Chronic Pain Patients Report Improvement from Cannabis Oil

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Patients with chronic pain and other illnesses who did not respond to conventional treatment reported improvements in pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue and quality of life after being prescribed cannabis oil for three months, according to a large new Australian study. There were no improvements in patients with insomnia.

Researchers at the University of Sydney surveyed 2,327 patients with chronic health issues who were prescribed cannabis oil products containing cannabinoids, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). The oils are made by Little Green Pharma , a company that specializes in cannabis-based medicine and provided funding for the Quality of Life Evaluation Study (QUEST Initiative).

Over two-thirds of the participants (69%) suffered from chronic pain. Half were being treated for more than one health condition; and one in four were unemployed, on leave, or had limited work duties due to illness.   

Medical cannabis was legalized in Australia in 2016. Cannabis is only available by prescription in Australia to patients with health conditions that are unresponsive to conventional treatment.

“Short-term findings over 3-months indicate that patients prescribed MC (medical cannabis) in practice have improved HRQL (health-related quality of life) and reduced fatigue. Patients experiencing anxiety, depression, or chronic pain also improved in those outcomes over 3-months, but no changes in sleep disturbance were observed in patients with sleep disorders,” researchers reported in PLOS ONE.  

“The study continues to follow patients over 12-months to determine whether improvements in PROs (patient reported outcomes) are maintained long-term. In addition, further subgroup analyses will be undertaken to determine whether patients with specific health conditions have better outcomes compared with others when using validated condition-specific questionnaires.”

The researchers did not measure adverse effects in the QUEST Initiative, but 30 participants withdrew from the study due to “unwanted side effects.” The authors noted that more research on cannabis oil products used in the study is needed in order to successfully treat patients with insomnia and sleep disorders.

Another recent survey in Australia of patients with chronic illness found significant improvements in their physical and mental health after they started using medical cannabis. Most of the cannabis products in that study were oils containing CBD and/or THC.