Integrative and Comprehensive Pain Management Provide Only Small Benefits

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

As concerns rose in recent years about opioid addiction and overdoses, it became trendy for healthcare providers to offer “comprehensive” or “integrative” pain management programs to patients – usually a combination of medication, physical and behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes and alternative treatments such as massage and acupuncture.

But a new study commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that integrative and comprehensive pain management provide only small improvements in pain and function for people with chronic pain.   

Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) reviewed 57 “fair quality” clinical studies, most involving patients with moderate chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. Although the improvements in pain and function were small and the evidence limited, researchers concluded that integrative (IPMP) and comprehensive (CPMP) pain management programs worked about as well as individual treatments.

“Our review suggested that IPMPs and CPMPs may provide small to moderate improvements in function and small improvements in pain for patients with chronic pain compared with usual care and may be more effective than some medications alone. The average improvements in function and pain in our review were consistent with those reported for other therapies for pain, including opioids for chronic pain, nonpharmacologic treatments, and surgery,” researchers found.

One of the problems researchers encountered was the mish-mash of terms used to define integrative and comprehensive pain management – such as multimodal, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and biopsychosocial – the meaning of which often varies from provider to provider. Researchers said there was “no firm consensus on their definition or use,” which made it harder to evaluate their effectiveness. Only a few of the reviewed studies compared treatments head-to-head and many were of poor quality.

Although none of the trials specifically included Medicare patients, researchers concluded that IPMPs and CPMPs should be more widely used to address pain in the Medicare population.   

“To the extent that programs are tailored to patients’ needs, our findings are potentially applicable to the Medicare population. Programs that address a range of biopsychosocial aspects of pain, tailor components to patient need, and coordinate care may be of particular importance in this population,” they said. 

“Although use of selected individual treatments may serve some patients, a broader range of therapies that address the full scope of biopsychosocial concerns available in formal programs may benefit others. Research in the Medicare population and in patients with a broader range of pain conditions is needed as is research on the impact of program structures, coordination methods, and components on patient outcomes. Additional evidence from primary care-based programs is particularly needed.” 

One of the co-authors of the AHRQ study is Dr. Roger Chou, a primary care physician who heads the Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center at OHSU.  Chou, who co-authored the 2016 CDC opioid guideline, is a prolific researcher who has collaborated on several occasions with members of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP), an anti-opioid advocacy group.

PROP Vice President Gary Franklin, MD, “provided input” on the AHRQ study, as well as others.

In July, Chou declared a conflict of interest and recused himself from a meeting of the CDC’s Board of Scientific Counselors, which is evaluating a revision and possible expansion of the agency’s controversial guideline. Chou’s recusal apparently applied only to that meeting, as he is one of the co-authors of the revised opioid guideline — which has yet to be released publicly — and continues his involvement in federally funded pain research. 

OHSU researchers have conducted a series of reviews on a wide variety of pain therapies for the AHRQ. According to the website GovTribe, over the last five years OHSU has been awarded over $2 billion in federal grants for medical research. 

A group of patient advocates and researchers recently called for a congressional or DOJ investigation of the CDC opioid guideline, due to Chou’s significant role in writing it and his then-undeclared conflicts of interest.