The Real Story Behind the Overdose Epidemic

By Stefan Franzen, Guest Columnist

A recent commentary in The New York Times by German Lopez (“The Perils of Legalization’) flatly states that prescription opioids caused the overdose epidemic.

“The problem began with a legal, regulated drug: prescription painkillers,” Mr. Lopez writes, while building a case against legalization as a solution to our drug problems.

“Many of the people now using heroin or fentanyl began with painkillers. And drug cartels started to more aggressively ship heroin and fentanyl to the U.S. once they saw a promising customer base in the growing number of painkiller users.”

Mr. Lopez is confused. Heroin has been illegal in the U.S. since Congress passed the Harrison Act in 1914, yet that hasn’t stopped millions of Americans from trying heroin, just as Prohibition failed to stop people from drinking alcohol. The same is true for other illegal drugs, such cocaine, LSD and marijuana.

Prescription opioids are legal drugs when obtained by a doctor’s prescription. To suggest that we tried legalization and it failed is simply not true. Perhaps Mr. Lopez is confusing the liberalization of opioid prescribing that began in 1997 with legalization. In that case, yes, there was a movement in the medical community and by some drug makers to expand the use of opioids for pain.

Mr. Lopez does report correctly that many of the problems that arose during that period resulted from the failure of the Drug Enforcement Administration to carry out its responsibility to investigate when there was evidence of massive shipments of painkillers to rural counties by companies such as Purdue Pharma.

The role of the government in failing to protect consumers is the real story missed by the mainstream media, who are too busy informing the public about the latest lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies and opioid distributors. The consumers who were hurt the most were, and still are, persistent pain patients.

Of course, it is also tragic that many people were caught up in opioid prescribing and became addicted, due to a complete failure to investigate when Purdue began sending millions of OxyContin pills to rural counties in states like West Virginia and Tennessee. The mistake made here was not “legalization.” It was permitting greed and corruption to co-opt an effort by the medical community to reach people who had the greatest pain.

It is a false narrative that the overdose epidemic arose from the expansion of opioid prescribing and that drug cartels are only targeting pain patients.

Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show why that is a totally false assumption. The CDC estimates that nearly 108,000 people died from overdoses in 2021, a 15% increase from the year before. Drug deaths involving synthetic opioids – mostly illicit fentanyl – rose to 71,000, and there were 33,000 deaths linked to methamphetamine and other stimulants.  

Only 13,000 overdoses last year were linked to prescription opioids -- about 12% of all drug deaths -- but there is no data available to tell us how many of those overdoses involved patients who were actually prescribed the drugs. It’s safe to assume most of those who died took a prescription opioid intended for someone else that was bought or stolen. Or perhaps they took one of the millions of counterfeit pills flooding the country.     

Overdose deaths due to illicit fentanyl and other street drugs have been rising for years, yet nearly every media story continues to exaggerate the role of prescription opioids, leaving the public with the completely mistaken impression that doctors prescribing to pain patients caused the overdose epidemic. Commentators like Mr. Lopez, who have few facts to back up their statements, have no idea how much harm these statements cause to our most vulnerable citizens.

There was no “legalization” of prescription drugs, since they were already legal. And it was not a failed experiment to treat people in pain with greater decency -- just greed, corruption and incompetence that spoiled efforts to bring some quality of life to patients who suffer the worst types of pain, whether it is sickle cell disease, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, muscular dystrophy or adhesive arachnoiditis.

Others who suffer terrible pain are wounded veterans, car accident survivors and burn victims. I did not mention cancer, which obviously can be extremely painful, only because cancer is the one disease that commentators sometimes admit should be treated with opioid therapy. Lacking a pain meter to provide data, I will simply point out that any disease that causes substantial physiological changes, inflammation or tissue degeneration can be intensely painful. We should all respect that fact. We are all susceptible to pain.   

We must meet the anti-opioid zealots whenever they write or speak and call them out for their inaccurate and ill-informed commentary. Sadly, forums like National Public Radio and The New York Times did not respond to my attempts to call attention to the facts they got wrong. As a scientist, I believe in evidence.

Stefan Franzen, PhD, is a Professor of Chemistry at North Carolina State University.

Franzen is the author of “Patient Z” – a book that looks at pain, addiction and the opioid crisis through the eyes of a patient who can’t find good pain care because opioid medication has been criminalized and many doctors are now too afraid to prescribe it.