CDC Considering ‘Update or Expansion’ of Opioid Guideline
/By Pat Anson, PNN Editor
When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released its controversial opioid prescribing guideline in March 2016, it pledged to study the impact of the guideline on patients, doctors and pain treatment in the United States.
“CDC is committed to evaluating the guideline to identify the impact of the recommendations on clinician and patient outcomes, both intended and unintended, and revising the recommendations in future updates when warranted,” the agency said.
Three and a half years later, after widespread reports of patient suffering, abandonment and suicide, the CDC may finally be getting around to an update. But it may not be what patients and doctors were hoping for.
In a meeting next week of the Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC) for the CDC’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC), guideline co-author Dr. Deborah Dowell is scheduled to give a 30-minute presentation entitled “Background for Updating the CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids.”
According to the agenda for the December 4 meeting in Atlanta, Dowell’s presentation will be preceded by an update from NCIPC Director Dr. Debra Houry, who oversaw development of the opioid guideline. Presentations are also planned on overdose prevention and the formation of an “Opioid Workgroup.”
“CDC is scheduled to give a background presentation for a potential update/expansion of the CDC Guideline,” Courtney Lenard, a CDC spokesperson, said in an email to PNN. “CDC will also request that NCIPC’s BSC establish an Opioid Workgroup to provide expert input and observations on a possible update or expansion of the guideline.”
Public pressure has been building on the CDC to clarify the guideline — but not to expand it. Although voluntary and only intended for primary care physicians treating chronic pain, the guideline’s recommended limits on opioid prescribing have been widely adopted as policy by federal agencies, state governments, insurers, pharmacy chains and many doctors.
The guideline has also been applied to short-term acute pain situations, such as patients being treated for post-surgical pain or emergency room trauma. Last year, CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield said he wanted the agency to develop opioid prescribing guidelines for acute pain and to use a new enhanced data system to track overdoses in hospital emergency rooms.
“I hope this does not become CDC Prescribing Guideline 2.0. In the original CDC Guideline, the identity of the key expert group was unknown, there were concerns over conflict of interest and secrecy, and legislatures or regulatory agencies eventually adopted the guideline and treated it as gospel despite the limitations stated in the report,” said Stephen Ziegler, PhD, a Professor Emeritus at Purdue University.
Last year the American Medical Association took a stand against the “misapplication” and “inappropriate use” of the guideline -- and adopted a resolution stating that some patients “can benefit from taking opioids at greater dosages than recommended by the CDC.”
In April, the Food and Drug Administration warned that many patients were being tapered off opioids inappropriately, putting them at risk of withdrawal, uncontrolled pain and suicide. That was followed days later by a pledge from Redfield to re-evaluate the guideline and “clarify its recommendations.”
A clarification is long overdue. In a PNN survey early this year of over 6,000 pain patients and healthcare providers, an overwhelming majority said the guideline was harmful to patients and should be revised.
“Cannot understand or know why the CDC will not speak out on the harm done to undertreated, denied and abandoned patients,” one patient told us.
“The guidelines were written in secret, and the carnage that we predicted has come to pass,” said an emergency medicine physician.
“They should be revoked. People are suffering and committing suicide due to inability to tolerate suffering. This is inhumane,” another provider wrote. “It blemishes CDC’s reputation.”
CDC Funding AHRQ Studies
Instead of getting input from doctors and patients on the impact of the guideline, the CDC appears to be focused on more research to help expand its use. PNN has learned that the CDC is funding three new studies on the effectiveness of opioid and non-opioid therapies — essentially doubling down on previous research that found little evidence that opioids are effective for chronic pain.
“CDC is funding the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) through an interagency agreement to conduct systematic reviews of new scientific evidence that has been published since the Opioid Prescribing Guideline was released,” said CDC’s Lenard. “The reviews will evaluate the effectiveness and comparative effectiveness of opioids, non-opioid pharmacologic therapy, and nonpharmacologic therapy for chronic and acute pain.
“Results of these reviews will help CDC determine whether evidence gaps have been addressed and if the Opioid Prescribing Guideline should be updated or expanded. If a Guideline update or expansion occurs, the development process would include consideration of findings from the systematic reviews and an additional public comment period through the Federal Register once an update or expansion is drafted.”
All three AHRQ studies were awarded on the same day – at an estimated cost of $1.1 million – to the Pacific Northwest Evidence-based Practice Center at Oregon Health & Science University, which is headed by Dr. Roger Chou, one of the co-authors of the CDC guideline.
As PNN has reported, Chou is a primary care physician and longtime researcher who has publicly aligned himself with Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing (PROP), an influential anti-opioid activist group that seeks drastic reductions in the use of opioid medication.
Chou recently co-authored an article with PROP President Dr. Jane Ballantyne and PROP board member Dr. Anna Lembke that encourages doctors to consider tapering “every patient receiving long term opioid therapy.”
Chou also consulted with PROP founder Dr. Andrew Kolodny and other PROP members for Oregon Pain Guidance, an advisory group that claims opioid tapering “will improve the quality of life for the majority of patients.”
It is not clear if PROP members are also involved in the three AHRQ studies, as they were in drafting the CDC guideline. But critics say Chou’s continuing association with PROP raises questions about his impartiality as a researcher.
“For years, we have called out a ‘False Narrative’ that prescription opioids drive the current overdose crisis; current data shows this is demonstrably false,” said Dr. Chad Kollas, a palliative care specialist in Florida. “We have not done as well calling out a “Hidden Narrative,” where PROP-affiliated physicians have wrongly influenced and encouraged the misapplication of federal policy in a way that has systematically harmed vulnerable patients in pain. We must call out their conflicts of interest loudly now.”
As a matter of policy, AHRQ does not release conflict of interest statements or disclose the names of its consultants, investigators and peer reviewers until after its reports are finalized. The AMA is recommending that the agency end that policy.
“We would suggest that AHRQ publish the list of all those involved in any aspect of the report… to help remove any perception of potential conflict,” Dr. James Madara, the AMA’s Executive Director and CEO, wrote in a letter to AHRQ. The letter also urges the agency to clearly state that the opioid epidemic was not fueled by prescription opioids and that its research should not be used to justify tapering.
Draft versions of the three AHRQ studies have been completed and were recently posted for 30 days on the agency’s website. They were removed after a public comment period ended, which is another AHRQ policy. Fortunately, PNN was able to obtain copies before the draft reports were withdrawn from public view.
What did Chou and his researchers conclude? The three draft reviews support many of the same conclusions as the CDC guideline — hardly a surprise since Chou helped write the guideline.
“For patients with chronic pain, opioids are associated with small beneficial effects versus placebo but are associated with increased risk of short-term harms and do not appear to be superior to nonopioid therapy. Evidence on intermediate-term and long-term benefits remains very limited and additional evidence confirms an association between opioids and increased risk of serious harms,” one draft says.
“Findings of this review, with expansion of scope to include short-term trials, support the recommendation in the 2016 CDC guideline that opioids are not first-line therapy for chronic pain and to preferentially use nonopioid alternatives.”
The AHRQ expects to release final versions of the three pain management reports in early 2020. A list of experts and informants will be released at that time, along with any conflicts of interest.
Still unclear is what the CDC will do with the reports and what kind of “update or expansion” the agency is considering for its opioid guideline.