Are You a Covid Long-Hauler?

By Pat Anson, PNN Editor

Body aches, fatigue, depression and brain fog -- symptoms that are all too familiar for people living with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and other chronic pain conditions.

They are also long-term symptoms for many people who become infected with Covid-19 -- so-called “long-haulers” who never quite recover. Estimates vary widely, with one unpublished study finding that up to 80 percent of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 developed one or more long-term symptoms. Even patients who were never seriously ill from Covid face health problems months after their initial infection.

“My body aches, some of them got better, some of them got worse. I developed pains in my hands and in my wrists,” Covid survivor Catherine Busa told the Associated Press. “I know I’m going to sleep, I just can’t wake up. It’s like I don’t feel refreshed. I feel worse in the morning than I did the night before.”

The long-term symptoms of Covid are not fully understood and there is no cure.  But in an effort to get a better understanding of what’s happening, a self-organized group of long-haulers surveyed nearly 3,800 Covid patients around the world to document their lingering neurological and cognitive problems.    

Only 8 percent of long-haulers said they were sick enough to be admitted to a hospital for Covid-19. But the vast majority reported having fatigue, headaches, cognitive dysfunction, malaise and other health problems six months after the onset of symptoms. Nearly half have been unable to return to work.

“Among the most common symptoms were fatigue, worsening of symptoms after physical or mental activity, shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, and ‘brain fog,’ or difficulty thinking clearly,” National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins said in a recent blog on the survey findings. “A small percentage of respondents, thankfully, seemed to have bounced back from brief bouts of Long COVID, though time will tell whether they have fully recovered.”

What makes the research into long-term Covid symptoms all the more pressing is the growing awareness that long-haulers may be acting as incubators for more communicable and deadly strains of the virus. These viral mutations could make Covid vaccines less effective in the future.

If you’re a long-hauler over the age of 18 who has not fully recovered from Covid, you can take the survey by clicking here. The survey is lengthy and will take between 45-75 minutes to complete. Researchers will use the data to release more studies on long-haul Covid in coming months.

Covid-19 Is More Complex Than We Thought

By Roger Chriss, PNN Columnist

Covid-19 initially seemed like a respiratory illness, with symptoms similar to a nasty flu. But it was quickly recognized as more transmissible and deadly, and with the added feature of being novel, meaning that no one had any natural resistance to it.

Now it is becoming clear that Covid-19 is more complex.

Although some people experience a short course of influenza-like symptoms, others also have neurological problems. According to Neurology Advisor, common symptoms associated with COVID-19 include anosmia and dysgeusia -- the impaired ability to smell or taste normally.

In one case study from Italy, reported on by IFL Science, a young woman had a persistent cough and loss of smell as her first symptoms. MRI results showed a “viral brain invasion” that caused inflammation in her olfactory bulb, the part of the brain involved in the sense of smell. Fortunately, the brain inflammation and other symptoms cleared up 28 days later.

A recent study in The BMJ looked at over 20,000 patients hospitalized with Covid-19 in the UK. Researchers found that many had pre-existing conditions, such as chronic cardiac disease (31%), diabetes without complications (21%), and non-asthmatic chronic pulmonary disease (18%).  

Less than half the patients (41%) made it out of the hospital alive, 26% of them died, and the remaining 34% were still in the hospital when data collection ended, so their outcomes remain to be seen. Being male or obese were associated with a higher risk of death, along with underlying health problems.

Notably, being over the age of 50 was substantially more hazardous than any other comorbidity – meaning the inflection point for risk is 50 years of age, not the oft-cited 65 seen in the U.S.  

Younger People Affected

Washington State is seeing a rapid rise of Covid-19 in young adults. Early in the outbreak, more than two-thirds of patients were older, but between March 1 and May 3, over a third of new cases (39%) were seen in people aged 20 to 39. It is not clear why this is happening, and deaths remain concentrated among people who are older.

Children may be at greater risk than previously thought. The CDC has recognized multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children as a “rare but serious complication” of Covid-19. The condition causes different body parts to become inflamed, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal organs.

Work to find underlying factors that create this complexity is ongoing. A potential role for the ApoE gene has been identified in work by Biobank. The Guardian reports that people with two variants of the gene, which are associated with heart disease and dementia, had more than double the risk of severe Covid-19.

Two key risk factors identified in the United States are ethnicity and socioeconomic status. According to Johns Hopkins, African Americans and other disadvantaged groups are experiencing infection and death rates that are disproportionately high for their share of the total population.

Work to discover the origins of the coronavirus continues. According to Ars Technica, U.S. researchers conducted a detailed analysis of the coronavirus genomes, and found an evolutionary path connecting them mostly with bats, but also with a key contribution from pangolins, an armadillo-like mammal.

All this points to a complicated future for the pandemic. Risks are spread more broadly across the population and symptoms and clinical course are more varied. At present the best we can do is reduce transmission to stay safe and healthy.

Roger Chriss lives with Ehlers Danlos syndrome and is a proud member of the Ehlers-Danlos Society. Roger is a technical consultant in Washington state, where he specializes in mathematics and research. 

Long Term Risks of COVID-19

By Roger Chriss, PNN Columnist

The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is still mysterious. Although some people experience severe or even life-threatening illness, others only have a mild course and may even be asymptomatic. But emerging evidence is showing that recovery from Covid-19 may be more complicated and include long-term health consequences.

The CDC recently expanded its list of Covid-19 symptoms to include chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and the loss of taste or smell. These symptoms generally start within five days of infection and may last for several weeks before resolution.

Long, Slow Recovery for Some

WebMD reports that for people with severe or critical cases “recovery can take up to six weeks.” Symptoms during that time can include severe fatigue and shortness of breath, making everyday activities like taking a walk or doing laundry a struggle.

Coronavirus patients who were hospitalized describe poor memory and extreme muscle weakness, often needing supplemental oxygen and physical assistance to perform basic daily tasks such as using a bathroom or getting dressed.

For people who require ICU care, recovery can take even longer. NPR reports that some COVID-19 survivors never recover completely and suffer from a condition known as post-intensive-care-unit syndrome, which can cause muscle wasting, organ damage, memory loss and post-traumatic stress syndrome.

"Unfortunately, oftentimes when they're coming off the ventilator, it's not the same person who went on the ventilator," one doctor explained.

All of this is exacerbated for people who are older and have preexisting health conditions. Recovery from any viral illness can be much harder for such people. One mathematical model predicts up to 94,000 Americans aged 65 and older who have hypertension, cardiovascular problems or lung disease could be hospitalized with Covid-19 from April to June, 2020.

Neurological and Cardiac Damage

As often happens with acute viral illness, there are long term consequences with Covid-19. Already there are reports of a link between the coronavirus and Guillain-Barré syndrome, a disorder involving rapid-onset muscle weakness caused by the immune system damaging the peripheral nervous system.

There are also concerns that Covid-19 may cause a wave of neurological illness. Gizmodo reports that on rare occasion, Covid-19 patients have developed brain swelling, strokes and seizures.

Researchers are scrambling to understand the effects of Covid-19 on the brain. Cases of the rare disorder necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy have been reported, according to Wired. Some patients are experiencing loss of smell or taste, though why and for how long remains unclear. Anxiety, insomnia, and possibly even PTSD are being seen as well.

And there is emerging evidence that Covid-19 can also impact heart health. According to Kaiser Health News, a study found cardiac damage in as many as 1 in 5 patients, leading to heart failure and death even for those who have no respiratory problems.

It is clear at this point that Covid-19 is far more serious than a seasonal cold or flu. To date, the pandemic has led to over 55,000 deaths and nearly one million confirmed cases in the U.S.

Hospitals are trying to use artificial intelligence to predict patient outcomes, and researchers are struggling to better understand the full course of the illness. But there is a lot about the coronavirus that remains unknown.

Roger Chriss lives with Ehlers Danlos syndrome and is a proud member of the Ehlers-Danlos Society. Roger is a technical consultant in Washington state, where he specializes in mathematics and research.