were experiencing pain or not.

"Our results suggest that cannabis seldom serves as a substitute for non-medical opioids among opioid-using adults, even among those who report experiencing moderate or more severe pain," said Deborah Hasin, PhD, professor of epidemiology at Columbia Mailman School. "In other words, our study suggests that cannabis is not an effective way to limit non-medical opioid use."

Cannabis Users Need More Anesthesia

Another recent study found that cannabis may actually raise pain levels for patients recovering from surgery. In an analysis of 118 patients who had surgery for a broken leg at a Colorado hospital, researchers found that cannabis users needed more anesthesia during surgery than non-users. They were also more likely to have post-operative pain and use higher doses of opioid pain medication while hospitalized.

The findings, presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, adds to the growing body of research suggesting that patients who use cannabis have higher anesthesia needs and more surgery-related pain.

"There is some evidence that cannabis may be beneficial for chronic and nerve pain. However, early research suggests that this is not the case for acute pain such as for surgery of a broken leg," said lead author Ian Holmen, MD, an anesthesiology resident at the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora, where the study was conducted.

"We now understand patients who chronically use opioids prior to surgery often have exaggerated pain responses and need increased pain medication after surgery because they have an increased tolerance. We speculate that cannabis use may cause a similar effect, but we need more research to determine if this is the case."

Holmen and his colleagues found that cannabis users had higher pain scores while recovering from surgery and received 58% more opioids per day while hospitalized. They also needed about a third more anesthesia. The amount of anesthesia during surgery is typically based on observations of a patient’s involuntary body movements, increased heart rate, high blood pressure or increased rate of breathing, which are signs the patient may be experiencing more pain.

Researchers did not include in the study patients who suffered from chronic pain or those who had previously been prescribed opioids.

"This study shows that it is important for patients to tell their physician anesthesiologist if they have used cannabis products prior to surgery to ensure they receive the best anesthesia and pain control possible, including the use of non-opioid alternatives," said Holmen. "It also confirms that more research is needed to understand how cannabis impacts pain."

A 2019 study of patients who had colonoscopies found that regular marijuana users required three times the amount of a common sedative, propofol, as did nonusers.

Cannabis-Based Drugs Risky for Older Patients with COPD

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

While many senior citizens are discovering the benefits of medical cannabis in relieving pain and other health problems, a large new study suggests caution is warranted for those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Researchers at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto say older adults with COPD who take prescription drugs made with synthetic cannabinoids were 64% more likely to die. The odds are even worse for elderly patients with COPD who take high-dose cannabinoids for the first time. New users had a 178% higher risk of being hospitalized for COPD or pneumonia and a 231% increased risk of death.

"Cannabinoid drugs are being increasingly used by older adults with COPD, so it is important for patients and physicians to have a clear understanding of the side-effect profile of these drugs," says lead author Nicholas Vozoris, MD, a respiratory specialist at St. Michael's and assistant professor at the University of Toronto.

"Our study results do not mean that cannabinoid drugs should be never used among older adults with COPD. Rather, our findings should be incorporated by patients and physicians into prescribing decision-making. Our results also highlight the importance of favouring lower over higher cannabinoid doses, when these drugs actually do need to be used."

The study analyzed the health data of over 4,000 older adults diagnosed with COPD who took either nabilone or dronabinol, two medications made with synthetic cannabinoids that are used to treat nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite.

The findings, published in the journal Thorax, suggest that nabilone and dronabinol may cause sedation and suppress breathing in patients whose health is already compromised by COPD, a progressive lung disease that causes difficulty breathing and chronic coughing.

"Older adults with COPD represent a group that would likely be more susceptible to cannabinoid-related respiratory side-effects, since older adults less efficiently break down drugs and hence, drug effects can linger in the body for longer,” said Vozoris.

“Cannabinoids may not be any safer to use among older adults with COPD than opioids, which are also associated with a heightened risk of respiratory- related morbidity and mortality. While further research is needed to confirm the safety profile of cannabinoid drugs among older adults with COPD, our findings should be taken into consideration in prescribing decision making in this population.”

Cannabis and Menopause

While high doses of cannabinoids may not be appropriate for older patients with COPD, many middle-aged women are using cannabis to treat symptoms of menopause.

According to a small study being presented at the annual meeting of The North American Menopause Society, over one in four women have either used or are currently using cannabis to manage menopause symptoms.

The study involved 232 female military veterans (average age of 56) living in Northern California. Over half reported hot flashes and night sweats regularly. Twenty-seven percent said they had used marijuana to help battle menopause symptoms, while another 10% said they were interested in trying cannabis.

“While the therapeutic use of cannabis by veterans is not altogether uncommon, this study is among the first to highlight veterans’ use of marijuana for this particular condition. Given cannabis’ relatively high rate of use among the women in this cohort, scientists and others would be well-advised to further explore its safety, efficacy, and prevalence among women experiencing menopause,” said Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML, a marijuana advocacy group.

A 2018 survey of over 2,700 elderly patients in Israel found that medical marijuana significantly reduced their chronic pain without adverse effects. Nearly one in five patients stopped using opioid medication or reduced their dose.

Study Finds Cannabis Effective for 82% of Migraine Patients

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Nearly a third of migraine patients have tried medical marijuana or cannabinoids to relieve their pain and other symptoms, according to a large new study that found 82 percent of those who used cannabis found it effective in providing pain relief.

The study gathered data from nearly 10,000 migraine sufferers in the U.S. and Canada who use Migraine Buddy, a migraine tracking app made by Healint, a healthcare technology company based in Singapore. Participants ingested cannabis by a variety of different methods, such as smoking, vaping, tinctures, oils and edibles. No form of ingestion was signficantly more effective than another.

"Cannabis is becoming a prominent treatment option for chronic pain patients, especially for migraineurs," Healint CEO and co-founder Francois Cadiou said in a press release.

"With more and more states across the United States legalizing medical marijuana, migraine patients are becoming acquainted with cannabis as a natural remedy that can help alleviate migraines and even prevent them. Research about the benefits of cannabis use among migraine patients is slowly emerging, but more must be done to properly inform individuals about the use and dosage of medical marijuana to treat migraines."

The findings are similar to a 2019 study, published in The Journal of Pain, that found inhaled cannabis cut headache and migraine severity in half. The effectiveness of cannabis diminished over time, however, as migraine patients appeared to develop a tolerance for the drug and used larger doses for pain relief.

Another recent study, published in the Journal of Integrative Medicine, reported that 94 percent of migraine sufferers who inhaled cannabis experienced symptom relief within two hours.

A major weakness of all three studies is that there was no control group or use of a placebo, and the data was self-reported by patients on mobile software apps. The Migraine Buddy app allows users to report the duration, frequency and intensity of their migraines and medication use, as well as information about sleep, diet and weather-related triggers.

“Migraines have a debilitating impact on tens of millions of Americans and, in many cases, are poorly addressed by conventional therapies. Therefore, it is not surprising to see a significant percentage of migraine sufferers turning to cannabis as a therapeutic option. Those that do so are consistently reporting it to be safe and effective at reducing both migraine symptoms and migraine frequency,” said Paul Armentano, Deputy Director of NORML, a marijuana advocacy group.

About a billion people worldwide suffer from headaches caused by migraines, which affect three times as many women as men. Over 37 million people in the United States live with migraines, according to the American Migraine Foundation.

Election May Determine Whether Marijuana Will Be Decriminalized

By Dr. Lynn Webster, PNN Columnist

“Times have changed. Marijuana should not be a crime,” Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) said last year when she and Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) introduced the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act (MORE Act). The current Democratic vice-presidential nominee called the legalization of marijuana an important step "toward racial and economic justice."

“We need to start regulating marijuana and expunge marijuana convictions from the records of millions of Americans so they can get on with their lives," said Harris.  

"Racially motivated enforcement of marijuana laws has disproportionally impacted communities of color. It’s past time to right this wrong nationwide and work to view marijuana use as an issue of personal choice and public health, not criminal behavior," added Nadler, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee.

Thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical cannabis and several states allow its recreational use.  If it became law, the MORE Act would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level by removing it as a Schedule I controlled substance.

That wouldn't instantly remove all restrictions; states could still prohibit the sale of cannabis. But the MORE Act would give states more latitude to create laws to suit their needs, establish a trust fund to support programs for communities impacted by the war on drugs, and destroy or seal records of marijuana criminal convictions.

Game Changing Legislation

This week the House Judiciary Committee passed the MORE Act and later this month the full House is expected to approve the bill and send it to Senate. Chances are the bill will not pass the Senate, because Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) opposes it -- while paradoxically supporting hemp farming.

However, if the MORE Act passes, it would be a game changer. It could open the floodgates for the development of products that contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive compound in marijuana.  Some research suggests THC alone, or THC and cannabidiol (CBD) combined, could be more effective than CBD alone for treating pain, anxiety, insomnia and other conditions. More research could discover life-changing new treatments.

Since THC has rewarding properties, such as inducing euphoria, any drug that includes THC would likely be a controlled substance. Nevertheless, decriminalizing marijuana would create enormous economic opportunities for growers and anyone in the business of finding solutions to medical problems for which marijuana or its derivatives may be useful.

It doesn’t seem likely that marijuana will be decriminalized at the federal level this year. Congress criminalized marijuana in 1937 and all attempts to reform the law at the federal level have ultimately failed. Our current Senate is unlikely to change the status quo.

But the upcoming election will likely determine whether the MORE Act has a chance to become law in the near future. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden supports legalization and decriminalization at the federal level, while President Trump is generally opposed to changing federal marijuana laws. The election will also determine which party controls the House and Senate.

It behooves every voter to become familiar with the candidates' positions regarding cannabis. Criminalizing marijuana has caused great harm. We, as voters, have the power to change that.  

Lynn R. Webster, MD, is a vice president of scientific affairs for PRA Health Sciences and consults with the pharmaceutical industry. He is author of the award-winning book The Painful Truth, and co-producer of the documentary It Hurts Until You Die. Opinions expressed here are those of the author alone and do not reflect the views or policy of PRA Health Sciences. You can find him on Twitter: @LynnRWebsterMD.

DEA Proposes Cuts in Opioid Supply for Fifth Consecutive Year

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

For the fifth year in a row, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is proposing significant cuts in the supply of hydrocodone, oxycodone and several other opioid pain medications classified as Schedule II controlled substances.

The cuts are partly based on a prediction by the Food and Drug Administration that medical need for the drugs will decline by over a third in 2021.

In a notice published Tuesday in the Federal Register, the DEA proposes to reduce production quotas for hydrocodone by 9 percent and oxycodone by 13 percent in 2021. The supply of hydromorphone would be reduced by nearly 20% and fentanyl by 29% next year.  

The DEA first proposed cuts in the supply of opioids during the Obama administration and the trend has accelerated under President Trump. If approved, the 2021 production quotas would amount to a 53% reduction in the supply of both hydrocodone and oxycodone since 2017.

DEA consulted with the FDA, CDC and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) before making its recommendations. The key analysis came from the FDA, which provides DEA with annual estimates of medical usage for controlled substances like opioids.

“FDA's predicted levels of medical need for the United States was expected to decline on average 36.52 percent for calendar year 2021. These declines were expected to occur across a variety of schedule II opioids including fentanyl, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, codeine, and morphine,” the DEA said.

The FDA’s analysis, however, came before COVID-19 infections became widespread in the United States. That led to an increase in demand for injectable opioids used to treat seriously ill coronavirus patients on ventilators.

Faced with growing shortages of those drugs, the DEA issued an emergency order in April raising production quotas for injectable pain medications. Many of those drugs, such as injectable fentanyl and hydromorphone, are still listed on an FDA database of drug shortages.     

DEA said its production quotas for 2021 reflect an “anticipated increase in demand for opioids used to treat patients with COVID-19.”

“Despite this public health emergency, DEA remains focused on the challenges presented by opioid addiction and its effect on the health and wellbeing of the millions of Americans and their families who have become dependent upon or addicted to them. The potential for addiction and misuse exists in every community and remains a pressing health issue with significant social and economic implications,” the agency said.

As PNN has reported, prescription opioids play only a small role in the U.S. opioid epidemic. A new CDC report estimates that nearly 85% of drug overdoses in the first six months of 2019 involved illicit fentanyl, heroin and other street drugs. Prescription opioids were linked to about 20% of overdoses.

In addition to reducing the supply of opioids, the DEA is proposing a significant cut in the production quota for marijuana, which is still classified as a Schedule I controlled substance. To accommodate increased demand for marijuana research, the DEA raised the 2020 quota for marijuana to 3,200 kilograms. Those gains would be reversed in 2021, with production quotas for marijuana and marijuana extracts being reduced to 1,700 kilograms.

Public comments will be accepted on the DEA’s proposed production quotas until October 1, 2020. Comments can be made by clicking here.

Pilot Study Finds Cannabis Helpful in Treating Sickle Cell Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Cannabis may be an effective way to reduce acute and chronic pain in patients with sickle cell disease, according to a small pilot study published in JAMA Network Open.

Sickle cell is a genetic disease that affects about 100,000 people in the U.S., mostly of African or Hispanic descent. Their red blood cells are rigid and sickle-shaped, which causes blockages in blood vessels, starves tissues and organs of oxygen, and causes periods of intense pain.

Researchers at UC Irvine and UC San Francisco enrolled 23 adult sickle cells patients in a placebo-controlled study to see if inhaled cannabis could be a safe adjunct to opioid medication in treating sickle cell pain. Most patients continued to use opioids during the course of the five-day trial. Participants inhaled either vaporized cannabis or a placebo three times a day. The cannabis had an equal ratio of CBD and THC – the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis.

As the five-day study period progressed, patients who inhaled cannabis reported that pain interfered less and less with their daily activities, such as walking and sleeping, and there was a significant drop in how much pain affected their mood. The decline in pain levels was not considered statistically significant, however.

Although the findings were mixed, researchers say their pilot study should pave the way to larger clinical studies of cannabis as a treatment for sickle cell pain.

"These trial results show that vaporized cannabis appears to be generally safe," said Kalpna Gupta, PhD, a professor of medicine at UCI Irvine's Center for the Study of Cannabis. "They also suggest that sickle cell patients may be able to mitigate their pain with cannabis—and that cannabis might help society address the public health crisis related to opioids. Of course, we still need larger studies with more participants to give us a better picture of how cannabis could benefit people with chronic pain."

Opioid medication has been the primary treatment for sickle cell pain. But with many physicians now reluctant to prescribe opioids due to fears of addiction, overdose and government prosecution, sickle cell patients have been left with fewer options.

“In the current climate of increased awareness of the ongoing opioid epidemic, it would have been encouraging if this study had demonstrated decreased use of chronic analgesics during the active cannabis vaporization phase,” researchers concluded. “Our study’s small sample size and short duration may have contributed to the inability to demonstrate decreased opioid use among participants receiving the active drug compared with the placebo.”

Of the 33 U.S. states that have legalized medical cannabis, only four have included sickle cell disease as a qualifying condition. That forces many sickle cell patients to obtain cannabis from unapproved sources.

"Pain causes many people to turn to cannabis and is, in fact, the top reason that people cite for seeking cannabis from dispensaries," Gupta said. "We don't know if all forms of cannabis products will have a similar effect on chronic pain. Vaporized cannabis, which we employed, may be safer than other forms because lower amounts reach the body's circulation. This trial opens the door for testing different forms of medical cannabis to treat chronic pain."

A recent small study in Israel found that very low “microdoses” of inhaled THC can significantly reduce chronic pain in patients with neuropathy, radiculopathy, phantom limb pain or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).

Study Finds Cannabis Effective for Treating Depression

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Consuming dried cannabis flowers significantly reduces symptoms of depression and works much faster than pharmaceutical antidepressants, according to a new study of over 1,800 cannabis consumers.

The study findings, published in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, is the latest research derived from the Releaf App, a free mobile software program that collects self-reported, real-time information from people on their use of cannabis and its effect on chronic pain, depression and over two dozen other medical conditions.

This particular study excluded the use of cannabis edibles, lotions and oils, and focused solely on cannabis buds that were smoked or inhaled through a vaporizer.

Over 95% of participants in the study reported a decline in depression within hours of ingesting cannabis, with an average reduction in symptom intensity of nearly 4 points, based on a numerical zero to 10 depression scale.

Relief from depression did not vary by the strain of cannabis consumed, but flowers with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) were the strongest predictors of symptom relief. THC is the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. Levels of cannabidiol (CBD) were generally unrelated to changes in depression.

“Almost all patients in our sample experienced symptom relief from using Cannabis to treat depression and with minimal evidence of serious side effects in the short run,” researchers reported.

“One of the most clinically relevant findings from this study was the widely experienced relief from depression within 2 hours or less. Because traditional antidepressants have times-to-effect in weeks, short-term Cannabis use might be a solution to these delays in treatment or could be used to treat acute episodes associated with suicidal behavior and other forms of violence.”

Prescription drugs used to treat depression include sedatives such as benzodiazepines and antidepressants such as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors and tricyclics, as well as anticonvulsant medicines. Most normally take several weeks or months to cause significant relief and have potential side effects such as sedation and suicidal thoughts. Benzodiazepines have become particularly difficult for many pain patients to obtain if they are also prescribed opioid medication.

Medical marijuana is legal in 33 U.S. states and Washington, DC, but depression is not generally recognized as an approved condition under state-regulated medical marijuana programs.

“With no end to the depression epidemic in site, and given the limitations and potential severe negative side effects of conventional antidepressant medications, there is a real need for people to be able to treat mood disturbances with natural, safe, and effective medications, and cannabis checks off all three boxes,” co-author Jacob Vigil, PhD, a University of New Mexico psychology professor, told Forbes.

An earlier study by Vigil using data from the Releaf App found that cannabis flowers rich in THC reduced pain levels an average of three points on a 0 to 10 pain score. Those who ingested cannabidiol (CBD) did not experience similar pain relief.

Another study derived from ReLeaf App data found that cannabis can provide relief from a wide range of symptoms associated with chronic pain, including insomnia, seizures, anxiety and fatigue.

A significant weakness of these studies is that they rely on cannabis users to subjectively self-report their symptoms outside of a clinical setting. There is also no control group or way to measure the quality or quantity of the cannabis they are ingesting.   

Study Finds Microdosing THC Reduces Pain Levels

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Very low doses of inhaled THC – the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis – can significantly reduce pain levels in chronic pain patients, according to a small study conducted in Israel.

The concept of “microdosing” cannabis isn’t new, but this was the first clinical study to demonstrate its effectiveness in temporarily relieving pain. The study was sponsored by Syqe Medical, an Israeli medical technology company that makes an inhaler designed to deliver microdoses of cannabis and other drugs.

The study involved 27 patients living with neuropathy, radiculopathy, phantom limb pain or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), who self-reported pain levels of at least 6 on a zero to 10 pain scale. Participants were randomly assigned to three groups that inhaled either a placebo or two different microdoses of THC.  

The most effective dose to relieve pain was just 500 micrograms of THC, inhaled 3-4 times per day. Participants reported a 2 to 3 point reduction in their pain levels for 150 minutes.  

A typical cannabis patient might consume 150,000 micrograms of THC per day – about 75 times more than the highest dose used in the study. Researchers say their findings, published in the European Journal of Pain, suggest that pain patients can benefit from dramatically lower doses.

"We can conclude from the study results that low doses of cannabis may provide desirable effects while avoiding cognitive debilitations, significantly contributing to daily functioning, quality of life, and safety of the patient,” said lead researcher Elon Eisenberg, PhD, Director of the Multidisciplinary Pain Relief Unit at Rambam Health Care Campus in northern Israel.

“The doses given in this study, being so low, mandate very high precision in the treatment modality. This precision is unique to the Syqe drug delivery technology, enabling cannabis dosing at pharmaceutical standards."

There were side effects from inhaling microdoses of THC. About 20% of patients reported feeling “high” or experienced dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, cough or dry mouth. But researchers said there was “no evidence of consistent impairment” in any of the participants.

The risk of impairment from THC is one reason researchers and cannabis companies have largely focused on the medical benefits of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound also found in marijuana. CBD is not psychoactive, while THC can make people impaired – at least in high doses.

"This study is the first to show that human sensitivity to THC is significantly greater than previously assumed, indicating that if we can treat patients with much higher precision, lower quantities of drug will be needed, resulting in fewer side effects and an overall more effective treatment,” said Perry Davidson, CEO of Syqe Medical.

“The Syqe drug delivery technology is also applicable to opioids and other compounds that, while potentially effective, are notoriously associated with dangerous side effects. The introduction of a tool to prescribe medications at such low doses with such high resolution may allow us to achieve treatment outcomes that previously were not possible."

In addition to cannabis, the company is also exploring the use of its inhaler to deliver other drugs for treating pain, sleep, anxiety and cancer. The Syqe inhaler is sold in Israel by Teva Pharmaceuticals. Approval is also being sought to begin sales in Europe, Canada and Australia. Syqe is planning to submit a medical device application to the Food and Drug Administration in the United States.

Most Patients Say Cannabis Effective for Musculoskeletal Pain

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

The vast majority of people with musculoskeletal pain who have tried medical cannabis say it is an effective pain reliever and over half believe it works better than other pain medications, according to a new study released by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.  

Researchers surveyed 629 patients being treated at orthopaedic clinics to see how widely cannabis is being used for chronic muscle and joint pain that can be caused by arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis and many other conditions.

“Over time, we’ve certainly seen an increase in the use of cannabis to manage musculoskeletal (MSK) pain,” said lead author Timothy Leroux, MD, an orthopaedic surgeon and assistant professor at the University of Toronto.

“There is definite interest to see if cannabis can be used to manage chronic MSK pain, as opposed to other conventional treatments such as anti-inflammatories and opioids. With this study, we wanted to get a lay of the land as to who is using it, what proportion are using and what they perceive the efficacy to be.”

One in five of the patients surveyed said they are currently using or have tried cannabis to manage their MSK pain. Of those, 90% said cannabis was effective, 57% believe it works better than other pain medications, and 40% said it decreased their use of other drugs.

Patients who used cannabis for MSK pain were more likely to have multiple conditions, including depression, back pain, chronic pelvic pain and chronic neck pain. They were also more likely to use muscle relaxants and opioids for pain relief.

The most common form of cannabis used was cannabidiol (39%) and the most common route of ingestion was CBD oil (60%). Over a third of patients said they spent at least $200 per month on cannabis products.

Among the cannabis users, only 26% received a recommendation from a physician. Most said they tried cannabis at the urging of a friend or family member.

“Most doctors, especially orthopaedic surgeons, don’t have prescribing power for cannabis, so there is minimal physician oversight when it comes to cannabis use to manage chronic MSK pain,” said Leroux. “To complicate things, it’s a little bit of a Wild West in the cannabis industry in terms of what you get in a product, namely actual vs. labelled composition, and consistency.

“Another challenge is that we don’t fully know what products, formulations, dosages, and routes of administration are best to manage chronic MSK pain. Given the high rate of use observed in this study and little physician oversight, there’s an impetus for us as a medical community to try to understand what role, if any, cannabis may serve in the management of chronic MSK pain.”

Even among non-users, there was a fair amount of interest in cannabis. Sixty-five percent reported an interest in trying cannabis for MSK pain. Common barriers to using cannabis were stigma and lack of knowledge about its efficacy, doses and routes of administration.

“We tend to associate cannabis with a younger age due to recreational use, but in our study, age was not a significant factor influencing use for the management of chronic MSK pain,” said Leroux. “Patients reported use well into their 80’s, many whom we assumed would want to use more conventional products.

“We’d like to repeat this study in the next few years to see how use and demographics change as people become more comfortable with the idea of cannabis as the norm as well as what role state legalization plays in patients’ attitudes towards its use.”

Study: Using Cannabis for Pain Relief Reduces Risk of Opioid Overdose

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Illicit drug users who use cannabis for pain relief are less likely to experience an opioid overdose or use heroin, according to a Canadian study recently published in the online journal PLOS ONE.

Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) the BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) interviewed nearly 900 illicit drug users in Vancouver who reported using cannabis between 2016 and 2018. Participants were asked whether they used cannabis to relieve pain, improve sleep, address nausea or for recreation. Most said they used cannabis for a medically therapeutic reason.

"We're seeing more and more in our research that people are using cannabis for therapeutic reasons," says lead author Stephanie Lake, a doctoral candidate at UBC's School of Population and Public Health. "We're also seeing that, for some individuals in our study, this therapeutic use corresponds with either less use of illicit opioids or a reduced risk of overdose."

Participants who used cannabis for pain relief had lower odds of a non-fatal opioid overdose and for injecting heroin daily. Previous research from the BCCSU found that many people at risk of overdose, particularly those living with pain, may be using cannabis to reduce their reliance on illicit opioids.

Another key finding of the study was that therapeutic cannabis users relied on illicit sources for their cannabis supply – even though medical marijuana was fully legalized in Canada in 2013. About half of study participants said that illegal dispensaries were their most important source of cannabis.

"The mounting evidence related to the motivations behind people's cannabis use strongly suggests that improving access to cannabis for therapeutic purposes could help reduce overdose risk associated with illicit opioid use," says M.J. Milloy, PhD, a research scientist at BCCSU who was senior author of the study.

"Authorities should pause their efforts to close unregulated sources of cannabis and eliminate the illicit market until barriers to legal cannabis are addressed, especially during the overdose crisis."

Vancouver was the first major North American city to be hit by a wave of overdoses involving illicit fentanyl, heroin and other street drugs. A public health emergency was declared in British Columbia in 2016. Since then, Vancouver has become a laboratory of sorts for novel ways at addressing addiction, such as providing a “safe supply” of prescription opioids and prescription heroin to illicit drug users.

“Our community and many others across Canada and the United States are experiencing an opioid overdose crisis rooted, in part, in inadequately or inappropriately-managed chronic pain and sparked by widespread exposure to an unregulated illicit opioid supply contaminated with potent opioid analogues,” researchers concluded. “Our finding may also reflect an opioid-sparing effect of cannabis, whereby opioids are not replaced, but the dosage or frequency of opioid required for analgesia is reduced with the use of cannabis.”

Other studies have debunked the idea that medical cannabis reduces opioid use. Two large studies published last year found no evidence that legalizing cannabis reduces prescription opioid use, overdose or mortality.

“We tested this relationship and found no evidence that the passage of medical marijuana laws — even in states with dispensaries — was associated with a decrease in individual opioid use of prescription opioids for nonmedical purposes," researchers found.

A 2018 study suggested that cannabis legalization could actually make the opioid crisis worse, concluding that “cannabis use appears to increase rather than decrease the risk of developing nonmedical prescription opioid use and opioid use disorder.”

The Other Side of Cannabis

By Madora Pennington, PNN Columnist

I knew from my friend Nick’s Facebook feed that he was a cannabis enthusiast. His posts preached how it cures pretty much everything and will lead us to world peace.

Nick never tired of encouraging me to try it for my pain from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, even as I explained repeatedly that since my mother was psychotic, I avoid all drugs which may cause psychosis. Theoretically, I am at higher risk for that adverse reaction.

Psychosis is a disconnection from reality. A person may have delusions, hallucinations, talk incoherently and experience agitation. Since the 1970s, researchers have been investigating whether cannabis can trigger a psychotic break or full-blown schizophrenia. Daily users of highly potent cannabis are five times more likely to develop psychosis. The risk comes not only from genetic factors, but also from early-life neglect or abuse and even being born in the winter.

Having a rare and complicated medical condition, I get a lot of advice. I took Nick’s insistence I go on cannabis as kindness, as I take all unsolicited health tips. Our social media friendship grew. When my husband and I took a trip to his part of the world, he invited us to stay with him.

Nick picked us up at the train station in the English countryside looking like a dashing movie star. Slim and trim in a crisp Oxford shirt and Ray Bans, spryly maneuvering our luggage, he was still attractive in his 70s. Speaking English like Prince Charles, he confessed, “I am actually a cannabis farmer. I expect no trouble from the local police, but would you prefer to get a hotel room in town?”

My husband and I once risked our lives in the back alleys of Hong Kong to get me a fake Hermes bag. We did not need to consult with each other. We opt for adventure. I would not miss my chance to live a Jane Austen fantasy.

We ate off Nick’s three centuries-old family silver, the forks worn down from hundreds of years of scooting food across the plate. We sat beneath the Regency era portraits of his ancestors. Nick had a room devoted to his cannabis crop, growing fast underneath sun simulating lamps. The odor from the plants permeated his entire country home.

In real life, just as on Facebook, Nick’s favorite subject was the virtues of cannabis. He had been using it since he was a young man. Decades ago, he had spent a couple of years in prison for distribution. Recently his wife had left him over his devotion to marijuana. It was clear from Nick’s stories and life choices that cannabis had created tremendous tension with his family.

We talked of him coming to stay with us in Los Angeles, how we could all go to San Francisco to visit the Haight, as Nick was a genuine 1960s hippie. But leaving home to travel was a problem for him. When he does, he has to ask a friend to tend to his plants, which also means asking the friend to break the law.

Our days with Nick at his charming cottage were governed by his need to partake. Our visits to local sites were cut short, so he could be done driving and functioning for the day, and get home to get high. He did not seem to enjoy the excursions and seemed overwhelmed by being out and about, his anxiety growing, urging us to wrap up and get back home.

Cannabis Side Effects

Like Nick, many people are certain that marijuana helps them get by. On it, life is tolerable and pleasant. Anxiety is calmed. They are out of pain and able to sleep. But are they really benefiting?

At first, marijuana has a calming effect, but over time it negatively changes the way the brain works, causing anxiety, depression and impaired social functioning. With regular use, memory, learning, attention, decision-making, coordination, emotions, and reaction time are impaired. Heavy cannabis use lowers IQ

This damage can persist, even after use stops. Teenage users are more likely to experience anxiety, depression and suicidality in young adulthood. According to the CDC, about 1 in 10 marijuana users will become addicted. For people who begin using younger than age 18, 1 in 6 become addicted.

As is the case with other mood-altering substances, cannabis withdrawal symptoms — which include irritability, nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, shakiness, sweating, fever, chills and headache — provokes the desire to use.

If someone is using cannabis to escape emotional distress, they never get the chance to deal with underlying problems. Psychiatrist Dr. David Puder recommends to his patients on cannabis that they stop in order to benefit from therapy.

“When they are off of marijuana, they have the ability to be present and really process what they will need to process in therapy in order to get over anxiety and depression,” Puder says, noting that users will often experience a flood of emotions and memories once they stop.

Medical marijuana has been approved for chronic pain and over 50 other health conditions by various states. Whether it actually helps with pain is uncertain. The U.S. Surgeon General warns the potency of marijuana has changed over time and what is available today is much stronger than previous versions. Higher doses of THC (the psychoactive chemical in cannabis) are more likely to produce anxiety, agitation, paranoia and psychosis. Consumers are not adequately warned about these potential harms.

House Guests

Our friend Nick was sure his marijuana use was his choice and that he was not addicted. He insisted my husband and I get high with him.

What is a polite house guest to do? Go along, of course, although we prefer whiskey and a steak. Nick promised we would love it, and that we were free to go upstairs and have sex and open up about anything. We giggled awkwardly. I ingested the smallest possible dose.

Nick then got higher than we had seen him during our entire visit, wolfing down his dinner in minutes. Then, after promising we’d have a tremendous evening of emotional openness and transcendent sharing, he burst into tears recounting how he was the victim of violence in his youth.

I felt for him, it was a horrifying event. Was this unresolved trauma the cause of a lifetime of drug use, denial and self-isolation? We had to wonder. It was truly awkward and uncomfortable, but Nick didn’t seem to remember his outburst. When we returned home, he continued to hound me to take up cannabis.

Madora Pennington writes about Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and life after disability at Her work has also been featured in the Los Angeles Times.

The opinions expressed in this column are those of the author alone and do not inherently reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of Pain News Network.

Frequent Cannabis Use Linked to High Pain Levels

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

People who use medical marijuana multiple times a day are more likely to have high levels of chronic pain, but that may be a reflection of other health problems, according to a new study.

The study, recently published in the International Journal of Drug Policy, is based on a survey of 295 medical marijuana dispensary patients in Los Angeles in 2013. Participants were asked about their pain levels, how often they used marijuana, and how their current health status compared to a year earlier.

Those who reported high levels of pain were more likely to use cannabis three or more times a day, but researchers say they could also be using cannabis for conditions such as nausea, anxiety and insomnia.

"It may not be the pain that patients are trying to address," said lead author Alexis Cooke, a postdoctoral scholar in psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. "Having high chronic pain is related to poorer health, so it may be that people who are using marijuana more often already had worse health to begin with.

"Chronic pain is also associated with depression and anxiety. Marijuana may help with these problems for some people, even if it doesn't help with the pain.”

Among those surveyed, 31% reported high pain levels, 24% had moderate pain, and 44% were in the low-pain category.

The percentage of participants who used marijuana daily did not differ by pain category. But about 60% of those who reported high pain used cannabis three or more times a day, compared to 51% of those with moderate pain and 39% of those in the low-pain group.

The findings showed no association between daily marijuana use and changes in health status for those with low levels of pain. But daily marijuana use was linked to worsening health for people with high pain levels.

"It's not clear if marijuana is helping or not," said co-author Bridget Freisthler, a professor of social work at The Ohio State University. "The benefits aren't as clear-cut as some people assume."

"It shows how little we know about marijuana as medicine, how people are using it, the dosages they are receiving and its long-term effects."

While the findings are mixed, the authors concluded that for cannabis, “the best available evidence suggests a possible benefit for the treatment of chronic pain.”

It all may boil down to how much tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) -- the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana – is in the cannabis people are consuming.

A recent survey of nearly 3,000 cannabis users by researchers at the University of New Mexico found that those who used whole cannabis flowers or buds rich in THC reduced their pain levels an average of three points on a 0 to 10 pain score. Surprisingly, those who ingested cannabidiol (CBD) did not experience similar pain relief.

An earlier study by the same researchers found that cannabis also provides relief from insomnia, seizures, depression, anxiety and fatigue. That study also found that THC was more important than CBD in generating therapeutic benefits.

Most Medical Cannabis Has Too Much THC

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

More than 90% of the medical cannabis products advertised in the U.S. contain more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than is recommended for chronic pain relief, according to a large new study published in the journal PLOS ONE.

THC is the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that makes people “high.” Previous studies have shown that medical cannabis containing about 5% THC is effective for treating neuropathic pain. But researchers at Wake Forest University found that many cannabis products sold at dispensaries contain nearly four times as much THC, similar to the amount found in recreational cannabis.

"We know that high-potency products should not have a place in the medical realm because of the high risk of developing cannabis-use disorders, which are related to exposure to high THC-content products," said lead author Alfonso Edgar Romero-Sandoval, MD, associate professor of anesthesiology at Wake Forest School of Medicine.

Romero-Sandoval and his colleagues found that over 8,500 medical cannabis products advertised online contain an average THC concentration of 19.2% -- similar to the average 21.5% THC in recreational cannabis. At least one medical cannabis product contained 35% THC.

Ironically, lower concentrations of cannabinoids (CBD) – the compound in marijuana most often associated with pain relief – were found in high THC cannabis.

“These stated concentrations seem unsuitable for medicinal purposes, particularly for patients with chronic neuropathic pain. Therefore, this information could induce the misconception that high potency cannabis is safe to treat pain,” researchers reported.

“This data is consistent with reports in which THC and CBD in products from legal dispensaries or in nationwide products from the illegal market were actually measured, which indicates that patients consuming these products may be at risk of acute intoxication or long-term side effects.”

Medical cannabis is legal in 33 U.S. states and in Washington, DC. The cannabis products analyzed in the Wake Forest study were advertised by 653 legal dispensaries in California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

Most had THC content well above 15 percent, with Maine reporting the least (70%) and Colorado having the most (91%).


Researchers say between 60% and 80% of people who use medical marijuana use it for pain relief. High concentrations of THC put them at greater risk of intoxication, dependency and tolerance — which means higher and higher concentrations might be needed to get the same level of pain relief.

"It can become a vicious cycle," Romero-Sandoval said. "Better regulation of the potency of medical marijuana products is critical. The FDA regulates the level of over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen that have dose-specific side effects, so why don't we have policies and regulations for cannabis, something that is far more dangerous?"

A recent study published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research found that cannabis products often come with misleading labels and marketing claims.

“Widespread mislabeling of hemp and cannabis products has been documented by both independent researchers and the FDA and other organizations. Underlabeling and overlabeling of both CBD and THC content have been reported,” the authors found.

“The actual contents of available products can vary considerably from what are disclosed on the label; sometimes no CBD is present at all. Inadequate label information also poses risks of unintended, unwitting, or overconsumption of THC, the primary intoxicating compound in cannabis, as well as potentially harmful contaminants.”

Can Medical Cannabis Treat Acute Pain?

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Medical cannabis is often touted as a treatment for chronic pain, but surprisingly little is known about its effectiveness in treating short-term, acute pain – like a toothache or post-operative pain.

In a new systematic review published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, Canadian researchers found there was a small but meaningful reduction in pain scores with medical cannabis compared to placebo in patients experiencing acute pain.

Researchers at McMaster University and Northern Ontario School of Medicine reviewed 25 clinical studies dealing with cannabis and acute pain, but could find only six that met their criteria for size and quality.

Five of the studies dealt with the oral administration of cannabinoids, while the sixth involved the intramuscular injection of levonantradol -- a potent synthetic cannabinoid used in research -- that was given to 56 patients suffering from post-operative or trauma pain.

Interestingly, while that study was conducted nearly 40 years ago, the levonantradol injections were found to be the most effective method for administering cannabinoids for acute pain.

“There is low-quality evidence indicating that cannabinoids may be a safe alternative for a small but significant reduction in subjective pain score when treating acute pain, with intramuscular administration resulting in a greater reduction relative to oral,” said co-author Herman Johal, MD, a researcher and orthopedic trauma surgeon at McMaster University.

“There was a significant difference in the effect size between oral and nonoral routes of administration. This indicated that there may be differences in efficacy for acute pain based on route of administration.”

Johal and his colleagues say the oral absorption of cannabinoids is slow and can take hours before there is any pain relief – which is not ideal for someone recovering from surgery. Inhaled cannabinoids work much faster – about ten minutes – but may not be suitable in a hospital setting.

In short, while cannabinoids show some promise in treating acute pain, a lot more research is needed.

“Our review highlights the need for further research to investigate the optimal route and composition of cannabinoids in the acute pain setting, including large, high-quality randomized clinical trials to better understand the risks and benefits of cannabinoids in this patient population,” Johal wrote.

Common adverse effects from cannabinoids in the acute pain studies included nausea and dizziness.