Studying Natural Opioids Could Lead to New Non-Addictive Analgesics

By Dr. John Streicher, University of Arizona

Opioid drugs such as morphine and fentanyl are like the two-faced Roman god Janus: The kindly face delivers pain relief to millions of sufferers, while the grim face drives an opioid abuse and overdose crisis that claimed nearly 70,000 lives in the U.S. in 2020 alone.

Scientists like me who study pain and opioids have been seeking a way to separate these two seemingly inseparable faces of opioids. Researchers are trying to design drugs that deliver effective pain relief without the risk of side effects, including addiction and overdose.

One possible path to achieving that goal lies in understanding the molecular pathways opioids use to carry out their effects in your body.

What Are Natural Opioids?

The opioid system in your body is a set of neurotransmitters your brain naturally produces that enable communication between neurons and activate protein receptors. These neurotransmitters include small protein-like molecules like enkephalins and endorphins. These molecules regulate a tremendous number of functions in your body, including pain, pleasure, memory, the movements of your digestive system, and more.

Opioid neurotransmitters activate receptors that are located in a lot of places in your body, including pain centers in your spinal cord and brain, reward and pleasure centers in your brain, and throughout the neurons in your gut. Normally, opioid neurotransmitters are released in only small quantities in these exact locations, so your body can use this system in a balanced way to regulate itself.

The problem comes when you take an opioid drug like morphine or fentanyl, especially at high doses, for a long time. These drugs travel through the bloodstream and can activate every opioid receptor in your body. You’ll get pain relief through the pain centers in your spinal cord and brain. But you’ll also get a euphoric high when those drugs hit your brain’s reward and pleasure centers, and that could lead to addiction with repeated use. When the drug hits your gut, you may develop constipation, along with other common opioid side effects.

Targeting Opioid Signals

How can scientists design opioid drugs that won’t cause side effects?

One approach my research team and I take is to understand how cells respond when they receive a message from an opioid neurotransmitter. Neuroscientists call this process opioid receptor signal transduction. Just as neurotransmitters are a communication network within your brain, each neuron also has a communication network that connects receptors to proteins within the neuron.

When these connections are made, they trigger specific effects like pain relief. So, after a natural opioid neurotransmitter or a synthetic opioid drug activates an opioid receptor, it activates proteins within the cell that carry out the effects of the neurotransmitter or the drug.

Opioid signal transduction is complex, and scientists are just starting to figure out how it works. However, one thing is clear: Not every protein involved in this process does the same thing. Some are more important for pain relief, while some are more important for side effects like respiratory depression or the decrease in breathing rate that makes overdoses fatal.

So what if we target the “good” signals like pain relief and avoid the “bad” signals that lead to addiction and death? Researchers are tackling this idea in different ways. In fact, in 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first opioid drug based on this idea, oliceridine, as a painkiller with fewer respiratory side effects.

However, relying on just one drug has downsides. That drug might not work well for all people or for all types of pain. It could also have other side effects that show up only later on. Plenty of options are needed to treat all patients in need.

Inhibiting a Protein Relieves Pain

My research team is targeting a protein called Heat shock protein 90, or Hsp90, which has many functions inside each cell. Hsp90 has been a hot target in the cancer field for years, with researchers developing Hsp90 inhibitors as a treatment for many cancer types.

We’ve found that Hsp90 is also really important in regulating opioid signal transduction. Blocking Hsp90 in the brain blocked opioid pain relief. However, blocking Hsp90 in the spinal cord increased opioid pain relief. Our recently published work uncovered more details on exactly how inhibiting Hsp90 leads to increased pain relief in the spinal cord.

Our work shows that manipulating opioid signaling through Hsp90 offers a path forward to improve opioid drugs. Taking an Hsp90 inhibitor that targets the spinal cord along with an opioid drug could improve the pain relief the opioid provides while decreasing its side effects. With improved pain relief, you can take fewer opioids and reduce your risk of addiction. We are currently developing a new generation of Hsp90 inhibitors that could help realize this goal.

There may be many paths to developing an improved opioid drug without the burdensome side effects of current drugs like morphine and fentanyl. Separating the kindly and grim faces of the opioid Janus could help provide the pain relief we need without addiction and overdose. 

John Streicher, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Arizona. Dr. Streicher has published over 70 peer-reviewed articles and is engaged in numerous drug discovery campaigns to create new analgesics. He receives funding from the National Institutes of Health, the Arizona Biomedical Research Commission, the Flinn Foundation, and the University of Arizona.

This article originally appeared in The Conversation and is republished with permission.

Study Finds Friendship ‘Stronger than Morphine’

By Pat Anson, Editor

People with more friends and large social networks have a higher tolerance for pain, according to a new study by researchers at Oxford University.

Scientists believe that social bonding activities such as music, dancing and laughter activate the body’s endogenous opioid system, releasing natural endorphins that not only make you feel better when seeing friends, but can also relieve pain.

“Endorphins are part of our pain and pleasure circuitry -- they're our body's natural painkillers and also give us feelings of pleasure,” says Katerina Johnson, a doctoral student at Oxford University, who is studying whether differences in neurobiology can explain why some people have larger social networks than others.

“To test this theory, we relied on the fact that endorphin has a powerful pain-killing effect -- stronger even than morphine.”

Johnson and her colleagues enrolled 107 healthy young adults in a squatting exercise to test their tolerance for pain. Participants were told to squat against the wall with their knees bent at a 90° degree angle, and to hold that position and endure the discomfort for as long as possible.

Questionnaires were also completed by the participants to measure their personality traits and physical fitness, and to see how often they interacted with friends.

Not surprisingly, people who were more fit were able to hold the squatting position longer. But so did people with larger social networks.  

“Obviously we had to bear in mind that fitter individuals may be able to endure this physical pain test for a longer length of time.  However, even when we take this into account, our results show that pain tolerance still significantly predicts network size,” Johnson wrote in an email to Pain News Network.

An unexpected finding was that fitter people in the study tended to have smaller social networks.

“It may simply be a question of time -- individuals that spend more time exercising have less time to see their friends. However, there may be a more interesting explanation -- since both physical and social activities promote endorphin release, perhaps some people use exercise as an alternative means to get their 'endorphin rush' rather than socializing,” she said.

Since only healthy people participated in the study, Johnson admits her research may not apply well to chronic pain patients. But since many pain patients are disabled and unable to work or participate in many social activities, there could be some lessons to learn.

“When considering chronic pain, it seems like it may be a vicious circle whereby the more an individual is in pain, the less interested they are in interacting socially with others and their smaller social networks may in turn result in reduced activity of the endorphin system (thereby worsening their pain).  Perhaps also individuals that are genetically predisposed to reduced endorphin activity (and lower social motivation) are more likely to develop chronic pain conditions,” Johnson wrote.

“Another finding of our study was that individuals with smaller social networks tend to be more stressed, and stress is also thought to exacerbate pain.  However, clearly the underlying neurochemistry in pain responses is complex, though the endorphin system is heavily implicated in pain responses given its potent analgesic properties.”

The study findings are reported online in the journal Scientific Reports.